Calculating Entropy Change in an Insulated Vessel with Water: Homework Help

  • Thread starter db725
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In summary, an open insulated vessel is divided into two parts by a vertical non-conducting partition. One side contains 2.5 kg of water at 38°C, while the other side contains 5.0 kg of water at 70°C. Upon removal of the partition and subsequent mixing, uniform conditions are attained in the vessel. Assuming no external heat transfer, the increase in entropy of the system is calculated to be 0.0331 kJ/K. This value is obtained by considering the irreversible mixing process and noting that while the entropy of one side decreases, the entropy of the other side increases by a larger amount, satisfying the second law of thermodynamics. Additionally, the mixing and subsequent energy transfer processes are irreversible,
  • #1

Homework Statement

An open insulated vessel is divided into two parts by a vertical non-conducting partition.On one side of this partition is 2.5 kg of water initially at 38°C, and on the other side is 5.0 kg of water initially at a temperature of 70°C. On removal of the partition and the subsequent mixing, uniform conditions in the vessel are finally attained. Assuming no external heat transfer, evaluate the increase in entropy of the system. Assume that Cp for water is constant at 4.187 kJ/kg K

Homework Equations

Δs= m x Cp x ln(Tfinal/Tinitial)

The Attempt at a Solution

This is a mixing process so it must be irreversible and no heat transfer so adiabatic. Δs must be bigger than zero.

m1= 2.5 kg , m2= 5.0 kg , T1= 313.15 K, T2= 345.15 K

m1CpΔT+m2CpΔT= 0 (internal energy is dependent on the temperature only, temp doesn't change like Joule's experiment)

I assumed that they would have a final temp that would be the same for both m1 and m2.
I solved the equation above and got Tfinal= 334.48 K

For m1:

Δs = 2.5 x 4.187 x ln( 334.48/313.15)= 0.6898 kJ/K

For m2:

Δs = 5.0 x 4.187 x ln( 334.48/345.15)= -0.13148 kJ/K

Δs increase for the entire system =0.6898 + (-0.13148) =+0.0331 kJ/K

This is the correct answer according to the solutions so I did the maths right. However I am confused with the entropy change for m2=5.0 kg . As it can be seen in the calculation above that we have obtained a negative change in entropy. Isn't this undefined in the sense it disobeys the second law of thermodynamics. 'Entropy of the universe is always increasing' So how come we are allowed to proceed with the calculations if it isn't possible to have this in the first place.. If someone can enlighten me on this it would be great because I'm finding the second law quite hard to understand.

Thanks a lot
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  • #2
There's no problem with local entropy decreasing. It occurs any time a material cools down. The Second Law tells us that entropy must increase somewhere else, however, by at least an equal amount. And this is what occurred, by your calculations. Does this make sense?
  • #3
Can you expand it a bit more, I haven't heard the term local entropy before so not entirely sure still
  • #4
"Local entropy" just means the entropy within any well-defined region, not necessary open or closed. If the region is closed, though, the entropy inside cannot decrease. If it's open, then entropy can decrease but entropy in another region must increase by a value at least as large.
  • #5
Thanks very much for the helpful explanation
  • #6
I forgot to add this last section to the question..

At the end of the mixing process, the container now transfers energy to its surroundings, and the entropy of the mixture is restored to its value before mixing began. State whether the combination of the mixing and energy transfer processes is reversible or irreversible and explain how attaining the final state does not involve violation of the second law of thermodynamics.

The mixing process is irreversible because Δs (net) bigger than zero. In order to have a reversible process the Δs=0. It doesn't satisfy this requirement there is irreversible.

Not sure how to answer the last section about the non-violation of the second law. Is this somehow related to the local entropy in any way?
  • #7
Think about what Mapes said about local vs. universal entropy change. The answer's staring you in the face!

FAQ: Calculating Entropy Change in an Insulated Vessel with Water: Homework Help

1. What is entropy?

Entropy is a measure of the randomness or disorder in a system. It is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, and is often described as the tendency of a system to move towards a state of maximum disorder.

2. How is entropy related to energy?

Entropy is related to energy in the sense that energy always tends to spread out and become more evenly distributed, which leads to an increase in entropy. This is known as the second law of thermodynamics.

3. What are some real-life examples of entropy?

Some examples of entropy in everyday life include the melting of ice cubes, the rusting of metal, and the mixing of different gases. These processes all involve an increase in disorder or randomness, which is reflected in the increase of entropy.

4. Can entropy be reversed?

In most cases, entropy cannot be reversed. The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system will always increase over time. However, in certain cases, such as in a refrigerator or in living organisms, it is possible to locally decrease entropy by expending energy.

5. How is entropy calculated?

The calculation of entropy depends on the system being studied. In thermodynamics, it is calculated using the formula S = k ln W, where S is entropy, k is the Boltzmann constant, and W is the number of microstates of the system. In statistical mechanics, it is calculated using the formula S = -k ∑(Pi ln Pi), where Pi is the probability of each microstate.
