Calculating inductance of a loop

In summary, this program predicts a much lower inductance than is actually achieved when using a coil with a larger diameter.
  • #1
I am designing a loop antenna and would like to calculate the inductance. The radius of the loop is 6.67 centimeters, the radius of the wire is .42mm (#26 awg) and has 57 turns.

Using the following formula
L =N^2*R*mu_o*mu_r*(ln(8R/r)-2)
where N=turns, R=loop radius and r=wire radius. From this and assuming copper wire is roughky the same as air in terms of permeability I get a result of 1.4 mH.

To mee that seems like it is
orders of magnitude too large. Can some please verify that my calculations are correct or if theu are not provide me with the correct equation?
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  • #2
I used this site:

and got an inductance of 1.475 mH, which agrees almost exactly with the answer you got.

Note that this site uses Wheeler's formula and you need Java to use the program.

For larger diameter coils, like this one, you click on the 500 mm maximum diameter choice.

This program calculates inductance using Wheeler's Formula:

Equation for Wheeler's Formula


where N = number of turns, A = average coil radius, B = coil length, and C = coil thickness. All dimensions are in inches and the result is microhenries.
  • #3
Calculating the inductance with Wheeler's formula, I get 2.537 mH which is quite a bit higher than the program predicted.
However, I did have to make some assumptions about the thickness of the coil.
I had A = 6.563 B = 0.25 C = 0.25 N = 57

You can put the coil in series with a 0.1 uF capacitor to ground and feed a sinewave signal to the series combination, then observe the voltage across the capacitor on an oscilloscope.

There should be a sharp peak at the resonant frequency. With the following circuit, the resonance would be about 10 KHz for a 2.5 mH coil.


From this, you could calculate the actual coil inductance.
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FAQ: Calculating inductance of a loop

What is inductance?

Inductance is the property of an electrical circuit that causes an opposition to the change in current flow through the circuit. It is represented by the symbol L and is measured in henries (H).

What is a loop inductance?

A loop inductance is the inductance of a closed loop or circuit that is created by a conductor carrying an electric current. It is also known as self-inductance.

How do you calculate the inductance of a loop?

The inductance of a loop can be calculated using the formula L = μ0 * N^2 * A / l, where μ0 is the permeability of free space, N is the number of turns in the loop, A is the area of the loop, and l is the length of the loop.

What factors affect the inductance of a loop?

The inductance of a loop depends on several factors, including the number of turns in the loop, the area of the loop, the material of the loop, and the presence of any nearby magnetic fields.

Why is calculating inductance important?

Calculating the inductance of a loop is important in understanding and designing electrical circuits, as inductance affects the behavior of the circuit and can cause unexpected results if not taken into account. It is also important in fields such as electronics, telecommunications, and power engineering.

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