Calculating Fluid Flow Rates and Speeds in a Heating System

In summary: Water enters a wide pipe, B, with an area of .6 meters squared, and flows out through a narrow pipe, C, with an area of .1 meters squared. The flow rate in each pipe is 1.2 m^3/s. The length of the segment of pipe A that contains 1.2 m^3 of water is 6 meters. The length of segment B is 2 meters. The length of segment C is 12 meters. The flow speed of water in each pipe is 1.06 m/s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Every second, 1.2 cubic meters of water enters a heating system through a pipe of medium width, A, with a cross sectional area of .2 meters squared. The water then flows into a wide pipe, B, with an area of .6 meters squared, and flows out through a narrow peipe, C, with an area of .1 meters squared.

1) what is the flow rate in each pipe?

2) what is the length of the segment of pipe A that contains 1.2 cubic meters of water? What is the length of segment B? C?

3) How much time is required for water to travel the lengths you found in pipe A? B? C?

4) What is the flow speed of water in each pipe?

5) Does the speed of water increase when it enters a narrow pipe? Does the flow rate increase? Explain.

Homework Equations

area 1 * velocity 1 = area 2 * velocity 2

The Attempt at a Solution

I have no clue how to start, i have stared at this problem for a while but I am not sure how to do it at all. I would appreciate any help.. thank you!
Physics news on
  • #2
please help. I think 1 is 1.2 m^3/s

not sure about 2 so then i can't do 3 or 4. I know 5 now. I just need help with 2.
  • #3
For 4 I used the formula A1 * v1 = a2 *v2

We know the area for the A area and the velocity as well. Since every second 1.20 m^3 of water enters i took the cube root to find how many m/s enter therefore the speed. So i found that to be 1.06 m/s. I then found the speed of B to be .353 m/s and C to be 2.12 m/s

For 2 I used formula volume = pi r^2 times length. We have the volume and the area so i just divided to get the length. For A i got 6 m, B- 2 m , C-12 m

For 3 i divided the length by the velocity for each and i got the same amount of time for each pipe (A,B,C). each being 5.66 seconds.

I think i just figured this out by myself but I would like clarification!

FAQ: Calculating Fluid Flow Rates and Speeds in a Heating System

1. What is fluid mechanics?

Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics that studies the behavior of fluids (liquids and gases) when they are in motion or at rest. It also deals with the application of mathematical equations and principles to analyze and predict fluid behavior.

2. What are the properties of fluids?

Fluids have certain properties that determine their behavior, such as density, viscosity, pressure, and temperature. Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of fluid, while viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. Pressure is the force exerted by a fluid per unit area, and temperature affects the density and viscosity of a fluid.

3. What is Bernoulli's principle?

Bernoulli's principle states that as the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases. This principle is based on the conservation of energy, which means that the total energy of a fluid remains constant throughout its flow. This principle is commonly used to explain the lift force on an airplane wing.

4. How do you solve problems involving fluids in motion?

To solve problems involving fluids in motion, you need to apply the equations of fluid mechanics, such as the continuity equation, Bernoulli's equation, and the equations of motion. These equations can be used to calculate various properties of fluids, such as velocity, pressure, and flow rate.

5. What are some real-life applications of fluid mechanics?

Fluid mechanics has many practical applications in our daily lives, such as in the design of airplanes, cars, and ships. It is also used in the design of pumps, turbines, and other machines that involve fluid flow. Other applications include weather forecasting, blood flow in the human body, and the production of energy from wind and water.
