Calculating E due infinite line and point charge?

In summary, the electric field at (3, 2.5) due to the infinite line of charge is -5850 N/C, the electric field due to the point charge is 8640 N/C, and the total electric field at (3, 2.5) is 1877.854 N/C.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Here is the problem I am stuck on. I have checked my process multiple times, but have come up with the same wrong result. I would like to find out where by error of thinking lies.

"An infinitely long line charge of uniform linear charge density λ = -1.30 µC/m lies parallel to the y axis at x = -1.00 m. A point charge of 1.20 µC is located at x = 2.00 m, y = 3.00 m. Find the electric field at x = 3.00 m, y = 2.50 m."
The answer form is
= [ ] kN/C

Side note: since it's in vector form, does that mean they want the answer to be written in i hats and j hats?

Homework Equations

For a infinite line of charge a distance R away, the electric field produced is E = 2kλ / R.
For just a point charge some distance r away, the electric field is E = kq / r2.

The Attempt at a Solution

I drew a picture in the x and y coordinate plane with the line of charge at x = -1, the point charge at (2, 3), and the analyze point at (3, 2.5).

First, I calculated the electric field due to the infinite line of charge. Since the y-component cancels, the net electric field at (3, 2.5) due to the line of charge is just the horizontal x-component. So R = 3 - (-1) = 4.
So E = 2kλ / R = 2(9*109)(-1.3*10-6) / 4 = -5850 N/C.

Second I calculated the electric field due to the point charge. I used the distance formula to find the distance r between the point charge and (3, 2.5).
r = sqrt[(3-2)2+(2.5-3)2] = sqrt[1.25]
r2 = 1.25 meters
So E = kq / r2 = (9*109)(1.2*10-6) / 1.25 = 8640 N/C.

But this is the total. To get the x-direction of this electric field, I drew a vector triangle formed by the line between (2, 3) and (3, 2.5). The hypotenuse is sqrt(1.25) meters, the short side is |2.5-3| = 0.5 meters, and the long side is |3-2| = 1 meter. Using inverse trig, I got that the angle between the angle between the two points was 26.565 degrees.

Using the angle, I then calculated the x and y components of the E due to the point charge.
For the x-component I did Ecos(26.565) = 8640cos(26.565) = 7727.854 N/C.
For the y-component I did Esin(26.565) = 8640sin(26.565) = 3863.92 N/C. It's actually -3863.92, since the force would be in the negative y direction.

So the total E at the point (3, 2.5) is the total x and y-components.
The total x-component is -5850 + 7727.854 = 1877.854 N/C
The total y-component is -3863.92 N/C.

This is where I am unsure about how to answer. Do I do the square root? Like E = sqrt[(1877.854)2 + (-3863.92)^2]? This result gives 4296.07 N/C. But wouldn't this be just the magnitude of the electric field at (3, 2.5), thus excluding direction? Or is the question wanting me to answer in some other form? Is some part of my process wrong?
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  • #2
Side note: since it's in vector form, does that mean they want the answer to be written in i hats and j hats?
The electric field is a vector so you always have to specify a direction as well as a magnitude. How you do that is up to you - since all the information is given in Cartesian coordinates, you should probably use a Cartesian representation (it'll be easier).

The square-root of the sum of the squares of the components would give you the magnitude, that is correct.
Your process seems fine - work out the fields individually ##\vec E_{tot} = \vec E_{line} + \vec E_{point}## ... double check the arithmetic and make sure you got the signs right in the vector sum ...

It can help to do the math in vector from from the get-go: $$\vec E_{tot} = \frac{2k\lambda}{R}\hat R + \frac{kQ}{r^3}\vec r$$ ... may hep eliminate rounding errors since you know ##\vec r = 2\hat\imath + 0.5\hat\jmath##(check) and ##\hat R## is, in this case, ##\hat\imath##.

Lastly: how do you know the answer you got was wrong?
  • #3
Give the answer in vector components, and divide your answers by 1000 since the requested units are kN/C. Good luck on the exam tomorrow

Related to Calculating E due infinite line and point charge?

1. How do you calculate the electric field due to an infinite line charge?

To calculate the electric field due to an infinite line charge, you can use the formula E = λ / (2πεr), where λ is the linear charge density, ε is the permittivity of free space, and r is the distance from the line charge. Alternatively, you can use the integral form of the formula: E = ∫(λds) / (4πεr^2), where ds is an element of length along the line charge.

2. What is the difference between an infinite line charge and a point charge?

An infinite line charge is a theoretical construct that has infinite length and uniform charge density along its length. On the other hand, a point charge is a physical object with a finite size, but the distance between the charges is assumed to be negligible compared to the size. Mathematically, the electric field due to an infinite line charge is calculated using integration, while the electric field due to a point charge is calculated using a simple formula.

3. How does the distance from the line charge affect the electric field?

The electric field due to an infinite line charge is inversely proportional to the distance from the line charge. This means that as the distance increases, the electric field decreases. This relationship follows the inverse square law, which is a fundamental law of physics for electric fields.

4. Can you use the same formula to calculate the electric field for both positive and negative line charges?

Yes, the same formula can be used to calculate the electric field for both positive and negative line charges. The only difference is that the direction of the electric field will be opposite for positive and negative charges, as determined by the direction of the charge itself.

5. Is the electric field due to an infinite line charge always perpendicular to the line?

Yes, the electric field due to an infinite line charge is always perpendicular to the line. This is because the electric field lines always point towards or away from the line charge, and the tangent to the field lines at any point is perpendicular to the line charge. This is true for any point along the line charge, regardless of its distance from the line.

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