Calculating KEf for Two Connected Boxes - Frictionless Surface

In summary, the problem involves two boxes connected to each other, released from rest with one falling 1.00 m. The surface is frictionless and the question asks for the KE of the box before it reaches the floor. The KEf is found using the Work-Energy Theorem and the formula W=(F cos 180) s. The F is found using F=ma and the a is found using kinematics equations. The final answer for KEf should not be 0 and can be found using KE=1/2mv^2.
  • #1
Im having trouble with this problem. I know that KE=1/2mv^2 and the Wrok engergy theorm W=KFf-KEo but I am having trouble relating the figure to KE.

Two boxes are connected to each other as show. The system is released from rest and the 1.00 kg box falls 1.00 m. The surface of the table is frictionless. What is the KE of the box before it reaches the floor?

I was looking itover and I think I kind of know what to do...

I need to find KEf.


and to find W, W=(F cos 180) s

is that on the right track?
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  • #2
yuuup...sounds right!
  • #3
I got the first part down but now I am having trouble with the basic stuff. I am failing the class right now b/c I know the concepts and the forumulas I just don't know how to work them in problems :frown:

With the W=(F cos 180) 1m How do I find the F? I know F=ma but I don't have the a.

For the Work Engery Theorem, where do I find the vo for 1/2mvo^2
  • #4
Edit: Forgot about the mass of the other block :smile:

I got this with conservation of mechanical energy

[tex] m_{b}gh = \frac{1}{2}(m_{a} + m_{b})v^2 [/tex]

If i use Work-Kinetic Energy Principle:

[tex] W_{gravity} = \Delta K [/tex]

Conservative forces work is equal to the change in potential energy caused by them in the system

[tex] W_{gravity} = -\Delta \Omega [/tex]

[tex] -\Delta \Omega = \Delta K [/tex]

[tex] 0 = \Delta K + \Delta \Omega [/tex]

which gives:

[tex] 0 = \frac{1}{2}m_{a}v^2 + \frac{1}{2}m_{b}v^2 - 0 + 0 - m_{b}gh [/tex]

[tex] m_{b}gh = \frac{1}{2}(m_{a} + m_{b})v^2 [/tex]

[tex] \sqrt{2 \frac{m_{b}gh}{m_{a} + m_{b}}} = v [/tex]

Alternatively, you could apply Newton's 2nd Law

[tex] \sum_{i=1}^{n} \vec{F}_{i} = m \vec{a} [/tex]

Analysing our B box it gives

[tex] T - m_{b}g = -m_{b}a [/tex]

[tex] m_{b}g - T = m_{b}a [/tex]

Analysing our A box it gives

[tex] T = m_{a}a [/tex]

Adding both equations

[tex] m_{b}g = a(m_{b} + m_{a}) [/tex]

[tex] \frac{m_{b}g}{m_{b} + m_{a}} = a [/tex]

Now using kinematics:

[tex] v^2 = v_{o}^2 + 2a \Delta x [/tex]

[tex] v^2 = 0 + 2 \frac{m_{b}g}{m_{b} + m_{a}} \Delta x [/tex]

[tex] \Delta x = h [/tex]

[tex] v^2 = 2 \frac{m_{b}gh}{m_{b} + m_{a}} [/tex]

[tex] v = \sqrt{2 \frac{m_{b}gh}{m_{b} + m_{a}}} [/tex]
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  • #5
I pluged everything in and found the KEf=-0.01
I think its supposed to be 0, I just rounded wrong. But that can't be right, it has to have some KE before it hits the ground.
and thanks for the help everyone :smile:
  • #6
Why do you say kinetic energy is supposed to be 0??, if the final kinetic energy is 0 then the objet didn't move at all, because it's initial kinetic energy was 0. The gravitational potential energy turned into kinetic energy making the object accelerate and cover a displacement that has a magnitude of 1 meter.

If you want to find the kinetic energy of the B box, just find the speed (magnitude of velocity) in any of the above equations, and then just use

[tex] K_{b} = \frac{1}{2}m_{b}v^2 [/tex]
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  • #7
I didnt mean for the KE=0 as in the correct answer, just that with my calculations it came out to -.01 b/c I rounded wrong.

Thanks for the help.

FAQ: Calculating KEf for Two Connected Boxes - Frictionless Surface

1. What is the formula for calculating KEf for two connected boxes on a frictionless surface?

The formula for calculating KEf (final kinetic energy) for two connected boxes on a frictionless surface is KEf = (1/2)mv², where m is the total mass of the two boxes and v is the final velocity of the system.

2. How is friction accounted for in this calculation?

Friction is not accounted for in this calculation because the problem specifies a frictionless surface. This means that there is no force acting against the movement of the boxes, so no work is done against friction and the kinetic energy of the system remains constant.

3. Can the final kinetic energy of the system be greater than the initial kinetic energy?

Yes, the final kinetic energy of the system can be greater than the initial kinetic energy if there is an external force acting on the system. However, in the case of a frictionless surface, the final kinetic energy will be equal to the initial kinetic energy.

4. How does the mass of the boxes affect the final kinetic energy?

The mass of the boxes directly affects the final kinetic energy according to the formula KEf = (1/2)mv². This means that a larger mass will result in a larger final kinetic energy, assuming the velocity remains constant.

5. Is there a limit to the final kinetic energy that can be achieved by the system?

In theory, there is no limit to the final kinetic energy that can be achieved by the system. However, in practical situations, there may be physical limitations such as the maximum velocity that can be achieved by the system or external forces that may limit the final kinetic energy.
