Calculating Density of Oil Using Buoyant Force Formula | Homework Help

In summary, we use the formula for buoyant force to determine the density of oil, which is equal to the density of water multiplied by the ratio of the volume of water displaced to the volume of oil. Using this information and the given density of the block of wood, we can calculate the density of oil to be 0.67 g/cm3.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Buoyant force. A block of wood floats in
oil with 90.0% of its volume submerged. What
is the density of oil? The density of the block
of wood is 0.67 g/cm3.

Homework Equations

buoyant force = pgV

The Attempt at a Solution

p(oil) V(oil)=p(h20) V(h20)

p(oil)= p(h20) V(h20) / V(oil)

i know that the V(oil) displaced is equal to .9V(h20)

so, p(oil) = .67 V(h20) / .9 V(h20)

do the terms 'V9h20' simply cancel, leaving me with .67/.9? Thanks
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  • #2
h20? hmmm where did you get that from,I hope you don't mean H2O because my friend this problem has no water to be seen!

You need to use the fact that the block is in equilibrium, thus the buoyancy force is equal and opposite to another force... hmmmm what could that be. It's really easy, have another go at a solution.
  • #3
gah i was half working on another problem while typing this one out, sorry for the stupid typo; thanks for the response

FAQ: Calculating Density of Oil Using Buoyant Force Formula | Homework Help

1. What is buoyant force?

Buoyant force is the upward force exerted by a fluid (such as water) on an object that is submerged or floating in the fluid. It is the result of the difference in pressure between the top and bottom of the object.

2. How is buoyant force calculated?

Buoyant force is calculated by multiplying the density of the fluid by the volume of the displaced fluid and the acceleration due to gravity. This can be expressed as Fb = ρVg, where ρ is the density, V is the volume, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

3. How does the shape and volume of an object affect buoyant force?

The shape and volume of an object play a significant role in determining the buoyant force. Objects with larger volumes will displace more fluid and experience a greater buoyant force. Additionally, objects with a wider base or shape that is more conducive to displacing fluid will also experience a greater buoyant force.

4. What is the relationship between buoyant force and weight of an object?

Buoyant force and weight are directly related, as both are affected by the density and volume of the object. If the buoyant force is greater than the weight of the object, it will float. If the weight is greater than the buoyant force, the object will sink.

5. What are some real-life examples of buoyant force?

Buoyant force can be observed in many real-life scenarios, such as when an object floats in water, a submarine or ship is able to stay afloat, or when a hot air balloon rises into the air. It is also a crucial concept in understanding how marine animals such as fish and whales are able to stay afloat and swim in the ocean.
