Calculating Height of Building w/ Sound Speed

In summary, the rock falls from the building and hits the ground 4.8 seconds later. The speed of sound is 350m/s, and the time it takes for the sound of the rock hitting the ground to reach your ears is 4.8 seconds. The height of the building is found by multiplying the speed of sound by the distance over speed.
  • #1

I'm calculating a physics problem and I'm supposed to calculate the height of a building given that:

rock is dropped from the building,
the sound of the rock hitting the ground is heard 4.8s later,
the speed of sound is 350m/s,

and I don't know how do I calculate the time since the rock hit the ground until it reached my ears.

Thank you!
Physics news on
  • #2
how do I calculate the time since the rock hit the ground until it reached my ears.
distance over speed.
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
distance over speed.

I don't have the distance.
  • #4
That's right - distance is what you are trying to find.
You do, however, have the total time, the speed of sound, and the acceleration due to gravity.
  • #5
Is it 4.8 seconds from the time you drop the rock until you hear the sound? Or 4.8 seconds from the time the rock hits the ground until you hear the sound?
  • #6
I'm interpreting that at t=0, rock is dropped, t=T=4.8s hear the sound.
There are four equations and four unknowns ... waiting for OP to realize ;)

Rock accelerates at g=9.8m/s, falls a height h, and hits the ground in time T1 at speed v making a "crack" noise.

From this we see that OP can work out:
v in terms of g and T1 ...that will be eq(1)
h in terms of v and T1 ...that will be eq(2)

The noise returns the same distance at speed c=350m/s in time T2:
height of the building by the speed of sound and T2 ... (3)

The total time between drop and sound is:
T=T1+T2 ...(4)

Four equations and four unknowns.
  • #7
Thank you.

I have : -1/2aT12 = c(4.8-T1)

I still can't find the answer.
  • #8
Well - technically T1 is one of the variables you want to eliminate, you want to keep h because that's what you want to find. I think you may have misplaced a minus sign too.

Please list your four equations... number them.
You will probably instinctively combine the first two... that's fine, you then have three equations and three unknowns.

However: notice that you know a and c, so you can get T1 from that equation. Substitute that number into all your equations where T1 appears and you now have three equations and three unknowns.

But it is better to to use the first three equations to eliminate all the unknowns except for h. Have you solved simultaneous equations before?
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  • #9
You give me wonderful ideas on how to start solving physics problems effectively, but I need so much more practice.

This time I got: T2= 2h/a + h2/c2

however, I still can't get it. It's always so close.

I don't know what more to ask you, I think you've told me all that you could.

Thank you!
  • #10
That does not look right to me - I need to see your working or I cannot help you :(

I suspect you actually had $$T=\sqrt{\frac{2h}{g}}+\frac{h}{c}$$ and you squared both sides. Is that the case?
If so then that was a mistake.

But look at the form of your final equation ... you've seen it before.
What do you call it when the variable is squared in a function: what sort of function is it?
It has form ##Ax^2+Bx+C=0##
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  • #11
I think I have it now.


and t1= t-t2

Then solve quadratic equation with a=1; b= -71.4; c=23.04

Thank you so much!
  • #12
No worries.

FAQ: Calculating Height of Building w/ Sound Speed

1. How do you calculate the height of a building using sound speed?

To calculate the height of a building using sound speed, you will need a stopwatch and a known distance between you and the building. Stand at the base of the building and have someone else stand at the top. Start the stopwatch and have the person at the top drop a small object, such as a coin. Stop the stopwatch when you hear the sound of the object hitting the ground. The time it takes for the sound to travel from the top of the building to the ground is equal to the time it takes for the sound to travel from the ground to the top of the building. Using the known distance and the time, you can calculate the speed of sound. Then, using the speed of sound and the time it took for the sound to travel, you can calculate the height of the building.

2. What is the speed of sound?

The speed of sound is the distance that sound waves travel in a given amount of time. It is affected by factors such as temperature, humidity, and altitude. The average speed of sound at sea level is approximately 343 meters per second.

3. Can you use any sound to calculate the height of a building?

No, the sound used to calculate the height of a building must be a short, sharp sound that can be easily heard and timed. A coin dropping, a hand clap, or a whistle are all examples of suitable sounds.

4. How accurate is this method for calculating height?

The accuracy of this method depends on several factors, such as the precision of the stopwatch and the distance between you and the building. However, with careful measurements and calculations, this method can provide a fairly accurate estimate of the height of a building.

5. Are there any other methods for calculating the height of a building?

Yes, there are other methods for calculating the height of a building, such as using a surveying instrument like a theodolite or a laser rangefinder. These methods may be more accurate, but they also require specialized equipment and expertise. The sound speed method is a simple and accessible alternative for estimating the height of a building.
