Calculating Force of Friction: A Homework Help Guide

In summary, the task is to find the force of friction acting on a wooden crate being pulled across a concrete floor with a force of 755N at an angle of 35.0°. Using the equation Fx = Tcos(θ) - Ff = ma, where a = 0 since the crate is moving at a constant velocity, the force of friction is equal to the horizontal component of the applied force, which is Tcosθ. The weight of the box is not involved in the calculation since the only horizontal forces are friction and the horizontal component of the applied force. However, it is possible to find the coefficient of friction if the weight of the box is included in the equation.
  • #1
tyler hartman
Force of friction help!

Homework Statement

A force of 755N is exerted on a rope to pull a 45.0N wooden crate across a concrete floor. If the rope makes an angle of 35.0° with the floor and the crate is moving at a constant velocity what is the amount of the force of friction?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

So far I have x: F=Fcosθ-Ff=ma I am not sure if that's the right equation given mg, Fa and angle
Physics news on
  • #2

Please don't use the same label (F in this case) for two different entities. Let's call the rope tension T. So, yes, you have Fx = Tcos(θ) - Ff = ma. What do you know about a?
  • #3

It equals 0 because its at a constant velocity? I think haha
  • #5

So that means that Ff=Tcosθ?
  • #6

Yes. I assume there's more to this question. Do you have to find the coefficient?
  • #7

no, just the force. I am confused on how the weight of the box is not used whatsoever in the end equation?
  • #8

tyler hartman said:
no, just the force. I am confused on how the weight of the box is not used whatsoever in the end equation?
The only horizontal forces are friction and the horizontal component of the applied force. Therefore, the weight of the box is not involved.

It is possible to find the coefficient of friction from the given information. To so this, the weight of the box would be involved.
  • #9

Due to the weight of the box we get that the force of friction is a certain magnitude. From the fact that the box is not accelerating we then know that horizontal component of the pull must be equal to the force of friction and because we can calculate this from the information we have the force of friction. This is exactly how the force of friction is measured experimentally - pull the block along at a constant speed with a spring scale and take its reading. The force of friction is then eual to the reading on the spring scale if it was held horizontally during the pull.

FAQ: Calculating Force of Friction: A Homework Help Guide

What is friction?

Friction is a force that opposes the motion of one surface against another surface. It is caused by the roughness and irregularities of the surfaces in contact.

What factors affect the force of friction?

The force of friction is affected by the types of surfaces in contact, the force pressing the surfaces together, and the speed at which the surfaces move relative to each other.

How is the force of friction calculated?

The force of friction can be calculated using the equation F = μN, where F is the force of friction, μ is the coefficient of friction, and N is the normal force exerted by the surfaces in contact.

What is the coefficient of friction?

The coefficient of friction is a dimensionless constant that represents the amount of friction between two surfaces. It depends on the types of surfaces in contact and their roughness.

How can the force of friction be reduced?

The force of friction can be reduced by using lubricants, making surfaces smoother, or reducing the force pressing the surfaces together. Additionally, using wheels or rollers can also help to reduce friction.
