Calculating Displacment from acceleration

In summary, the conversation discusses using accelerometer data to find the natural frequency and displacement of an object. The FFT of the signal reveals a main component at ~20Hz, and the equation for this component is in the form of asin(wt). The question then turns to finding the value of a, which is complicated by noise present in the signal. The best way to calculate the value of a is discussed, including taking the rms of all the values from the accelerometer data. However, the conversation is from 7 years ago and the thread has been closed.
  • #1
I have some accelerometer data from an object and I want to find the natural frequency and displacement of this object. A plot of the recorded data looks like this:


As you can see, I did a FFT of the signal to find it's components, and at ~20Hz, we can see the main component.

I know that, for the most part, this object is at steady state, so the equation for this component is in the forum of asin(wt).

My question comes to finding the value of a. This is noise present on this signal, which can been seen below:


The red sin wave is one that I made to fit the main component of the signal (by plugging in different values until it "looked right"), and the frequency of this wave matches that given from the FFT. The amplitude of this wave (red) should be my acceleration value, correct? If so, then what is the best way to calculate it's value? If I take all the values that the accelerometer recorded (in g) and take the rms of all the values, will that give me the value of a for the main component?

The accelerometer data is a 131328x4 matrix, so if I do:


where y is just the first column of data (that of one of the accelerometers)

in Matlab, will I get the amplitude of my signal?
Physics news on
  • #2
There is no one answer to you?
  • #3
This was posted 7 years ago, by someone who hasn't been here for 3 years.

Please do not revive such a dead thread, especially if you have nothing to contribute.

Thread closed.

FAQ: Calculating Displacment from acceleration

What is displacement?

Displacement is a physical quantity that measures the change in position of an object. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change of an object's velocity. It is also a vector quantity and is measured in meters per second squared (m/s^2).

How do you calculate displacement from acceleration?

To calculate displacement from acceleration, you can use the formula d = 1/2at^2, where d is displacement, a is acceleration, and t is time. This formula assumes that the initial velocity is 0 and the acceleration is constant.

What units are used for displacement and acceleration?

Displacement is typically measured in meters (m) or kilometers (km), while acceleration is measured in meters per second squared (m/s^2).

Can displacement be negative?

Yes, displacement can be negative. This means that the object has moved in the opposite direction of its initial position. Positive displacement indicates movement in the same direction as its initial position.
