Calculating KWH Generated by a Water Turbine?

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In summary, a water turbine generates power by falling water through a tube. The height of the water, the radius of the pipe, and the velocity of the water are all factors that affect the amount of power generated. The power generated can be converted to wattage by multiplying it by the time it took for the water to fall.
  • #1
I'm attempting to calculate the amount of power (in KWH) produced by a water turbine based on x litres of water falling x metres vertically through a tube of x cm diameter

So far I've managed the following:
H = height (distance fallen) (m)
Time = Secs
R = Radius of the pipe (m)

Velocity (m/s) = (2 x H x G) ^ 0.5
Volume / Sec = Velocity x Time x Pi x R^2
mass (kg) / Sec = (Volume / sec) x 1000
Energy = (Mass x Velocity^2)/2 = wattage generated

My questions is... how do i convert this wattage generated in KWH generated?

Once I have this am i correct in thinking I can do:
(KWH generated / 3600) * (time taken for x litres of water to fall through the pipe).
To calculate the KWH generated by the x litres of water falling?

Any help / guidance anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated. - As you can (maybe) tell I'm by no means a physics graduate but i do have a basic understanding.

Any help anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks

P.s For the purposes of this I'm happy to work with a turbine having 100% efficiency.
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  • #2
Power isn't measured in kWh; that's a unit of energy.

Energy (in Watt-hours) = power (in Watts) * time (in hours).

So, if your turbine produces 100kW (power) constantly for 3 hours (time), you will have produced 300kWh of energy.

The short way of finding out the amount of energy available in your example would just be to use:

Gravitational potential energy = (mass of water)*(vertical distance travelled)*g

  • #3
thats a good point, i never thought of working it out with PE, that would have made it much simpler.

Thanks for your comments they are extremely useful.

Did u happen to look at my wattage calculation? I'm fairly confident it's correct but would be useful if someone could confirm it.

Thanks again for your help.
  • #4
Well your 'wattage calculation' is wrong, because (mass*velocity^2)/2 equals kinetic energy, not power.

Power is the rate of consumption/production of energy:

Power = energy / time

Also, your volumetric flow rate calculation is incorrect. Volumetric flow rate equals flow velocity multiplied by the cross-sectional area of the pipe. I don't know why you've multiplied this by time. Then, mass flow rate is just volume flow rate multiplied by density; in this instance it's water so 1 litre per second is one kilogram per second.
  • #5

Do a search for "hydro power calculator". You'll find many online and several will go into the details...frictional losses, head pressure, etc...some theoretical and some real-world.

There's loooooots of info out there online and sometimes the hardest part of finding it is the phrasing of the search term.


FAQ: Calculating KWH Generated by a Water Turbine?

1. How do I convert watts to kilowatt-hours?

To convert watts to kilowatt-hours, you need to multiply the wattage by the number of hours used. Then, divide the result by 1000 to get the kilowatt-hours. For example, if you use a 100-watt light bulb for 5 hours, the calculation would be (100 watts * 5 hours) / 1000 = 0.5 kWh.

2. What is the formula for converting wattage to kilowatt-hours?

The formula for converting wattage to kilowatt-hours is (watts * hours) / 1000 = kilowatt-hours. This formula takes into account the power (watts) and the time (hours) to calculate the energy usage in kilowatt-hours.

3. How do I calculate the cost of using a certain wattage for a specific amount of time?

To calculate the cost of using a certain wattage for a specific amount of time, you need to know the wattage, the cost per kilowatt-hour (found on your electricity bill), and the number of hours used. Multiply the wattage by the hours used, then divide by 1000 to get the kilowatt-hours. Finally, multiply the kilowatt-hours by the cost per kilowatt-hour to get the total cost. For example, if you use a 100-watt light bulb for 5 hours at a cost of $0.12 per kilowatt-hour, the calculation would be (100 watts * 5 hours) / 1000 = 0.5 kWh * $0.12 = $0.06.

4. Is there a difference between wattage and kilowatt-hours?

Yes, there is a difference between wattage and kilowatt-hours. Wattage measures the rate of energy consumption in a given moment, while kilowatt-hours measure the total amount of energy used over time. Wattage is a unit of power, while kilowatt-hours are a unit of energy.

5. Can I convert from kilowatt-hours to watts?

Yes, you can convert from kilowatt-hours to watts by multiplying the kilowatt-hours by 1000 and then dividing by the number of hours used. This will give you the wattage used during that time period. For example, if you used 1.5 kilowatt-hours over 2 hours, the calculation would be (1.5 kWh * 1000) / 2 = 750 watts.
