Calculating Electron Energy Shift with Perturbation Theory

In summary: I don't think that's wrong, but if you're interested in more details about how to do this, I suggest looking at a textbook on calculus.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

Regard the nucleus of charge Ze as a sphere of radius R0 with uniform density.
Assume that R0<<a0 where a0 is Boher radius/

1. Derive an expression for the electrostatic potential V(r) between the nucleus and the electrons in the atom. If V0(r)=-Ze^2/r is the potential from a point charge, find the difference dV=V(r)-V0(r) due to the size of the nucleus.

2. Assume one electron is bound to the nucleus in the lowest bound state. What is its wave function when calculated using the potential V0(r) from a point nucleus?

3. Use first-order perturbation theory to derive an expression for the change in the ground state energy of the electron due to the finite size of the nucleus.

Homework Equations

e- is the electron's charge.

The Attempt at a Solution

1. I believe it's should be [tex]V(r)=\frac{-Ze^2}{r-R0}[/tex] and the difference: [tex]\delta V(r)=-\frac{R_0}{r}\frac{Ze^2}{r-R0}[/tex].

2. I believe the wave function is that of the solution of the hydrogen potential, i.e:
[tex]\psi_{1,0,0}=\sqrt{\frac{1}{\pi a^3_0}} exp(-r/a_0)[/tex], because for n=1,l=0,m=0 it's ground state of the electron.

3. I am not sure, but I think I need to expand dV by r>>R0, but after that I don't know how to procceed.

Any hints?
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  • #2
MathematicalPhysicist said:
3. I am not sure, but I think I need to expand dV by r>>R0, but after that I don't know how to procceed.

Any hints?

What is the equation to find the energy of the first-order perturbation?
  • #3
[tex]E^{(1)}_n=<n|H1|n>[/tex], where H1 is the perturbation of the hamiltonian H, but I am not sure what H1 is in this question, is it dV, and if it is so, did I get it right in 1?
If it's so, then [tex]E^(1)_n=\int_{R0}^{a0} \psi_{n}(r)\delta V(r) \psi_{n}(r)dr[/tex]
  • #4
Part 1 does not look correct to me. You might want to consider both Gauss's law and the boundary that at [itex]R_0=r[/itex], the potential must be [itex]V_0=-Ze^2/r[/itex]. In your current form, your potential will go to infinity at [itex]R_0=r[/itex], which we know is not true at all!
  • #5
Do you mean that the potential should satisfy:
[tex]1/r^2 d/dr (d/dr r^2V(r))=4\pi e/(4\pi r^3/3)=3e/r^3[/tex].
  • #6
MathematicalPhysicist said:
Do you mean that the potential should satisfy:
[tex]1/r^2 d/dr (d/dr r^2V(r))=4\pi e/(4\pi r^3/3)=3e/r^3[/tex].

There should be another factor or two in there (say [itex]Z[/itex], another [itex]e[/itex] and [itex]R_0[/itex]?), but that is along the lines.

My suggestion is that you first find the electric field inside the sphere of radius [itex]r[/itex] that does not include the electron (nucleus only). As a small helper/hint, it will be proportional to [itex]1/R_0^3[/itex].
  • #7
I am not sure I get to the answer.
[tex]1/r^2 d/dr (d/dr (r^2 \phi(r)))=-3Ze/R^3_0[/tex] I get to two constants of integration for which I have only one boundary condition, the one which you gave in your previous post.
  • #8
Through Gauss's Law, you should find the electric field to be (for [itex]r<R_0[/itex])


So that the potential is

  • #9
E should be without the minus sign, but thanks now I understand this question.

what of question 2 did I get it right, or not?
  • #10
MathematicalPhysicist said:
E should be without the minus sign, but thanks now I understand this question.

Right, and my second equation there should have [itex]e^2[/itex] in it.

There should be an accounting of [itex]Z[/itex] in your wavefunction; it should look like

\Psi_{100}=\sqrt{\frac{Z^3}{\pi a_0^3}}\exp\left[-\frac{Zr}{a_0}\right]

And as for the third part, you should be using [itex]\delta V[/itex] for your perturbed potential:

\delta E=\int d^3r\Psi^2\delta V
  • #11
The limits of the integral is between R0 to infinity or something else.

btw, I get an integral of the form:
[tex]\int_{R_0}^{\infty} exp(-r/a_0)/r dr[/tex]
obviously this integral can be evaluated by power series, my question is how do I know that the upper limit is finite or zero?

Thanks in advance.
  • #12
MathematicalPhysicist said:
The limits of the integral is between R0 to infinity or something else.

btw, I get an integral of the form:
[tex]\int_{R_0}^{\infty} exp(-r/a_0)/r dr[/tex]
obviously this integral can be evaluated by power series, my question is how do I know that the upper limit is finite or zero?

Thanks in advance.

The nucleus exists between [itex]0\leq r\leq R_0[/itex], so those two should be your limits, not [itex]R_0[/itex] and [itex]\infty[/itex].
  • #13
stiil as I mentiond earlier, I get a singularity in r=0 for the integrand:
exp(-2r/a0)/r well I expand with [tex]exp(-r/a0)=\sum (-2r/a0)^n/n![/tex], how to reconcile this?
  • #14
I think you are messing up your potential. Given what I told you for [itex]-dV/dr[/itex], you should find


(the 3 comes from matching the boundary so that the potential is continuous at [itex]R_0=r[/itex] ) So that you get

\delta V=-\frac{Ze^2}{2R_0}\left[3-\left(\frac{r}{R_0}\right)^2-\frac{2R_0}{r}\right]

so when you multiply this by the square of the wavefunction, you get

\delta E=\int d^3r\Psi^2\delta V=\int_0^{R_0}r^2dr\int_{-1}^1d(\cos\theta)\int_0^{2\pi}d\phi\Psi^2\delta V=\frac{2Z^3}{a_0^3}\int_0^{R_0}\exp\left[-\frac{2Zr}{a_0}\right]\delta V\,r^2dr
  • #15
I think my mistake was I integrated wrt to dr and not to d^3r.

Thanks, I get it now.

Related to Calculating Electron Energy Shift with Perturbation Theory

1. What is perturbation theory?

Perturbation theory is a mathematical tool used in physics and engineering to approximate solutions to complex systems that cannot be solved exactly. It allows us to break down a complex problem into simpler, solvable parts and then add them together to get an approximate solution to the original problem.

2. How does perturbation theory work?

Perturbation theory works by assuming that the solution to a complex problem can be expressed as a series of simpler solutions, each of which is a correction to the previous one. By adding up these corrections, we can get an approximate solution to the original problem.

3. What are the applications of perturbation theory?

Perturbation theory has many applications in physics and engineering, including quantum mechanics, celestial mechanics, fluid dynamics, and electromagnetism. It is also used in chemistry and biology to model complex systems and processes.

4. What are the limitations of perturbation theory?

Perturbation theory is only applicable to problems that can be broken down into simpler parts and have small perturbations. It also assumes that the perturbations are independent of each other, which may not always be the case. Additionally, the accuracy of the approximation decreases as the perturbations become larger.

5. How is perturbation theory different from other approximation methods?

Perturbation theory is different from other approximation methods in that it is specifically designed for solving problems with small perturbations. It also has the advantage of being able to handle non-linear systems, unlike some other methods. However, it may not always provide the most accurate solution compared to other techniques such as numerical methods.

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