Calculating Force Needed to Compress Air From 1 atm

In summary, the amount of work required to compress air from a low atmosphere to a higher one will increase as the temperature difference between the two environments (the chamber and the reservoir) widens.
  • #1
Is there a formula to calculate the amount of force needed to compress air from a low atmosphere to a higher one? In my situation, I have a chamber wherein the pressure is one (1) atm and I ned to push the air from that area into a reservoir where the pressure will increase with each cycle. Am not using a fan, but rather a sort of bellows (one side of the rectangular chamber moves toward an opposite side with hoses to the reservoir). As the reservoir pressure mounts, how can I calculate for the growing amount of energy needed to push more air in and raise the atm pressure?
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  • #2
swabbie58 said:
Is there a formula to calculate the amount of force needed to compress air from a low atmosphere to a higher one? In my situation, I have a chamber wherein the pressure is one (1) atm and I ned to push the air from that area into a reservoir where the pressure will increase with each cycle. Am not using a fan, but rather a sort of bellows (one side of the rectangular chamber moves toward an opposite side with hoses to the reservoir). As the reservoir pressure mounts, how can I calculate for the growing amount of energy needed to push more air in and raise the atm pressure?

It is necessary to have more information about the process on your chamber. Is is adiabatic (i.e fast) or it has times of heat relaxing?. If it is adiabatic, you can obtain the energy needed (work):

[tex] W=\Delta U=m c_v \Delta T[/tex] where m is the mass contained into the chamber in one cycle.

Adiabatic process: [tex] W= m c_v T_o \Big(\frac{T_f}{T_o}-1\Big)= m c_v T_o \Big(\Big(\frac{P_f}{P_o}\Big)^\frac{\gamma-1}{\gamma}-1\Big) [/tex]

where T_o is the temperature at which you start the process of compression,
c_v=714 J/kg
and if you define your compression ratio as: [tex] r=\frac{P_f}{P_o} [/tex] then:

[tex] W= m c_v T_o (r^{\frac{\gamma-1}{\gamma}}-1) [/tex] is the work per cycle (Joules). Surely you will have to multiply this by some kind mechanic efficiency of your device.

HINT: the less [tex] T_o[/tex] the less [tex] W [/tex]. Do you understand the meaning of cooling before compressing air?
  • #3
While it is adiabatic in that it uses a very fast cycle rate, the air being drawn into the chamber for the subsequent cycle comes from outside the system. So, while the temperature of the first-cycle air will rise, that heat will be carried with it down the line to the reservoir. There it will build up as each cycle of air is forced into the reservoir.
  • #4
So you agree with the formulation posted or not?
  • #5
Sorry--my computer had to be taken down to install a new graphics card. Frankly, I don't know enough to know whether I "agree" with it or not! That's why I am posting the question on the forum. I'll have to work through it and see what happens.

FAQ: Calculating Force Needed to Compress Air From 1 atm

1. How do you calculate the force needed to compress air from 1 atm?

The force needed to compress air from 1 atm can be calculated using the formula F = P * A, where F is the force, P is the pressure, and A is the area. In this case, P would be the difference between the final pressure and the initial pressure, and A would be the area of the piston or compressor used to compress the air.

2. What is the unit of measurement for force in this calculation?

The unit of measurement for force in this calculation would be Newtons (N). This is the standard unit for force in the International System of Units (SI).

3. How does temperature affect the force needed to compress air from 1 atm?

Temperature can affect the force needed to compress air from 1 atm in two ways. First, as temperature increases, the air molecules will have more energy and will exert more pressure, meaning that more force will be needed to compress the air to a certain pressure. Second, as temperature increases, the volume of the air will also increase, meaning that more force will be needed to compress the air to a certain volume.

4. Are there any other factors that can affect the force needed to compress air from 1 atm?

Yes, there are other factors that can affect the force needed to compress air from 1 atm. These include the type of gas being compressed (different gases have different compressibility factors), the speed at which the compression is occurring (faster compression may require more force), and the design and efficiency of the compressor being used.

5. Can the force needed to compress air from 1 atm be negative?

No, the force needed to compress air from 1 atm cannot be negative. This is because compression always involves an increase in force, as the air molecules are being pushed closer together. However, if the initial pressure is greater than 1 atm, the force needed to compress the air may be negative (indicating that a force is required to release the compressed air).
