Calculating IA, IB, IC: A Parameterization Approach

In summary, the conversation discusses how to calculate the integrals IA, IB, and IC given different curves. The speaker suggests using parameterization to find the equations of the curves and then using the formula for line integrals to solve for the values. They also mention using the residue theorem for simpler calculations. The conversation also clarifies the direction of the curves and the use of symmetry in finding the integrals.
  • #1
I'm studying for a test.
The question is:
Let A be the straight line segment from -3-4i to 4+3i. Let B be the arc of the circle |z| = 5 going anti-clockwise from -3-4i to 4+3i. Let C be the arc of the circle |z| = 5 going anti-clockwise from -3-i to 4+3i. Define:
IA = [tex]\int_A[/tex] 1/z dz

IB = [tex]\int_B[/tex] 1/z dz

IC = [tex]\int_C[/tex] 1/z dz

How do I calculate IA, IB, IC? I know to write IA as an integral by parameterizing A, but how do I parameterize A, I know if I can find IA then the other two are easy. Could I let z = eit so dz = ieit dt. I can't seem to get the limits integration.
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  • #2
You have:

[itex]\int_{-3-4i}^{4+3i} \frac{1}{z}dz[/itex]

Just figure out the equation of the straight line from start to end. I get simply [itex]y=x-1[/itex]. So let [itex]x(t)=t[/itex] and [itex]y(t)=t-1[/itex] and solve:

[itex]\int_{-3}^4 \frac{1}{x(t)+iy(t)}(dx(t)+idy(t))[/itex]
  • #3
|-3-4i|= |4+ 3i|= 5 so they both lie on the circle |z|= 5 but [itex] |-3- i|= \sqrt{10}\ne 5[/itex] so the circle |z|= 5 does NOT go "from -3- i to 4+ 3i". Did you mean "from -3- 4i to 4+ 3i"? But then B and C are the same!? Perhaps you mean "from 4+ 3i to -3- 4i"? That is, B and C are two halves of the same circle.

Since z= x+ iy is on the circle |z|= 5 if and only if [itex]x^2+ y^2= 5[/itex], we can use [itex]x= 5cos(\theta)[/itex] and [/itex]y= 5 sin(\theta)[/itex] (which is the same as z= 5e^{i\theta}[/itex] for the circle. The only "difficulty" is getting the beginning and ending values for [itex]\theta[/itex]. At z= 4+ 3i, [itex]x= 5 cos(\theta)= 4[/itex] and [itex]5 sin(\theta)= 3[/itex] so [itex](5 sin(\theta))/(5 cos(\theta))= tan(\theta)= 3/4[/itex]. For the anti-clockwise circle from 4+ 3i to -3- 4i, [itex]\theta[/itex] goes from [itex]arctan(3/4)[/itex] to [itex]\pi+ arctan(3/4)[/itex] and for the anti-clockwise circle from -3- 4i to 4+ 3i, [itex]\theta[/itex] goes from [itex]\pi+ arctan(3/4)[/itex] to [itex]2\pi+ arctan(3/4)[/itex].
  • #4
Sorry C is the arc of a circle |z| = 5 going clockwise from -3-4i to 4+3i.
How do I parameterize z
Is [tex]\vartheta[/tex] the same as for the anticlockwise arc.
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  • #5
Sorry z = 5exp(i[tex]\vartheta[/tex])
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  • #6
For the anti-clockwise arc I got IB = ipi
Does that mean the clockwise arc is ipi by symmetry
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  • #7
No.. 1/z is not a symmetric function.
It is also not an analytic function (in the origin), and I guess this exercise comes to teach you what it means about its line integrals.
  • #8
1/z is analytic inside the region determined by the curves A and B and on the curves... so, [tex]\displaystyle\int_B f(z) dz - \displaystyle\int_A f(z) dz = 0[/tex] (the minus sign is to correct orientation of the curves). So, if you found B, you have A.

Joining C with B (or A, it doesn't really matter), correcting the orientations, you can find the integral using residue theorem (which is simple for f(z) = 1/z, as it's already a Laurent series, and the pole is simple (order 1)). So, if you have B, and the residue, you also have C, and the problem is solved.

FAQ: Calculating IA, IB, IC: A Parameterization Approach

1. What is the purpose of calculating IA, IB, and IC using a parameterization approach?

The purpose of calculating IA, IB, and IC using a parameterization approach is to determine the intrinsic parameters of a three-phase induction motor. These parameters are necessary for analyzing the performance of the motor and designing control systems.

2. How is the parameterization approach different from other methods of calculating IA, IB, and IC?

The parameterization approach differs from other methods because it uses mathematical equations to represent the motor's behavior, rather than relying on experimental data. This allows for a more accurate and efficient calculation of the parameters.

3. What data is needed to calculate IA, IB, and IC using the parameterization approach?

To calculate IA, IB, and IC using the parameterization approach, data such as the motor's rated voltage, rated current, and rated power must be known. Other data, such as the motor's physical dimensions and materials, may also be needed depending on the specific parameterization model used.

4. Can the parameterization approach be used for all types of induction motors?

The parameterization approach can be used for most types of three-phase induction motors, including squirrel cage and wound rotor motors. However, the specific parameterization model used may vary depending on the motor's design and characteristics.

5. Are there any limitations to using the parameterization approach for calculating IA, IB, and IC?

While the parameterization approach is a useful and efficient method for calculating IA, IB, and IC, it may not be as accurate as experimental methods in certain cases. Additionally, the accuracy of the results may be affected by factors such as manufacturing tolerances and temperature variations.
