Calculating Impact Force for Aircraft Landing on Carrier Ship

In summary: In this case, the direction of the angular momentum is perpendicular to both the linear momentum and the distance vector, so we need to use the right-hand rule to determine the direction. The angular momentum of the aircraft is therefore given by:A = -Lr = -(m1)(161.3 ft/s)(24 ft) = -(m1)(3871.2 ft-lb/s)To find the estimated impact force, we need to consider the angular momentum of the aircraft and the gravitational force acting on each of the loads. The gravitational force on each load is given by mg, where m is the mass and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The direction of the gravitational force is downwards, so we need to use
  • #1

Homework Statement

An aircraft is landing on a carrier ship in the middle of the Pacific. When the aircraft’s jump cable catches to stop the plane, the aircraft is traveling at 110 mph with the front of the plane 3 feet off the deck of the ship. If the assumption is made that the cable stops the aircraft immediately (the cable is not elastic), what would be the estimated impact force on the front end of the aircraft with the following conditions?
-The aircraft is 24 feet long
-1000 lbs located 4 feet above rear axle (pivot point)
-5000 lbs located 5 feet above center of plant (when plane is level)
-1500 lbs located 3 feet above front axle
-Do NOT ignore gravity
-Assume no impact absorbed by the front tire

Homework Equations

L (linear momentum) = mass * velocity
A (angular momentum) = L x r (cross product of linear momentum and vector)
kinetic energy ? possible needed

The Attempt at a Solution

Tried using angular momentum (lb ft2 / sec) but that will not add with gravitational force multiplied by distance and mass (lb ft2 / s2). I'm really stuck here please help!
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. I am a scientist and I would be happy to assist you in finding a solution to your problem.

First, let's define some variables for easier understanding:

v = velocity of the aircraft (110 mph)
d = distance of the front of the plane from the deck of the ship (3 feet)
L = length of the aircraft (24 feet)
m1 = mass of the aircraft (unknown)
m2 = mass of the 1000 lbs load (1000 lbs)
m3 = mass of the 5000 lbs load (5000 lbs)
m4 = mass of the 1500 lbs load (1500 lbs)
r1 = distance of the 1000 lbs load from the pivot point (4 feet)
r2 = distance of the 5000 lbs load from the pivot point (5 feet)
r3 = distance of the 1500 lbs load from the pivot point (3 feet)
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2 or 32.2 ft/s^2)

To calculate the estimated impact force, we need to use the equation F = ma, where F is the force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration. In this case, the acceleration is given by the change in velocity, which is 110 mph or 161.3 ft/s, over the time it takes for the aircraft to come to a stop. Since we are assuming that the cable stops the aircraft immediately, the time is very small and can be ignored. Therefore, the acceleration is 161.3 ft/s^2.

We can now calculate the linear momentum of the aircraft using the equation L = mv. The linear momentum is a vector quantity, so we need to consider both the magnitude and direction. In this case, the direction of the linear momentum is opposite to the direction of the velocity, so we need to use a negative sign. The linear momentum of the aircraft is therefore given by:

L = -mv = -(m1)(161.3 ft/s)

Next, we need to calculate the angular momentum of the aircraft. Since the aircraft is rotating around a pivot point (the rear axle), we need to use the equation A = L x r, where A is the angular momentum, L is the linear momentum, and r is the distance from the pivot point. The angular momentum is also a vector quantity, so we need to consider both the magnitude
  • #3

I would approach this problem by first breaking it down into smaller, more manageable parts. First, I would calculate the linear momentum of the aircraft using the given mass (in this case, the total mass would be 7500 lbs) and velocity (110 mph). This would give me a value in lb ft/s.

Next, I would calculate the angular momentum of the aircraft using the given mass and distance from the pivot point (in this case, the rear axle). This would give me a value in lb ft2/s.

To determine the impact force, I would then need to consider the kinetic energy of the aircraft, which is calculated using the formula KE = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2. Since the cable stops the aircraft immediately, we can assume that all of its kinetic energy is converted into impact force.

Finally, I would add the linear momentum and angular momentum values together, and then add the calculated kinetic energy to get the total impact force. This would give me a value in lbs, which is the unit of force.

It's important to note that this calculation is an estimate, as it does not take into account any other factors such as air resistance or the elasticity of the cable. However, it can still provide a general idea of the impact force on the front end of the aircraft during landing on the carrier ship.

FAQ: Calculating Impact Force for Aircraft Landing on Carrier Ship

What is the purpose of calculating impact force for aircraft landing on carrier ship?

The purpose of calculating impact force is to ensure the safety of the aircraft and personnel on the carrier ship. It can also help in determining the structural integrity of the ship and identifying any potential damage that may occur during the landing.

How is the impact force calculated for aircraft landing on carrier ship?

The impact force is calculated using the formula F= m x a, where F is the force, m is the mass of the aircraft, and a is the acceleration. The acceleration is determined by the rate of change in the velocity during the landing.

What factors affect the impact force during an aircraft landing on carrier ship?

There are several factors that can affect the impact force, including the weight and speed of the aircraft, the angle of descent, and the condition of the carrier ship's landing surface. Wind speed and direction can also play a role in the impact force.

How is the impact force used to improve carrier ship design?

By calculating the impact force, engineers can identify areas of the carrier ship that may need reinforcement or improvement to better withstand the force of aircraft landings. This information can also be used to inform future carrier ship designs to make them safer and more resilient.

What are some potential risks associated with high impact forces during aircraft landing on carrier ship?

High impact forces can put stress on the aircraft and carrier ship, potentially leading to damage or even accidents. It can also cause discomfort or injury to the pilots and crew members on board. In extreme cases, it can even result in the loss of the aircraft or ship.

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