Calculating height given pressures and temperatures

  • Thread starter e.pramudita
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In summary, the pressure and temperature gages in an airplane indicate a pressure of 10.6psia and a temperature of 46°F, respectively. The altitude of the airplane above sea level is estimated to be 480 ft.
  • #1

Homework Statement

On a certain day the barometric pressure at sea level is 30.1in.Hg, and the temperature is 70°F. The pressure gage in an airplane in flight indicates a pressure of 10.6psia, and the temperature gage shows the air temperature to be 46°F. Estimate as accurately as possible the altitude of the airplane above sea level.

Homework Equations

Here is the solution

The Attempt at a Solution

1. I derived [tex] \frac{dP}{dy} = -\frac{PM}{RT} g [/tex] But on the given solution there is no M. How come?
2. Why is T linear?
3. Where it gets a=530 and b=-24/h
4. Where it gets h=9192ft?
Given P=10.6psia, P_0=30.1in.Hg and we know 29.92in.Hg=14.7psia=1atm
then P_0=30.1*14.7/29.92=14.78843583psia
[tex] \ln \frac{10.6}{14.78843583}=-0.3329915114 [/tex]
[tex] \ln \frac{506}{530}=-0.04634033726 [/tex]
[tex] \frac{g}{24*R}=0.04914629473 [/tex]
[tex] h = 146.2120585 \text{m}= 480 \text{ft} [/tex]

If you have different approach (except ISA), please do share.
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Physics news on
  • #2
But on the given solution there is no M. How come?
The atmosphere has 80% nitrogen (mainly molecules with 2 N16-atoms), 20% oxygen (mainly molecules with 2 O16-atoms) and negligible traces of other gases.
You can use the relative pressure to avoid this.

2. Why is T linear?
It is not, but that assumption will give a reasonable approximation.

3. Where it gets a=530 and b=-24/h
Chosen to get T(0)=530 ("Fahrenheit above absolute zero"? US-units are weird) and T(airplane)=530+24.

4. Where it gets h=9192ft?
In the last equation, everything apart from h is known, you can solve it for h.
  • #3
Ambient Temperature = 70 F
Converting F to Rankine scale (where Abs. Zero = -460 F)
then T = 70 + 460 = 530 F
  • #4
The quantity:

[tex] \frac{g}{24*R}=0.04914629473 [/tex]

You did not calculate this in consistent units. You were right about the M. The R in this equation needs to be divided by a factor of M. The R that should be used here is

[tex]R = \frac{8.31}{29}\frac{J}{(K)(gm)}[/tex]

You also need to multiply by 1000 to convert the Joules in the numerator from kg to grams.

You also need to divide the 24 F by 1.8 to get degrees K. Once you make these corrections, you should get the right answer. This punctuates the need to pay careful attention to units when you solve a problem.
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  • #5
Thanks you all for your responses!
Still confused with conversion.
For example
[tex] \ln \frac{46°F}{70°F} ≠ \ln \frac{506°R}{530°R}[/tex]
If the units inside ln are the same, then the number inside ln is without unit (the units cancel each other).
Thus how come the calculations above are not equal?
What unit should I use then? And how come unit that you're suggesting work?

Following attachment is my calculations. I calculate it as precise as possible and round it only on my final answer. That being said mine differ significantly.
Solution = 2801.722 m
Mine = 2686.85 m
Difference about 200 m is unacceptable, don't you think?
And by International Standard Atmosphere that says
[tex] T = a - 0.0065y [/tex] [tex] y_p= \frac{280.927778K - 294.261111K}{-0.0065} = 2051.282 \text{m} [/tex]
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  • #6
e.pramudita said:
Thanks you all for your responses!
Still confused with conversion.
For example
[tex] \ln \frac{46°F}{70°F} ≠ \ln \frac{506°R}{530°R}[/tex]
If the units inside ln are the same, then the number inside ln is without unit (the units cancel each other).
Thus how come the calculations above are not equal?
What unit should I use then? And how come unit that you're suggesting work?

Following attachment is my calculations. I calculate it as precise as possible and round it only on my final answer. That being said mine differ significantly.
Solution = 2801.722 m
Mine = 2686.85 m
Difference about 200 m is unacceptable, don't you think?
And by International Standard Atmosphere that says
[tex] T = a - 0.0065y [/tex] [tex] y_p= \frac{280.927778K - 294.261111K}{-0.0065} = 2051.282 \text{m} [/tex]

You are very close now. First of all, you can't express the ratio of the temperatures in degrees F, because the ideal gas law calls the temperatures to be absolute temperatures (R or K), not temperatures relative to some arbitrary reference (F or C). Secondly, you made a mistake in arithmetic: the 23 should be a 24 (like you correctly obtained when you did the problem the first time). See what you get when you make this correction.

Finally, the temperature profile for the atmosphere changes from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute, etc. The International Standard Atmosphere is an approximate average over time, and over the surface of the earth. Your problem, on the other hand, gives the temperature and pressure profiles at a specific location and time.
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  • #7

FAQ: Calculating height given pressures and temperatures

1. How do you calculate height using pressures and temperatures?

The height can be calculated using the formula: height = (pressure * molecular weight * temperature) / (density * gravity * gas constant), where pressure is in Pascals, molecular weight is in kg/mol, temperature is in Kelvin, density is in kg/m^3, gravity is in m/s^2, and gas constant is in J/mol*K.

2. What are the units for pressure, temperature, and height in this calculation?

Pressure is measured in Pascals (Pa), temperature is measured in Kelvin (K), and height is measured in meters (m).

3. Can this calculation be used for any type of gas?

Yes, this calculation can be used for any type of gas as long as the appropriate units are used for the variables and the gas constant is adjusted accordingly.

4. How accurate is this method for calculating height?

This method can provide a fairly accurate estimate of height, but it may not account for other variables such as humidity or wind. It is best used for rough estimations and may need to be adjusted for more precise calculations.

5. Are there any limitations to this calculation?

Yes, this calculation assumes a constant temperature and pressure throughout the entire height, which may not be the case in real-world scenarios. It also does not take into account other factors such as air density variations due to altitude or the presence of other gases in the atmosphere.
