Calculating Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration of a Harmonic Wave Train

In summary, the conversation is discussing a simple harmonic wave train and the calculation of displacement, velocity, and acceleration of a particle at a specific time and location. The equations used involve amplitude, frequency, and velocity, and there is some confusion about whether to use radians or degrees for trigonometric functions. Ultimately, the correct answer is 0.03m, assuming the wave is in the form of cos(kx-wt) with a phase difference of 0.
  • #1
Nishikino Maki

Homework Statement

A simple harmonic wave train of amplitude 3 cm and frequency 200 Hz travels in the +ve direction of x-axis with a velocity of 20 m/s. Calculate the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of a particle situated at 50 cm from the origin at t = 2 s.

Homework Equations

I used [itex]y(x, t) = Acos(2\pi f(\frac{x}{v}-t))[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Plugging in the values into the above equation, I got [itex]y(0.5, 2) = 0.03cos(400\pi (\frac{.5}{20} - 2))[/itex], which evaluates to 0.0236 m. However, the book says the answer is 0.02523 m.

This is marked as an easy question and is one of the first ones, so I think that I'm missing something basic?
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  • #2
You need to be a bit careful evaluating trig functions of large angles. The series expansions used by calculators get rather inaccurate. Instead, first reduce the angle to something less than 2 pi. I think you'll find both your answer and the given answer rather inaccurate!
  • #3
Part of my confusion lies in whether I should be in radians or degrees - the examples in the book all use radians, but when I evaluated the above, I got [itex]cos(-790\pi)[/itex], or 1. Changing the angle to something less than 2[itex]\pi[/itex] still gets me 1.

When I use degrees, I get 0.0236, which is closer to 0.02523. I plugged the expression into Wolfram-Alpha, which got me the same as the one on my calculator. Changing the angle to something less than 360 degrees got me 0.0271.
  • #4
Nishikino Maki said:
Part of my confusion lies in whether I should be in radians or degrees - the examples in the book all use radians, but when I evaluated the above, I got [itex]cos(-790\pi)[/itex], or 1.
Definitely radians. The standard equation you quoted assumes radians.
It gives you 1 for the value of the cos function, but you still have to multiply by A.
  • #5
Nishikino Maki said:

Homework Statement

A simple harmonic wave train of amplitude 3 cm and frequency 200 Hz travels in the +ve direction of x-axis with a velocity of 20 m/s. Calculate the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of a particle situated at 50 cm from the origin at t = 2 s.

Homework Equations

I used [itex]y(x, t) = Acos(2\pi f(\frac{x}{v}-t))[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Plugging in the values into the above equation, I got [itex]y(0.5, 2) = 0.03cos(400\pi (\frac{.5}{20} - 2))[/itex], which evaluates to 0.0236 m. However, the book says the answer is 0.02523 m.

This is marked as an easy question and is one of the first ones, so I think that I'm missing something basic?
I got the same answer as you.
BTW the problem should state that the wave is inded ~ cos(kx - wt) and not something like cos(kx - wt + φ), φ ≠ 0.
Part of my confusion lies in whether I should be in radians or degrees
Always assume radians. And always assume natural instead of base-10 logs. Calculus falls apart otherwise!
  • #6
rude man said:
I got the same answer as you.
Then you must be using a calculator that truncates the precision of pi at the same point. The right answer is clearly 0.03m.
  • #7
haruspex said:
Then you must be using a calculator that truncates the precision of pi at the same point. The right answer is clearly 0.03m.
Not truncate. Round off.
But yes, score one for the Aussies. Again, only if the wave is cos(kx - wt + φ), φ = 0 assumed. The problem is not clearly stated.

Related to Calculating Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration of a Harmonic Wave Train

1. What is a wave?

A wave is a disturbance or oscillation that travels through space and matter, transferring energy from one point to another without permanently displacing the medium. It can be described as a disturbance that repeats itself in a periodic manner.

2. What are the types of waves?

There are two main types of waves: mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. Mechanical waves require a medium to travel through, such as water or air, while electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum.

3. How is a wave described?

A wave can be described by its amplitude, wavelength, frequency, and speed. Amplitude is the maximum displacement of the wave from its equilibrium position, wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points with the same displacement, frequency is the number of waves that pass a point in a given time, and speed is the distance the wave travels in a given time.

4. What is the relationship between wavelength and frequency?

Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional. This means that as the wavelength increases, the frequency decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is described by the equation: wavelength = speed/frequency.

5. How are waves measured?

Waves can be measured using a variety of units, depending on the type of wave being measured. For example, the wavelength of a sound wave can be measured in meters, while the frequency of a radio wave can be measured in Hertz. The speed of a wave is typically measured in meters per second.

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