Calculating Electric Flux of Displacement Vector w/ Cylindrical Co-ords

In summary, using cylindrical co-ordinates (r, theta, z), we can calculate the electric flux phi=integral D . dS for a displacement vector D=10ezcos(theta)/r2 . kr + z2sin(theta)/r2 . Kz and a surface S defined by 0 ≤ z ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ theta ≤ pi/4 with a radius of a=0.3. By plugging in the values and solving for the integral, we get sqrt(2)(5e + 1)/2r as the electric flux.
  • #1
Using cylindrical co-ordinates (r, theta, z), calculate the electric flux
phi=integral D . dS
when the displacement vector D is given by:
D=10ezcos(theta)/r2 . kr + z2sin(theta)/r2 . Kz and the surface S is part of a cylinder of radius a=0.3, defined by 0 is less than or equal to z which is less than or equal to 1 and 0 is less than equal to theta which is less than or equal to pi/4

I’ve put the equation in the cylindrical co-ordinates:

(10ezcos(theta)/r2, 0, z2sin(theta)/r2)

From there I’ve written out S as S(Sr, Stheta, Sz)

I know that the perpendicular lines define the surface. In this case Sz is perpendicular which means than Sr is the main component.

D . DS = DrdSr + DthetadStheta + DzdSz

But I don’t know where to go from here... Any help?
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  • #2

Hello there,

To calculate the electric flux, we can use the formula:

phi = integral D . dS

First, we can rewrite the displacement vector D in cylindrical coordinates as:

D = (10ezcos(theta)/r^2)kr + (z^2sin(theta)/r^2)kz

Next, we need to find the surface area element dS in cylindrical coordinates. Since we are dealing with a cylindrical surface, the surface area element can be written as:

dS = r dtheta dz

Now, we can plug in the values for D and dS into the electric flux formula:

phi = integral (10ezcos(theta)/r^2)kr + (z^2sin(theta)/r^2)kz . (r dtheta dz)

Note that the dot product between kr and kz is zero, so we can simplify the equation to:

phi = integral (10ezcos(theta)/r) dtheta dz + integral (z^2sin(theta)/r) dtheta dz

Next, we can plug in the limits of integration for theta and z, which are 0 to pi/4 and 0 to 1, respectively:

phi = integral (10ezcos(theta)/r) dtheta dz + integral (z^2sin(theta)/r) dtheta dz

= integral (10ezcos(theta)/r) dtheta from 0 to pi/4 + integral (z^2sin(theta)/r) dtheta from 0 to pi/4

= 10e/r * integral cos(theta) dtheta from 0 to pi/4 + 1/r * integral z^2sin(theta) dtheta from 0 to pi/4

= 10e/r * sin(pi/4) - sin(0) + 1/r * (1^2 - 0^2) * (cos(pi/4) - cos(0))

= (10e/r * (sqrt(2)/2) + 1/r * (1 * (sqrt(2)/2 - 1))

= (5sqrt(2)e/r + sqrt(2)/2r - 1/r)

= sqrt(2)(5e + 1)/2r

Therefore, the electric flux for the given displacement vector and cylindrical surface is sqrt(2)(5e + 1)/2r. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any

FAQ: Calculating Electric Flux of Displacement Vector w/ Cylindrical Co-ords

1. What is electric flux?

Electric flux is a measure of the electric field passing through a given surface. It is calculated by multiplying the electric field strength by the area of the surface and the cosine of the angle between the field and the surface.

2. What is a displacement vector?

A displacement vector is a vector that represents the distance and direction of movement from one point to another. In the context of calculating electric flux, it represents the displacement of a particle in the electric field.

3. How do you calculate electric flux with cylindrical coordinates?

The formula for calculating electric flux with cylindrical coordinates is Φ = ∫∫E·dA, where Φ is the electric flux, E is the electric field vector, and dA is the differential surface area. This integral can be simplified by using the appropriate coordinate system and considering the symmetry of the problem.

4. What is the advantage of using cylindrical coordinates to calculate electric flux?

Cylindrical coordinates are advantageous for certain problems because they can simplify the integration process. Since many electric field problems have cylindrical symmetry, using cylindrical coordinates can eliminate the need for more complex calculations and make the problem easier to solve.

5. Can electric flux be negative?

Yes, electric flux can be negative. This occurs when the electric field vector and the surface vector have opposite directions. In other words, the electric field is pointing into the surface instead of out of it. This can happen in certain situations, such as when the surface contains a negative charge.
