Calculating $\Gamma^2_{chir}$ in General Dimensions

In summary, the question pertains to calculating the value of \Gamma^{2}_{chir} = 1 in general dimensions and determining the constraints on a in order to fulfill the requirement \Gamma^{2} = 1. It is found that in even dimensions, \Gamma^{2}_{chir} = (-1)^{a+\frac{D+1}{2}} and in odd dimensions, \Gamma^{2}_{chir} = (-1)^{2a+1}. Additionally, it is shown that \Gamma^{2}_{chir} = \Gamma_{chir} \Gamma_{chir}^{\dagger} and \Gamma^{2}_{chir} = \Gamma_{chir}
  • #1
Gold Member
I am sorry, this is a rather dump question- more like a notation question since the sources I've looked into don't specify it... But in case I want to calculate (in general dimensions) the:
[itex] \Gamma^{2}_{chir} =1 [/itex]
Do I have to take:
[itex] \Gamma_{chir} \Gamma_{chir}[/itex]

[itex] \Gamma_{chir} \Gamma_{chir}^{\dagger}[/itex]
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  • #2
[itex]\gamma_{5}[/itex] is an hermitain matrix.

so [itex]\gamma_{5}=\gamma_{5}^{\dagger}[/itex]

so both options are the same
  • #3
is that true in general dimensions? For example D= 5 dims?
  • #4
ChrisVer said:
is that true in general dimensions? For example D= 5 dims?

There is no [itex]\gamma_{ ( 5 ) }[/itex]" in odd dimensional spacetime. In fact, in odd dimensions, It is one of the fundamental Gammas. For examples: D=3,
[tex] \gamma_{ ( 5 ) } \equiv \sigma_{ 3 } = - i \sigma_{ 1 } \sigma_{ 2 } , \ \ -i \sigma_{ 1 } \sigma_{ 2 } \sigma_{ 3 } = I[/tex]

And in D = 5, [itex] \gamma_{ ( 5 ) } \equiv \gamma^{ 4 }[/itex]
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  • #5
In general D dimensions you can always define a gamma 5:

[itex]\Gamma = i^{a} \gamma_{0} \gamma_{1} ... \gamma_{D-1} [/itex]

So far I've proven that [itex]\Gamma[/itex] anticommutes with [itex]\gamma^{M}[/itex] if D=even and commutes if D=odd... In the case of D=odd, because it commutes with all the gamma matrices (I think because of Schur's Lemma) you have [itex] \Gamma \propto 1 [/itex]
And I'm trying to find the constraint on [itex]a[/itex] so that I can fulfill the requirement that [itex]\Gamma^{2}=1 [/itex]
However I am not sure if by the square they mean [itex]\Gamma \Gamma[/itex] or [itex] \Gamma \Gamma^{\dagger}[/itex]...

In [itex]\Gamma \Gamma[/itex] case I have:
[itex] \Gamma \Gamma= (i)^{2a} \gamma_{0} \gamma_{1} ... \gamma_{D-1} \gamma_{0} \gamma_{1} ... \gamma_{D-1} [/itex]
By doing the commutations properly I get:*
[itex] \Gamma \Gamma= (i)^{2a} (-1)^{\frac{D+1}{2}} 1 = (-1)^{a+\frac{D+1}{2}} [/itex]

So if I want to get the identity matrix, I must ask for the exponent to be even.
[itex]a+\frac{D+1}{2}= 2n [/itex]
[itex] a= \frac{4n-D-1}{2} [/itex]
In the simplest case [itex]n=0[/itex] so that [itex](-1)^0=+1[/itex] and we have:
[itex] a= - \frac{D+1}{2}[/itex]
However if [itex]\Gamma^{2}= \Gamma \Gamma^{\dagger}[/itex]
and by supposing that:
[itex] \gamma_{0}^{\dagger}= \gamma_{0}[/itex]
[itex] \gamma_{i}^{\dagger}= \gamma_{0} \gamma_{i} \gamma_{0} [/itex]

I have:

