Calculating Energy Dissipated by Friction

In summary: You get [tex]W=\frac{717.79\text{J}}{\frac{3.29\text{m}}{sin\theta}}[/itex]Is that on the right track?Yes, that looks correct.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 22.9-kg girl slides down a playground slide with a vertical drop of 3.29 m. When she reaches the bottom of the slide, her speed is 1.34 m/s. How much energy was dissipated by friction?

Homework Equations

I used [tex]\Delta[/tex]KE + [tex]\Delta[/tex]PE = 0

The Attempt at a Solution

I got KEinitial = 0
KEfinal = 1/2 * 22.9kg * (1.34)2 = 20.56

I got PEinititial = m * g * h = 22.9 * 9.8 * 3.29 = 738.34
PEfinal = 0

20.56 (Friction) = 738.34

Is that on the right track? Where would I go from there?
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  • #2
Hi Sw0rDz, welcome to PF!:smile:

Sw0rDz said:

Homework Equations

I used [tex]\Delta[/tex]KE + [tex]\Delta[/tex]PE = 0

If you are using PE to represent gravitational potential energy, then there is another term that should be included in this equation; the work done by friction Wf:


make sense?

P.S. In the future, problem like this should go in the Introductory physics folder:wink:
  • #3
Sw0rDz said:

Homework Equations

I used [tex]\Delta[/tex]KE + [tex]\Delta[/tex]PE = 0
This would be true if mechanical energy was conserved--there was no friction--but that's not the case here. How would you modify this to include energy dissipated by friction?

The Attempt at a Solution

I got KEinitial = 0
KEfinal = 1/2 * 22.9kg * (1.34)2 = 20.56

I got PEinititial = m * g * h = 22.9 * 9.8 * 3.29 = 738.34
PEfinal = 0
This looks good.

20.56 (Friction) = 738.34
I don't know where you got this or what it means.

Hint: Compare the initial mechanical energy with the final.
  • #4
gabbagabbahey said:
Hi Sw0rDz, welcome to PF!:smile:
If you are using PE to represent gravitational potential energy, then there is another term that should be included in this equation; the work done by friction Wf:


make sense?

P.S. In the future, problem like this should go in the Introductory physics folder:wink:

Thanks! That is what I needed.

Second part of the problem is:
If the slide is inclined at 20.5° with the horizontal, what is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the girl and the slide?

KE doesn't depend on the angle, so I left it the same.

I took PE to be m * g * cos(20.5) *h

Is that right?
  • #5
Sw0rDz said:
KE doesn't depend on the angle, so I left it the same.

I took PE to be m * g * cos(20.5) *h

Is that right?

No, neither energy term will depend on the angle...what will depend on the angle are the components of the gravitational and frictional forces parallel and normal to the slide.:wink:
  • #6
Energy lost due to work will be the same. Just when trying to calculate the coefficient of friction will depend on the angle?
  • #7
What direction does the force of friction act in? What is the formula for finding its magnitude?
  • #8
In my diagram, have it acting left (negative)

Previously I got.
Wfriction = 717.79J
(Was right according to LON-CAPA and previous equation)

Now I set. 717.79 = [tex]\upsilon[/tex]KF * M * G * Cos([tex]\Theta[/tex])
  • #9
Sw0rDz said:
Now I set. 717.79 = [tex]\upsilon[/tex]KF * M * G * Cos([tex]\Theta[/tex])

Where did you get that formula from?:confused:

What is the general formula for frictional force? What is the general formula (involves an integral) for work done by a force?
  • #10
Ffriction = (Coefficient of KF) * (Force)
W = [tex]\int[/tex] F * dl

Where dl = infinitive displacement.
  • #11
Right, and what is the normal force in this case?
  • #12
[tex]F_n_o_r_m_a_l = M *G * Cos (\theta) [/tex]
  • #13
You should probably use a lowercase 'g' so as not to confuse it with the universal gravitational constant, but yes.

So, [itex]F_f=\mu_f mg\cos\theta[/itex]...what about its direction?
  • #14
Negative because it acts against the positive kinetic energy.

-F_f=\mu_f mg\cos\theta
  • #15
"Negative" isn't a direction, it's just a sign... does the frictional force act to the left? to the right? up? down? tangent to the slide? normal to the slide?
  • #16
In my diagram. Positive direction is to the right. Negative is to the left. Friction goes to the left.
Tangent to the slide, I think..
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  • #17
Directly to the left? Shouldn't it be going tangent to the slide, opposite to the girl's velocity?
  • #18
Yes because friction is based of the Normal Force. And Normal force is perpendicular to the tangent line of the slide.
  • #19
Okay, so wha soes that tell you about [itex]\textbf{F}_f\cdot d\textbf{l}[/itex]? And what do you get when you integrate it over the length of the slide? How long is the slide?
  • #20
\int_0^{3.2} \left( ce_{KF} \cdot m\cdot g\cdot cos(\theta)\cdot h\right) dh
\left[ ce_{KF} \cdot m\cdotg\cdot g\cdot cos(\theta) \cdot \frac{1}{2} h^{2} \right]_{0}^{3.2}


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  • #21
3.29m is the height of the want to integrate along the path that the girl takes, which means you need to know the length of the slide (the hypoteneuse)...
  • #22
hyp. = sin\theta = \frac{hyp}{opp} = sin(20.5) = \frac{3.29}{x}
x = \frac{sin(20.5)}{3.29}
  • #23
You've got that backwards...

[tex]\sin\theta=\frac{\text{opp}}{\text{hyp}}\implies \text{hyp}=\frac{3.29\text{m}}{\sin\theta}[/itex]

So, what expression do you get for W?...Compare that to your answer from part (a) and solve for [itex]\mu_f[/itex]
  • #24
Sorry. Thanks for the help. I wish I could figure this out and if not for the time, I probably would. Its roughly 2:20am and my brain has meant exhaustion. I'll check back at the thread after a good night sleep, even though I'll not be able to finish my homework on time.

FAQ: Calculating Energy Dissipated by Friction

1. What is energy lost by friction?

Energy lost by friction is the energy that is converted into heat when two surfaces rub against each other. This energy is lost from the system and cannot be used for work or other processes.

2. How does friction cause energy loss?

Friction causes energy loss by converting mechanical energy, which is the energy of motion, into thermal energy, which is the energy of heat. As the surfaces rub against each other, friction creates resistance and dissipates the energy as heat.

3. Can the amount of energy lost by friction be calculated?

Yes, the amount of energy lost by friction can be calculated using the formula E = μNΔd, where E is the energy lost, μ is the coefficient of friction, N is the normal force, and Δd is the distance over which the friction acts.

4. How can energy lost by friction be reduced?

Energy lost by friction can be reduced by using lubricants to reduce the contact between surfaces, using smoother materials, and reducing the force or speed at which the surfaces rub against each other. Additionally, minimizing the roughness of surfaces can also help reduce friction and energy loss.

5. What are some real-life examples of energy lost by friction?

Some common examples of energy lost by friction include the heat generated by car brakes, the heat produced by rubbing your hands together, and the heat generated by rubbing your feet on the floor. Other examples include the energy lost in machines and engines due to friction, and the loss of energy through the rubbing of tires on the road.

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