Calculating Earth's Temperature with Sirius as Sun

In summary, the conversation discusses the question of what would happen if Sirius took the place of the Sun and how to calculate the average temperature of Earth over time in this scenario. The equations for luminosity, flux, and temperature are given, and it is noted that the question can be simplified by assuming a constant specific heat. The conversation also touches on the difficulty of solving the equations and the possibility of using numerical methods.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Trying to answer the question of "what would happen if Sirius take the place of the Sun", I've begin to try to calculate the average temperature of Earth in function of time for any incident flux (and therefore, the average temperature today), knowing the real average temperature of Earth and that 4'6Gy later it has reached it from zero, considering the star like a black body.

Homework Equations

Luminosity is given by:

L=a·4·pi·sigma·R^2·T^4 W

Where "R" is radius of the body, "T" its temperature, "sigma" the Stephan-Boltzmann constant and "a" is the absortivity of the body.

Flux is given by:

F=L/(4·pi·d^2) W/m^2

With "d" the distance where you want to calculate the flux.

Temperature in a body is:

T=c·Q/M K

Where "c" is the calorific capability of the body, "Q" is the total energy of the body, excluding mechanic ("heat" I think is how you call in english), and M is the mass of the body.

The Attempt at a Solution

In this problem, we have that Q is the absorbed energy minus the emited energy:


If Sun (or the star) is a black body, we have that (subindex s and e means "star" and "Earth"):

Qabs=Fs·pi·Re^2·a·t ; t=time

Fs=Ls/4·pi·d^2 ; Ls=4·pi·sigma·Rs^2·Ts^4

Qem=Le·t ; Le=4·pi·sigma·Re^2·Te^4

We will consider flux of the star and product with the effective section of the Earth and with absortibity like a constant, having:


Because of there are constants too in Qem, we will write it like:

Qem=A·Te^4·t where A=4·pi·sigma·Re^2

Now, with the hipotesis of calorific capability constant throught time, we have:


So then:


Making some algebra:


Leads to a differential equation that I'm unable to solve. In adition I don't know if my logic is correct.

¿Can you help me?

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  • #2
I've been thinking, and I've found that the original problem is much easier.

If we have that:

Pabs=Fs·pi·Re^2·(1-A) where A is the Albedo Bond, and 1-A=absortibity



In equilibrium: Pabs=Pem so..


Knowing that, with Ls the luminosity of Sun, Te is 253 K we can have A...

Lsun=3'65·10^26 W

sigma=5'67·10^-8 W/(m^2·K^4)

d=1'49598·10^11 m

We have:


With that, now we could have the temperature if Sirius was here.


Then, Te=634 K (381 degrees more...).

But I still want to know what is the solution of the other equation, and if it was well done.
  • #3
I'm a bit confused about the phrasing of the question. It is something like.. plug in the luminosity of Sirius in place of the Sun... how much does the equilibrium temperature of Earth change (to an approximation)?

If so, you seem to have done the right thing. One thing to be careful about is that the flux from the star only strikes half the of the surface of the Earth, while the Earth will emit radiation (blackbody assumption) from its whole surface area. These are just factors of two though...

If I follow your logic correctly, you're just leaving the time dependence in there. And it looks ok to me (not completely checking the details). One promising detail is that if you take the long time limit on your differential equation, the temperature does level off somewhere (so you do have an equilibrium situation, eventually, according to your equations). It doesn't look pleasant to solve completely though. Could perhaps do it numerically -- but I don't know what you'd insert for the specific heat of Earth.
  • #4
aiy1tm said:
I'm a bit confused about the phrasing of the question. It is something like.. plug in the luminosity of Sirius in place of the Sun... how much does the equilibrium temperature of Earth change (to an approximation)?

Yes, that was the original idea. But I thought it would be interesting too the fact of solve the "time for equillibrium".

aiy1tm said:
If so, you seem to have done the right thing. One thing to be careful about is that the flux from the star only strikes half the of the surface of the Earth, while the Earth will emit radiation (blackbody assumption) from its whole surface area. These are just factors of two though...

I did, the surface I took for absortion was Sa=pi·Re^2 (effective section, like a disk). And the surface for emision Se=4·pi·Re^2.

aiy1tm said:
If I follow your logic correctly, you're just leaving the time dependence in there. And it looks ok to me (not completely checking the details). One promising detail is that if you take the long time limit on your differential equation, the temperature does level off somewhere (so you do have an equilibrium situation, eventually, according to your equations). It doesn't look pleasant to solve completely though. Could perhaps do it numerically -- but I don't know what you'd insert for the specific heat of Earth.

I tought that knowing the temperature for the flux of Sun (Te today), there would be enought data to solve the specific heat. Perhaps with numerical methods as you just suggested.

FAQ: Calculating Earth's Temperature with Sirius as Sun

1. How does Sirius compare to our Sun in terms of temperature?

Sirius is significantly hotter than our Sun, with a surface temperature of approximately 9,940 degrees Fahrenheit compared to the Sun's average surface temperature of 9,932 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. How is Earth's temperature calculated using Sirius as the Sun?

To calculate Earth's temperature using Sirius as the Sun, we use the Stefan-Boltzmann law, which states that the temperature of a planet is directly proportional to the fourth root of the solar luminosity. By comparing the luminosity of Sirius to our Sun, we can estimate Earth's temperature.

3. Are there any other factors that affect Earth's temperature when using Sirius as the Sun?

Yes, there are other factors that can affect Earth's temperature when using Sirius as the Sun, such as the distance between Earth and Sirius, the composition of Earth's atmosphere, and the albedo (reflectivity) of Earth's surface.

4. How accurate is the calculation of Earth's temperature using Sirius as the Sun?

The calculation of Earth's temperature using Sirius as the Sun is an estimate and may not be entirely accurate. It is based on assumptions and models, and other factors may influence the actual temperature of Earth if it were orbiting Sirius instead of our Sun.

5. Can this calculation be used to predict the temperature of other planets orbiting Sirius?

Yes, this calculation can be used to estimate the temperature of other planets orbiting Sirius, as long as we have data on the planet's distance from Sirius and its composition. However, it is important to keep in mind that this is only an estimate and may not reflect the actual conditions on those planets.

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