Calculating Density of Rock from Mars w/ Uncertainty

  • Thread starter shade585
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In summary: The mass of a particular sample of rock retrieved from Mars is m = 772.2 +/- 0.2 g. The sample is in the shape of a cylinder with height h = 10 +/- 0.1 cm and base radius r = 2.5 +/- 0.1 cm. Using the formula for density, p = m/v, we can calculate the density of the rock sample to be 3932.77 kg/m^3. However, the uncertainty in this calculation is not straightforward and requires the use of propagation of errors. After calculating the uncertainty in volume to be 17.67 cm^3, we can find the uncertainty in density to be 1.014 g/cm^3
  • #1

Homework Statement

the mass of a particular sample of rock retrived from Mars is m=772.2+or-0.2g. The sample is in the shape of cylinder of height h=10+or-0.1 cm and base radius r=2.5 +or-0.1cm. calculate the density of the rock sample in units of kg/m^3. You must state your result in the correct units with its associated uncertainty. The volume of a cylinder is V=pir^2h.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I can get the density but I cannot get the correct uncertainty.

The density I get is

(772.2g/196.35cm^3)((1 kg/m^3)/10^-3g/cm^3)=3932.77 kg/m^3

I believe the uncertainty is supposed to be +or-400 but I end up with four.

(delta p)/(3.9g/cm^3) = .2/772.2 + .14/196.35

delta p = .004 g/cm^3

.004 g/cm^3 ((1kg/m^3)/(10^-3 g/cm^3) = 4 kg/m^3

Im new to this propagation of errors stuff. Using sig figs other people in my class got either 4000 +or- 400(or +or- 100) I can't remember.
Physics news on
  • #2
The uncertainty for your volume seems off... can you show how you got it?
  • #3
Start with the formula for the density...Take the derivatives with respect to the variables etc... try it and we will hepl along.
  • #4
I tried to find the uncertainty for volume again. I am probably calculating the error wrong.

(delta v/196.35) = 2pi(.1/2.5)+(.1/10)

delta v = 51 cm^3

(delta p)/(3.9g/cm^3) = .2/772.2 + 51/196.35 = 1.014 g/cm^3

1.014 g/cm^3 ((1kg/m^3)/(10^-3 g/cm^3) = 1014 kg/m^3

this seems way to high. I was given an online manuel on how to calculate propagation of error but my calculations always seem off.

To Dr Transport I do not believe have never seen of been taught that method.
  • #5
shade585 said:
I tried to find the uncertainty for volume again. I am probably calculating the error wrong.

(delta v/196.35) = 2pi(.1/2.5)+(.1/10)

I think this is the mistake:

looking at the quantity without pi, call it x = r^2*h:

(delta x/62.25) = 2(.1/2.5)+(.1/10) = 0.09

delta x = 0.09*62.5 = 5.625

So the error in pi*r^2*h is 3.14*deltax = 17.67

so delta v = 17.67

FAQ: Calculating Density of Rock from Mars w/ Uncertainty

1. How do you calculate the density of rock from Mars?

To calculate the density of rock from Mars, you would need to first measure its mass and volume. This can be done using instruments such as a scale and a displacement method, respectively. Once you have these measurements, you can divide the mass by the volume to obtain the density.

2. What is the uncertainty in calculating the density of rock from Mars?

The uncertainty in calculating the density of rock from Mars can vary depending on the accuracy of the measurements taken for the mass and volume. It is important to use precise instruments and techniques to minimize uncertainty. Additionally, variations in the composition and structure of the rock can also contribute to uncertainty.

3. Why is calculating the density of rock from Mars important?

Calculating the density of rock from Mars is important because it can provide valuable information about the composition and structure of the planet's surface. It can also help scientists understand the geological processes that shaped Mars and potentially reveal clues about its past and potential for habitability.

4. Can the density of rock from Mars be compared to Earth's rock density?

Yes, the density of rock from Mars can be compared to Earth's rock density. However, it is important to note that the density of rocks on Mars can vary greatly depending on factors such as location, composition, and geological history. Therefore, direct comparisons should be made with caution.

5. How can uncertainty in calculating the density of rock from Mars be reduced?

The uncertainty in calculating the density of rock from Mars can be reduced by using precise instruments and techniques for measuring mass and volume. It is also important to take multiple measurements and average them to minimize any errors. Additionally, studying the composition and structure of the rock can also help reduce uncertainty by providing a better understanding of its properties.

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