Calculating initial trajectory without time

In summary, the person is stuck on a homework problem and needs help finding the other equation that solves for theta. The person finds their mistake and solves for theta using tanθ.
  • #1
Ok, I am a bit stuck on a homework problem. I know the following:

Initial speed: 25 m/s
Distance: 49.85 m
Initial height: 30 m

And that is it. I know that one possible initial trajectory is 70 degrees, but I need to find the other, and that is where I am having a problem. Of the equations that I know, it leaves me with two variables: theta and time.

My original idea was to take t=sx/(25*sin(Θ)), and use that to replace the t's in sy=V0y*t + 1/2 a*t2. The problem then becomes that I can't figure out how to solve for theta when I have cos and sin in the picture. (V0y being replaced by 25*cos(Θ))

Is there an easy way to get this done, or can someone at least give me a push in the right direction? Thank you.
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  • #2
What's the exact problem statement, please?
  • #3
It is a multistep problem, and this is the last step, but I will write it out:

We throw a stone at a sharp upwards angle from the top of a steep cliff. The area below is flat, and lies 30 meters lower than the top of the cliff. The initial speed is 25 m/s and the initial trajectory is 70 degrees from the horizontal plane. We assume no air resistance.

a) How high over the starting point is the stone at it's highest point?
b) How long after being thrown does the stone hit the ground? Where does it hit?
c) Calculate the speed and angle when the stone hits the ground.
d) Is it possible to hit the same spot if we throw the stone with the same speed, but a different initial trajectory? If yes, calculate this angle.

So, I have already solved a, b and c, and I am now on d. The earlier calculations give me where on the x plane the stone will hit, which is 49.85 meters.
  • #4
OK. Much better. What's your final equation involving sinθ and cosθ?
  • #5
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  • #6
Latsabb said:
So, assuming you did the algebra correctly,
[tex]49.85\cotθ-19.5 \csc^2θ+30=0[/tex][tex]\csc^2θ=1+\cot^2θ[/tex][tex]49.85\cotθ-19.5 \cot^2θ+10.5=0[/tex]
  • #7
Hmmm... That would give that the angles are 20 and -80(ish) degrees, which cannot be correct. We don't use cot, csc in Norway, so maybe I misunderstood how those should have been converted over, but I will look over my algebra again, just in case.
  • #8
Latsabb said:
Hmmm... That would give that the angles are 20 and -80(ish) degrees, which cannot be correct. We don't use cot, csc in Norway, so maybe I misunderstood how those should have been converted over, but I will look over my algebra again, just in case.
Well, you could always substitute [itex]\phi = \frac{π}{2}-θ[/itex], and solve using tangent and secant. Also, check your equation by substituting θ = 70 degrees to see if it is satisfied.
  • #9
I seem to have found my mistake. I reversed cos and sin when I was replacing t and the velocity, meaning the equation should have been:


I have plugged in 70 for theta, and it works out. However, this could be rewritten as:

  • #10
Latsabb said:
I seem to have found my mistake. I reversed cos and sin when I was replacing t and the velocity, meaning the equation should have been:


I have plugged in 70 for theta, and it works out. However, this could be rewritten as:


I get -11.06°.
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  • #11
Yes, I had to look up how to manipulate a secant, but saw that as well. Thank you very much for the help.

FAQ: Calculating initial trajectory without time

1. How can you calculate the initial trajectory without knowing the time?

Calculating the initial trajectory without time requires using equations of motion and kinematics to solve for the initial velocity and angle of the object. By knowing the displacement, acceleration, and other variables, the initial trajectory can be determined without needing the time.

2. What equations are needed to calculate the initial trajectory without time?

The equations needed to calculate the initial trajectory without time include the displacement formula (d = v0t + 1/2at2), the velocity formula (v = v0 + at), and the kinematic equation for displacement (d = v0t + 1/2at2).

3. Can you use the same method to calculate the initial trajectory for all objects?

No, the method for calculating the initial trajectory without time may differ depending on the type of object and the forces acting upon it. For example, different equations may be used for a projectile versus a car in motion.

4. How accurate is the initial trajectory calculated without time?

The accuracy of the calculated initial trajectory without time depends on the accuracy of the given variables and the equations used. In real-world situations, factors such as air resistance and other external forces may also affect the accuracy.

5. Can the initial trajectory be calculated without time for objects in all directions?

Yes, the initial trajectory can be calculated without time for objects moving in any direction, as long as the necessary variables are known and the appropriate equations are used. The initial velocity and angle can be determined for objects moving horizontally, vertically, or at an angle.

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