Calculating Force on Rope in a Pulley System

  • Thread starter bmoore509
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In summary, a 27.5 kg person stands on a 55 kg platform. He pulls on the rope that is attached to the platform via the frictionless lower-right pulley. He pulls the rope at an angle of 29◦ to the horizontal, as shown in the figure below. The platform remains level. If he pulls the platform up at a steady rate, he is exerting a force of 1667.664927 N.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 27.5 kg person stands on a 55 kg platform. He pulls on the rope that is attached to the platform via the frictionless lower-right pulley. He pulls the rope at an angle of 29◦ to the horizontal, as shown in the figure below. Assume: g = 9.8 m/s2 . Ignore friction. The platform remains level.

If he pulls the platform up at a steady rate, how much force is he pulling on the rope?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I don't know where to start. I don't understand what my free body diagram would look like. Would it be the weight of the person and platform combined, with Force up and w down? I'm just really confused.
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  • #2
well its not a complicated FBD, the man standing with the combination of the platform contribute a FG downwards, but the platform contributes a Normal forces to keep the system in the Y direction in equilibrium (before he pulls on the rope).

initially (not pulling on rope)

Fy = N - Fg = 0; therefor Fg = N

when pulling the rope, you break down your y component of your force

Fy = N - Fg + Fpsin(t) = ma; Fp is the force of you pulling on the rope, but you only want the y component.


Fx = Fpcos(t) = 0 ; but the guys trying to go up, not side to side; therefor its zero

hope that helps


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  • #3
All of that makes sense but then I get that:

I don't have acceleration to find out what the force should be.

I have answer choices:

1.F = 269.5 N
2. F = 323.4 N
3. Cannot be determined.
4. F = 808.5 N
5. F = 404.25 N
6. F = 202.125 N
7. F = 539 N
8. F = 606.375 N
9. F = 485.1 N
  • #4
The point is that there is no acceleration as the man is pulling at a steady rate
  • #5
Oh! My bad.

But wouldn't it be
Fy = Fpsin(t) = 0

Meaning F = 0?

But I know that's not right.
  • #6
So, if he's pulling himself up at a constant rate, acceleration is zero. But what do I do with that in the situation of Force? The force isn't zero because he is exerting a force.
  • #7
I'm lost as what to do from here, then:

If I don't have acceleration, what can I do with this formula?
  • #8
Forces in Y = -(M1+M2)g+Fsin(t) = 0; //M1 = mass of man, M2 = mass of plank

solve for F
  • #9
-(M1+M2)g+Fsin(t) = 0; //M1 = mass of man, M2 = mass of plank

Okay, so:
F=1667.664927 N

Which isn't an answer choice.
  • #10
Anyone? I have to finish this tonight.

FAQ: Calculating Force on Rope in a Pulley System

What is the purpose of a man raising a platform?

The purpose of a man raising a platform is typically to elevate himself or an object to a higher level, either for practical or symbolic reasons.

How does a man raise a platform?

A man can raise a platform manually, by using his own strength and physical effort, or he can use mechanical means such as pulleys, levers, or hydraulic systems.

What are the potential dangers of a man raising a platform?

The potential dangers of a man raising a platform include physical injuries such as strains or falls, as well as damage to the platform or surrounding objects. It is important for the man to follow proper safety precautions and use appropriate equipment.

What factors may influence a man's ability to raise a platform?

A man's ability to raise a platform may be influenced by factors such as his physical strength, the weight of the platform and any objects on it, the height and stability of the platform, and the method or equipment used to raise it.

What are some common uses for a man raising a platform?

A man may raise a platform for various reasons, including construction, maintenance, transportation, or performance purposes. Some common examples include using a crane to hoist building materials, using a forklift to move heavy objects, or using a stage lift for theatrical performances.
