Calculating Electric Field for Infinite Plane Slab with Uniform Charge Density

In summary, when solving for the electric field in an infinite plane slab with uniform charge density, the electric field is dependent on the height at which it is measured. The electric field can be found by setting up a "pill box" with its center at y=0 and using Gauss' Law to relate the flux to the total charge enclosed by the surface. As the height of the pill box increases, so does the amount of charge enclosed, resulting in a non-constant electric field as a function of y.
  • #1
Problem: An infinite plane slab, of thickness 2d carries a uniform charge density rho. Find the electric field as a function of y, where y=0 at the center. Plot E versus y calling E positive when it point in the +y direction and negative when it points in the -y direction.

Okay, so I worked out the electric field, which gave me
E = 2d*rho/epsilon_0

Does this look right?
Physics news on
  • #2
No. The field is not constant for -d < y < d.
  • #3
Tide said:
No. The field is not constant for -d < y < d.

I used the integral of E.da = Qenc/epsilon_0

E.4d^2 = rho*8d^3/epsilon

What am I doing wrong?
  • #4
Set up a "pill box" (cylinder) whose center is at y = 0 and whose flat faces are parallel to the plane y = 0 and equidistant from it. By symmetry, the electric field is perpendicular to the flat surfaces (but perpendicular to the curved surface) so the only contribution to the flux is from the flat faces.

That flux is related to the total charge enclosed by the surface (Gauss' Law) and depends on the height of the pill box. Clearly, when the height of the box is 0 then the charge enclosed is also zero so the flux and electric field at y = 0 is 0. If you make the box taller, then the amount of charge it contains increases. You need to figure out how much charge is contained and it will be proportional to 2xE(y) x Area of flat surfaces.

FAQ: Calculating Electric Field for Infinite Plane Slab with Uniform Charge Density

1. How do you calculate the electric field for an infinite plane slab with uniform charge density?

The electric field for an infinite plane slab with uniform charge density can be calculated using the formula E = σ/2ε0, where σ is the charge density and ε0 is the permittivity of free space.

2. What is the direction of the electric field for an infinite plane slab with uniform charge density?

The direction of the electric field for an infinite plane slab with uniform charge density is perpendicular to the surface of the slab, pointing away from the positively charged side and towards the negatively charged side.

3. How does the electric field change as you move away from an infinite plane slab with uniform charge density?

The electric field decreases in magnitude as you move away from an infinite plane slab with uniform charge density, following an inverse-square relationship. This means that the electric field is strongest close to the slab and gets weaker as you move further away.

4. Can the electric field ever be zero for an infinite plane slab with uniform charge density?

Yes, the electric field can be zero at a certain distance from the slab, known as the "null point." This is where the electric field from one side of the slab cancels out the electric field from the other side.

5. How does the electric field change if the charge density or distance from the slab is varied?

If the charge density is increased, the electric field will also increase in magnitude. Similarly, if the distance from the slab is increased, the electric field will decrease in magnitude. However, the relationship between these variables is not linear and follows the inverse-square law.
