Calculating Lim Sup and Lim Inf for Given Sequences | Homework Solution

  • Thread starter Wildcat
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In summary, using the definitions of limit superior and limit inferior, the limits for the sequences An and Bn can be found to be (0,∞) and (0, ½), respectively.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let Asub2n-1 =(0,n/2^n) and Asub2n = (0, 2^n/n), Bsub2n-1 =[0,n/2^n] and Bsub2n =[0, 2^n/n] for n = 1,2,... find lim sup An, lim inf An, lim sup Bn, and lim inf Bn.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know lim n/2^n approaches 0 as n approaches inf and lim 2^n/n approaches inf as n approaches inf but then where do I go??

lim An = lim sup An = (0,∞) (under lim m→∞, under sup n≥m) and lim An = lim inf An = (0,0) (under lim m→∞, under inf n≥m)??
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Physics news on
  • #2
what is your definition of lim sup, lim inf?
  • #3
lanedance said:
what is your definition of lim sup, lim inf?

I've been working on this using my notes. I hope this translates it may not make sense

n/2^n approaches 0 as n → ∞ and 2^n/n approaches ∞ as n → ∞ , so

lim(n→∞)An = lim(n→∞)supAn = lim(m→∞)⋃(n≥m)An = ⋂_(m=1)^∞⋃_(n=m)^∞A_n = (0,∞)
lim(n→∞)An = lim(n→∞) inf An = ⋃_(m=1)^∞ ⋂_(n=m)^∞ An = (0, ½ )
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FAQ: Calculating Lim Sup and Lim Inf for Given Sequences | Homework Solution

What is lim sup An lim inf An?

Lim sup An lim inf An is a mathematical concept that refers to the limit superior and limit inferior of a sequence, which are the largest and smallest possible accumulation points of the sequence, respectively.

How is lim sup An lim inf An calculated?

The limit superior, or lim sup, is found by taking the supremum (least upper bound) of the set of all possible limits of subsequences of the original sequence. The limit inferior, or lim inf, is found by taking the infimum (greatest lower bound) of the set of all possible limits of subsequences. In other words, lim sup An = sup{lim An} and lim inf An = inf{lim An}.

What is the relationship between lim sup An and lim inf An?

The limit superior and limit inferior are always bounded by each other, meaning that lim inf An ≤ lim sup An for any sequence An. Additionally, if the sequence An is convergent, then the lim sup and lim inf will be equal to the limit of the sequence.

What does it mean if lim sup An = lim inf An?

If lim sup An = lim inf An, then the sequence An is said to be convergent. This means that there is a single limit point that the sequence approaches as n increases, and all subsequences of An will also converge to this same limit.

Can lim sup An and lim inf An be used to determine convergence of a series?

Yes, if the limit superior and limit inferior of a sequence An are equal, then the series ∑An will also converge. However, if they are not equal, the convergence of the series cannot be determined using lim sup and lim inf alone.

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