Calculating Doppler Effect with Wind: 900 Hz Siren, 15.0 ms-1 Wind Speed

In summary, the frequency heard by someone approaching a sound source can be calculated using the formula f^'=f/((1-v_s/v) ), where v_s is the speed of sound and v is the velocity of the sound source relative to the observer. In this scenario, the frequency heard would be higher when the wind blows from the person to the siren, and lower when the wind blows from the siren to the person. The speed of the wind and its direction play a significant role in determining the frequency heard.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A siren emits a frequency of 900 Hz. Wind is blowing at a steady speed of 15.0 ms-1. The speed of sound in calm air is 343 ms-1. What is the frequency heard by someone approaching at 15.0 ms¹,
(i) when the wind blows from the person to the siren, and
(ii) when the wind blows from the siren to the person?

Homework Equations

f^'=f/((1-v_s/v) ) source approaching

The Attempt at a Solution

for i) i figured that since the sound is no longer in calm air that the velocity v_s would be 343-15=328m/s, and v would be 15m/s.. so that comes out to -.1916Hz? frequency can't be negative can it? i imagine ii) is the same method? please help
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  • #2

You are on the right track with your attempt at a solution. The formula you have used is correct for calculating the frequency heard by someone approaching a sound source. However, there are a few things to consider in this scenario.

Firstly, the speed of sound in calm air (343 m/s) is the speed at which sound travels in still air. When wind is present, it can either add to or subtract from the speed of sound, depending on its direction. In this case, since the wind is blowing towards the person, it would add to the speed of sound. Therefore, the velocity of the sound (v_s) would be 343 + 15 = 358 m/s.

Next, we need to consider the direction of the wind in relation to the person and the siren. When the wind is blowing from the person to the siren, the sound waves will be traveling in the same direction as the wind, resulting in a higher speed of sound. This means that the frequency heard by the person would be higher than the emitted frequency of 900 Hz.

Using the formula you have provided, the frequency heard by the person (f^') can be calculated as follows:

f^'=900/((1-358/343))= 900/0.044= 20454.55 Hz

Note that this is a positive value, indicating that the frequency heard is higher than the emitted frequency. This makes sense as the person is approaching the sound source, resulting in a higher frequency due to the Doppler effect.

For the second scenario, where the wind is blowing from the siren to the person, the sound waves will be traveling against the direction of the wind, resulting in a lower speed of sound. In this case, the calculated frequency would be lower than the emitted frequency of 900 Hz.

f^'=900/((1-358/373))= 900/-0.040= -22500 Hz

Note that this is a negative value, indicating that the frequency heard is lower than the emitted frequency. This also makes sense as the person is moving away from the sound source, resulting in a lower frequency.

In conclusion, the frequency heard by someone approaching a sound source can be affected by the speed of the wind and its direction. It is important to consider these factors when calculating the frequency heard in a given scenario. I hope this helps to clarify your understanding. Keep up the good work in your scientific studies

Related to Calculating Doppler Effect with Wind: 900 Hz Siren, 15.0 ms-1 Wind Speed

1. What is the Doppler effect?

The Doppler effect is a phenomenon in physics that describes the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave as it moves towards or away from an observer. This effect is commonly observed in sound waves, such as the change in pitch of a siren as an ambulance passes by.

2. How does the Doppler effect work?

The Doppler effect is caused by the relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer. If the source is moving towards the observer, the frequency of the wave will appear higher. On the other hand, if the source is moving away from the observer, the frequency will appear lower.

3. What is the formula for calculating the Doppler effect?

The formula for calculating the Doppler effect is:
fobs = fsource * (v ± vobs) / (v ± vsource)
where fobs is the observed frequency, fsource is the source frequency, v is the speed of the wave, vobs is the observer's velocity, and vsource is the source's velocity.

4. What are some examples of the Doppler effect in everyday life?

The Doppler effect can be observed in many common situations. For example, the change in pitch of a passing car, train, or airplane engine is a result of the Doppler effect. Similarly, the shift in frequency of a police siren or fire truck siren as it approaches and passes by is also due to the Doppler effect.

5. How is the Doppler effect used in science and technology?

The Doppler effect has many practical applications in science and technology. It is used in meteorology to measure the speed and direction of wind, in astronomy to study the movement of stars and galaxies, and in medical imaging to measure blood flow. It is also utilized in radar and sonar technologies for navigation and tracking objects.

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