Calculating Initial Velocity for Projectile Launch from Point A to B

In summary, In order to launch a projectile at a given angle from point A to point B, the only force acting on the projectile after launch will be gravity – zero air resistance. The projectile is launched within a simulated, virtual environment with the following dimensions: x, y, z and time. If the launch height and the target height are the same, only the latter equation works to find the range. However, if the launch height is different from the target height, the equation for d becomes less precise and the projectile always falls short. Concentrating on the simpler scenario where both points are at the same height, only the latter equation works.
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Homework Statement

I need to calculate the initial velocity required to launch a projectile at a given angle from point A to point B. The only force acting on the projectile after launch will be gravity – zero air resistance. The projectile is launched within a simulated, virtual environment with the following dimensions: x, y, z and time.

I have had success when point A and point B are at the same height; however, once point B is at a different height, my calculations become less precise – well, wrong in fact.

Known variables:

[itex]d[/itex] : magnitude of the displacement vector
[itex]g[/itex] : gravity
[itex]\theta[/itex] : launch angle
[itex]y_0[/itex] : launch height

Homework Equations

I researched the following formula for finding the range of a projectile on uneven ground. The parameters are all available to me, except the initial velocity that I need to solve for.

[itex]d = \frac{v_i \cos\theta}{g}(v{_i} \sin \theta + \sqrt{(v_i \sin\theta)^2 + 2gy_0})[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I attempted to solve for initial velocity. I am fairly confident that the equation has been rewritten correctly, but not 100%:

[itex]v_i = \sqrt{\frac{d^2g}{2\cos\theta^2(y_0+d \tan\theta)}}[/itex]

The problem I face is that the projectile does not reach the target - it always falls short.

I have experimented with a different equation for when the the launch height and the target height are the same and this works perfectly:

[itex]v_i = \sqrt{\frac{dg}{\sin2\theta}}[/itex]

Concentrating on the simpler scenario where both points are at the same height, only the latter equation works - ensuring that simulations for both scenarios have exactly the same inputs.

Could anyone help me understand why this is the case? Have I got the wrong equations?
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  • #2

Plug the correct velocity in the equation for d, the range, and you'll see that you get the correct distance. This implies that you have an error in solving for velocity when you rearranged the equation for d.
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Your formula for d also works. I have a ballistics program that gives the same result your equations predict. Only conclusion now is that the problem is in the simulation.

Example I used was velocity = 100 ft/sec, g=32.2 ft/sec^2, theta=50.0 degrees, h = 19.4 ft. Solving for d, I get 321.4 ft. Going the other way, I get 100 ft/sec for v when I plug in d = 321.4. And both agree with my ballistics program that numerically integrates the equations with drag coefficient set to zero.

By the way, the time of flight for above data is 5.00 seconds.

FAQ: Calculating Initial Velocity for Projectile Launch from Point A to B

1. What is the formula for calculating initial velocity for a projectile launch from point A to B?

The formula for calculating initial velocity for a projectile launch from point A to B is:
V0 = (B - A) / t
where V0 is the initial velocity, B and A are the final and initial positions, and t is the time it takes to travel from point A to B.

2. How do you determine the time it takes for a projectile to travel from point A to B?

To determine the time it takes for a projectile to travel from point A to B, you can use the formula:
t = (B - A) / V0
where t is the time, B and A are the final and initial positions, and V0 is the initial velocity.

3. What units should be used when calculating initial velocity for a projectile launch?

When calculating initial velocity for a projectile launch, the units used should be consistent. The units for distance should be the same (e.g. meters or feet), as well as the units for time (e.g. seconds or milliseconds). This will ensure that the final answer for initial velocity is in the correct units, such as meters per second or feet per second.

4. Can the angle of launch affect the initial velocity of a projectile?

Yes, the angle of launch can affect the initial velocity of a projectile. The initial velocity is composed of two components, the horizontal and vertical components. The angle of launch determines the ratio between these two components, which in turn affects the overall initial velocity. A higher angle of launch will result in a higher initial velocity, while a lower angle of launch will result in a lower initial velocity.

5. How does air resistance or wind affect the calculation of initial velocity for a projectile launch?

Air resistance or wind can affect the calculation of initial velocity for a projectile launch. These external factors can cause the projectile to experience a change in its trajectory, which can alter the final and initial positions used in the calculation. Therefore, it is important to consider and account for these factors when calculating initial velocity for a projectile launch.
