Calculating Impact from 80K lb Truck - dad52002

  • Thread starter dad52002
  • Start date
In summary, the truck pushed the mechanic 40 ft and he does not know if it was the weight of the truck or the impact that caused him to sustain the injuries.
  • #1
I need someone's help. I have a personal math problem.I have tryed to do it myself but I am not very good at this. I was working as a diesel mechanic. A truck broke down on the freeway and I went to fix it. The truck weighed 80,000 lbs. I pulled my pick/up in front of it. It weighed 2,ooo lbs. The truck was 10 ft behind me at a 7% down grade. the driver of the truck released the parking brakes and got out. The truck rolled the 10 ft and pushed me and the pick/up 40 ft. I was in between the two. Can someone tell me how much impact the truck had on me. I do not know if it would be weight,mass,lbs per foot. I guess it would be total weight at impact.
If this is inappropriate for this site, I do apologize. I would just like to find out what impact the truck had on my body. Thank you for all your help.
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  • #2
It is not possible to give an answer. The speed of the truck at me moment of impact depends on the friction, and is much less than the speed of an ideal no friction sliding or rolling object. The acceleration (and force) at the impact depends on how much you were deformed and the stiffness of the deformed part (belly, skull, etc.). On the other hand, if your pick-up was in the slope, the brake should be put-on. You could try to compute the force needed just to move your pick-up brakes on, but you must know the friction coefficient between the tires and the road. This is the only thing that can be estimated (just estimated). Assuming a friction coefficient of 1 (good tires, dry road) the force is near the weight of your pick-up, that is 2000 lbs. But the force at the impact should have been much larger. Did you survive?
  • #3
Yikes. That's rough.

I think the best you may be able to do is estimate the max possible force based on the slope and weight of the truck, which would be 7/100*80,000=5,600. That seems awfully high, though.

FAQ: Calculating Impact from 80K lb Truck - dad52002

1. How do you calculate the impact from an 80K lb truck?

The impact from an 80K lb truck can be calculated by using the formula F = m x a, where F is the force of impact, m is the mass of the truck in pounds, and a is the acceleration of the truck in feet per second squared. By plugging in the values for the mass and acceleration, you can calculate the force of impact in pounds.

2. What is the average impact force of an 80K lb truck?

The average impact force of an 80K lb truck can vary depending on factors such as speed, road conditions, and type of impact. However, using the formula F = m x a, the average impact force can be calculated by dividing the force of impact by the distance traveled during impact.

3. How does the impact from an 80K lb truck compare to other vehicles?

The impact from an 80K lb truck is significantly greater than that of smaller vehicles due to its larger mass. For example, a collision between an 80K lb truck and a passenger car would result in a much higher impact force on the car compared to a collision between two cars of equal mass.

4. Is there a way to lessen the impact of an 80K lb truck?

There are several measures that can be taken to lessen the impact of an 80K lb truck, such as installing safety features like crash barriers and rumble strips on roads, implementing speed limits for trucks, and enforcing strict regulations for truck drivers to prevent accidents.

5. How does the impact from an 80K lb truck affect the environment?

The impact from an 80K lb truck can have negative effects on the environment, such as air and noise pollution, and damage to roads and infrastructure. This is why it is important for trucking companies to implement eco-friendly practices and for governments to regulate and monitor the trucking industry to minimize its impact on the environment.
