Calculating Force Exerted by a Moving Train on a Track

In summary, when calculating the amount of force a train exerts on a spot on a track, you can multiply the weight of the train (in kilograms) by gravity (9.8m/s^2) to get the netwons of force. This assumes that the entire weight of the train is exerted on that point. However, to account for a moving train, you can divide the weight by the number of wheels and the total area making contact with the ground. The velocity of the train will not affect the force exerted, as it is perpendicular to gravity. Assuming a homogenous train, each wheel would support a weight of approximately 1.59 x 10^5 Newtons, resulting in a compression pressure of
  • #1
Hey I was hoping some would be able to help me or show me how to calculate the amount of force a train exerts on a spot on a track.

Simply I could calculate the force exerted on a spot of the track as the weight of the train in kgs times the gravity (9.8m/s^2) will give me netwons of force.

But... I want to know if trains are moving and also can I assume the whole weight of the train exerts on that point??

thanks for any help
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  • #2
You'll just need to divide by the number of wheels.
  • #3
You need the weight of the train (its mass times g) divided by the total area that is making contact with the ground.
  • #4
ok, what about the moving portion or velocity of the train, will that alter the amount of force exterted down on the spot?

Ok by dividing by the number of wheels I can assume that fraction of the trains weight ( that amount of weight per wheel )is focused on that small spot?

Thanks guys for the help
  • #5
well you can find the weight that each wheel must support, however that assumes a homogenous train. The velocity of the train would have no effect. It is directed in a direction perpindicular to gravity (assuming the train is on a flat track)
  • #6
I think a freight car weighs about 130 tonnes (tonne-wt)= 1.275 x 10^6 Newtons (engines are heavier). This weight is supported by eight steel wheels, so the weight per wheel is about 1.59 x 10^5 Newtons. There are about 100 cars in a typical freight train, so there are about 400 wheels, each with this weight, rolling over every piece of track every time a freight train goes by. Suppose the total area under each wheel supporting the load is 10 cm^2 (guess). Then the compression pressure (stress) is 1.59 x 10^5 Newtons/.001 meters^2 = 159 megaPascals (MPa). This about the allowable compressive stress limit for steel.
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  • #7
cool thanks

FAQ: Calculating Force Exerted by a Moving Train on a Track

What is the formula for calculating the force exerted by a moving train on a track?

The formula for calculating force is F = m x a, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. In this case, the mass would be the weight of the train and the acceleration would be its velocity.

Is the force exerted by a train on a track the same as its weight?

No, the force exerted is not the same as the weight of the train. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity on an object, while the force exerted by the train on the track is a result of its motion and the resistance of the track.

How does the speed of the train affect the force exerted on the track?

The force exerted by a moving train on a track is directly proportional to its speed. This means that as the speed of the train increases, the force exerted on the track also increases.

What are the factors that can affect the force exerted by a train on a track?

The force exerted by a train on a track can be affected by various factors such as the weight and speed of the train, the condition and slope of the track, and any external forces acting on the train such as wind resistance.

How is the force exerted by a train on a track important in railway engineering?

The force exerted by a train on a track is an important consideration in railway engineering as it helps determine the strength and stability of the track, as well as the power and efficiency of the train. Accurate calculations of this force are crucial in ensuring the safety and reliability of train operations.

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