Calculating Eq.(23) from Eq.(15): Seeking Help!

  • Thread starter junhui.liao
  • Start date
In summary, Jun is asking for help understanding how to derive Eq.(23) from Eq.(15) in a theoretical paper on dark matter. Hepth provides a detailed explanation, mentioning the Feynman Rules and finding the amplitude for the desired process. Jun clarifies that they are an experimentalist and asks for more detailed explanation, specifically for the spin-independent part.
  • #1
Hi, guys,

I'm reading a theoretical paper on dark matter, .

Above the Eq.(23) of section 3, it says Eq.(23) could be calculated easily from Eq.(15).
I've asked a theorist(senior PhD student), but no satisfied calculation obtained.

Can any people here please tell me how the Eq.(23) has been deprived ?
Any useful hit / tip is also welcome !

Thank !Jun
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  • #2
Step 1: Derive the Feynman Rules from the Lagrangian

This should be fairly easy. Just set some in/out states and reduce it. The first term should give a vertex where 1 nucleon and 1 DM go in, and they go back out (like a big X), and the coefficient is $$ -i 4 f_N$$, then the second term will give something similar but with the spin structure still there.

Step 2: Find the Amplitude of the sum of diagrams for what process you want

So write down the diagrams, there are two, one from each of those terms.
Keep intact the spinors, making their indices explicit ##\vec{S} \rightarrow S^a##
Then square it to get the amplitude squared. ##|M|^2 = M^{\dagger} M## (amplitude times the hermitian conjugate of amplitude). These are spin-dependent amplitudes still.

Then you have to choose. For "SI = Spin-Independent" you sum over the final spins, average over the initial. There should be some identities for weyl spinors for this, and it reduces.

Also, look into if there are low-momentum versions (q^2-> 0) for the explicit spinors. Not sure if that matters.

For the SD one I'm not sure right away, there should be some reduction allowed from the spin states, and then you can relate the dot products to the total angular momentums (thats why there's J's).

Then go find the 2-> 2 cross section formula, either the PDG kinematics pdf or peskin and schroder should have it. You then just have to integrate over the kinematic variables. I think in the low-moment approximation maybe they'll have done a taylor expansion before integration.

Hope that's a start?
  • #3
Hi, Hepth,

Thanks for your comments !
Sorry if I forgot to tell you I'm an experimentalist.

What you mentioned is more detailed than the PhD student told me before.
However, I have to say, I still don't know how to finish it quantitatively(derive it step by step).

If possible, could you please give me more detailed explanation ?
For simple, let's forget the Spin-depedent part, and only focus on the spin-independent, saying, the first term of Eq.(15).
I have Peskin on my hands, but it's too much work for me to find the corresponding chapter/section.

Thanks again !Jun

FAQ: Calculating Eq.(23) from Eq.(15): Seeking Help!

1. How do I calculate Eq.(23) from Eq.(15)?

To calculate Eq.(23) from Eq.(15), you will need to manipulate Eq.(15) to isolate the variable that you are solving for in Eq.(23). Once you have isolated the variable, you can plug in the value from Eq.(15) into Eq.(23) to calculate the final result.

2. What is the purpose of calculating Eq.(23) from Eq.(15)?

The purpose of calculating Eq.(23) from Eq.(15) is to find a relationship or connection between the two equations. This can help in solving more complex problems or understanding the behavior of a system.

3. Can I use any value for Eq.(15) to calculate Eq.(23)?

No, you cannot use any value for Eq.(15) to calculate Eq.(23). The value you use for Eq.(15) must be relevant and applicable to the situation or problem at hand. Using incorrect or irrelevant values may lead to incorrect results.

4. What if I encounter a variable with a power in Eq.(23)?

If you encounter a variable with a power in Eq.(23), you will need to apply the power rule to simplify it. This means multiplying the coefficient by the exponent and subtracting 1 from the exponent. For example, if you have x^3 in Eq.(23), you will need to multiply the coefficient by 3 and subtract 1 from the exponent, resulting in 3x^2.

5. Is there a specific order I should follow when calculating Eq.(23) from Eq.(15)?

Yes, it is important to follow the correct order of operations when calculating Eq.(23) from Eq.(15). This means simplifying any expressions within parentheses first, followed by any exponents, multiplication and division from left to right, and finally addition and subtraction from left to right. Following this order will ensure accurate results.

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