Calculating Height Using the Work-Energy Theorem

In summary, the problem involves a toboggan sliding down a frictionless icy hill at 25 degrees above horizontal with a speed of 12m/s. The question asks for the vertical height above the base where the toboggan will stop. The solution involves using the work-energy theorem and considering the angle between the weight and displacement vectors. The final answer is found by setting the work done by gravity equal to the change in kinetic energy and solving for the vertical height.
  • #1

Homework Statement

At the base of a frictionless icy hill that rises at 25 degree above horizontal, a toboggan has a speed of 12m/s toward the hill. How high vertically above the base will it go before stopping?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I know the answer but the steps were quite confusing.
W= Delta K. Where W should be the NET work. Weight does a work at 180 from the displacement. So Wmg = -mgh.. Fine! Now, the book equated this with the kinetic energy. Isn't there a normal force acting too. Why didn't the book consider the work done by the normal force. I feel i should add W done by N= (mgcos theta) x cos theta x h ... Why can't i do that... I need good replies. Thanks to whoever contributes with good answers. :)
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  • #2
Careful. The displacement vector of the taboggan is in the direction of the slope of the hill; that is, at 25 degrees above the horizontal. But the force of gravity is vertically downward. So, the angle between the weight and the displacement is not 180 degrees.
  • #3
But now, he is asking me about the vertical height. So shouldn't we think of the y-axis as a reference now?
  • #4
I think it's best to stick with the definition of work as W = Fdcosθ

If you can find the distance d along the hill, then you can use that to find the height h.

So, what would be the value of θ for the weight force and what would be the value of θ for the normal force?
  • #5
Ok... I get your point and let me solve it with your convention. W done by gravity along s (which is the hypotanious) is equal to = -mgcos theta X s = - .5 mv^2 ... s would be h/sin theta... The answers turns out to be wrong because over all we equate and have - mg h/tan theta = .5 m v^2 ... Kindly Clarify!
  • #6
Please specify what you used for the value of θ in the expression mgscosθ for the work done by the weight force.
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  • #7
Oh my godness... I knew where my mistake is... It is W=F.s ... So we take mg as a whole , s as a whole and the angle between them is sin theta... We then mltiply it by h/sin theta .. so sin theta cancels... WOW! I owe you bro. Cs i didn't wan't to solve it with potential energy rather than with kinetic energy.. Thanks!

FAQ: Calculating Height Using the Work-Energy Theorem

1. What is the work-energy theorem?

The work-energy theorem is a fundamental principle in physics that states the relationship between the work done on an object and its change in kinetic energy. It states that the net work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy.

2. How is the work-energy theorem derived?

The work-energy theorem is derived from the laws of motion, specifically Newton's second law which states that the net force acting on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. By integrating this equation, we can derive the work-energy theorem.

3. Can the work-energy theorem be applied to all types of motion?

Yes, the work-energy theorem can be applied to all types of motion, including linear, rotational, and oscillatory motion. This is because the principle of conservation of energy, which the work-energy theorem is based on, applies to all types of motion.

4. How is the work-energy theorem useful in real-world applications?

The work-energy theorem is useful in real-world applications because it allows us to calculate the work done on an object without having to know the specific forces acting on it. This is particularly useful in situations where the forces are difficult to measure, such as in complex mechanical systems.

5. Is the work-energy theorem always applicable?

No, the work-energy theorem is not always applicable. It assumes that there are no non-conservative forces acting on the object, such as friction or air resistance. In real-world situations, these forces cannot always be ignored and must be taken into account in the calculations.
