Calculating Linear Acceleration on a Rotating Record

In summary, the linear acceleration of a point on the rim of a 30-cm-diameter record rotating at a constant angular speed of 33.5 rev/min is 1.8 m/s^2, calculated using the equation for centripetal acceleration (ac= angular velocity^2 times radius). The initial calculation of 3.29 m/s^2 was incorrect due to not using the correct equation.
  • #1
Q: What is the linear acceleration of a point on the rim of a 30-cm-diameter record rotating at a constant angular speed of 33.5 rev/min?

I seem to have all the variables and equations in hand -
r = .15m and [itex]\omega[/itex] = 3.49 radians/second;
[itex]v = \omega r[/itex] ;
(radial component of linear acceleration) [itex]a_r = \frac {v^2} {r} \omega^2 r[/itex]

...but I get 3.29 [itex]\frac {m} {s^2}[/itex] (pointing inward), and the book's answer is 1.8 [itex]\frac {m} {s^2}[/itex]. Am I wrong? Is the book wrong? Did I just convert something wrong somewhere? I'm very confused.
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  • #2
I got 1.8. You need to use the equation for centripetal acceleration (since the record is spinning) and that is ac= angular velocity^2 times radius. That should give you your answer!
  • #3
*facepalm* Figured it was something simple like that. Thanks!

FAQ: Calculating Linear Acceleration on a Rotating Record

What is rotational motion?

Rotational motion is the movement of an object around an axis or center point. It occurs when an object rotates or spins in a circular motion.

What is the difference between rotational motion and linear motion?

The main difference between rotational motion and linear motion is the type of movement. Rotational motion involves circular movement around an axis, while linear motion involves movement in a straight line.

What is angular velocity?

Angular velocity is the rate of change of an object's rotational motion. It is measured in radians per second and represents the speed at which an object is rotating around an axis.

What is moment of inertia?

Moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in rotational motion. It is dependent on the object's mass, shape, and how the mass is distributed around the axis of rotation.

How is rotational motion related to torque?

Rotational motion is directly related to torque, as torque is the force that causes an object to rotate around an axis. The amount of torque applied to an object determines how quickly it will rotate and in what direction.