[itex]\Gamma \Gamma^{\dagger}= (i)^{2a} (-1)^{a} \gamma_{0} \gamma_{1} ... \gamma_{D-1}\gamma_{D-1}^{\dagger} ... \gamma_{1}^{\dagger} \gamma_{0}^{\dagger} [/itex]

now inserting the above assumption:

[itex]\Gamma \Gamma^{\dagger}= (i)^{2a} (-1)^{a} \gamma_{0} \gamma_{1} ... \gamma_{D-1} \gamma_{0} \gamma_{D-1} \gamma_{0} ... \gamma_{0} \gamma_{1} \gamma_{0} \gamma_{0} [/itex]

Now inside D points, you have D-1 regions (in this case it means D-1 [itex]\gamma_{0}^{2}[/itex])**. Since D is odd, D-1 is even and thus the result is just a +.

[itex] \Gamma \Gamma^{\dagger}= (-1)^{2a} \gamma_{0} \gamma_{1} ... \gamma_{D-1} \gamma_{0} \gamma_{D-1}... \gamma_{1}[/itex]

Since all the gammas commute with [itex]\Gamma[/itex] I can move the middle [itex]\gamma_{0}[/itex] to the 1st place, without a problem, where I'll get [itex]\gamma_{0}^{2}=-1[/itex] and the rest gammas will start cancelling each other one after the other without changing anything (+)(+)(+) etc...

[itex] \Gamma \Gamma^{\dagger}= (-1)^{2a+1} [/itex]

again asking for the power to be even:
[itex] 2a+1 =2n[/itex]
[itex] a= \frac{2n-1}{2}[/itex]
Again in the simplest case [itex] a= \pm \frac{1}{2}[/itex] ( [itex]\pm[/itex] because I don't know if it's needed to be positive or negative, for - n=0, for + n=1)

[itex]D=1, ~~00 =-1 [/itex]
[itex]D=3, ~~ 012 012= +1 [/itex]
[itex]D=5, ~~ 0123401234= -1 [/itex]
So for general D I have [itex] (-1)^{\frac{D+1}{2}}[/itex]
[itex]D=3, ~~ 012 2'1'0' = 012 0 200100= 012021 * (-1)^{2} [/itex]
[itex]D=5, ~~ 01234 4'3'2'1'0'=012340400300200100= 0123404321 * (-1)^{4} [/itex]
[itex]D=7, ~~ 0123456 6'5'4'3'2'1'0'= 01234560600500400300200100 = 01234560654321 * (-1)^{6}[/itex]
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FAQ: Calculating $\Gamma^2_{chir}$ in General Dimensions

1. What is $\Gamma^2_{chir}$ in general dimensions?

$\Gamma^2_{chir}$ is a mathematical quantity used in theoretical physics to describe interactions between fields. It is the square of the chiral gamma matrix, which is a representation of the Clifford algebra in general dimensions.

2. How is $\Gamma^2_{chir}$ calculated?

The exact method for calculating $\Gamma^2_{chir}$ depends on the specific dimension and representation being used. In general, it involves manipulating the gamma matrices according to the rules of the Clifford algebra and taking the square of the resulting expression.

3. What is the physical significance of $\Gamma^2_{chir}$?

In theoretical physics, $\Gamma^2_{chir}$ is often used to describe the interactions between fermionic fields and their corresponding gauge fields. It is also used in supersymmetric theories and in the study of anomalies.

4. Are there any applications of $\Gamma^2_{chir}$?

Yes, $\Gamma^2_{chir}$ has various applications in theoretical physics. It is used in the study of quantum field theory, string theory, and other areas of high energy physics. It also has applications in mathematics, such as in the theory of spinors and Lie algebras.

5. Are there any limitations or caveats when calculating $\Gamma^2_{chir}$?

One limitation is that the calculation of $\Gamma^2_{chir}$ can become very complicated in higher dimensions. Additionally, the specific representation and dimension being used can affect the final result. It is important to carefully follow the rules of the Clifford algebra and double check the calculations to ensure accuracy.
