- #1
TW Cantor
- 54
- 1
Homework Statement
f(t) is an odd, periodic function with period 1 and:
f(t) = -5.5 + 22*t2 for -0.5 ≤ t < 0
i) find the Fourier coefficient bn
ii) find the Fourier coefficient b5
Homework Equations
bn = (2/T) * ∫ f(t) *sin((2*n*∏*t)/T) dt between T/2 and -T/2
sin(n*∏) = 0 for all values of n
cos(n*∏) = 1 for even values of n
cos(n*∏) = -1 for odd values of n
The Attempt at a Solution
by integrating f(t)*sin((2*n*∏*t)/T) with respect to t i get:
-(11*sin(n*∏) - 11*n*∏*cos(n*∏))/(n^3 * ∏^3)
replacing the sin(n*∏) with 0 i get:
11*cos(n*∏))/(n^2 * ∏^2)
so this should be the solution to the first part of the question but when i put n into the equation as 5, i get the wrong answer. can anyone see where I've gone wrong?