Calculating Loss Tangent and Poynting Vector for Electromagnetic Waves

  • Thread starter unstoppable
  • Start date
In summary, we have a conversation about two different topics: (1) a source of unidirectional plane waves in a medium with moderate conductivity, and (2) a perfect planar mirror and its effects on electromagnetic waves. In the first topic, we are given complex electric field amplitudes and asked to calculate the loss tangent and the ratio of complex magnetic field amplitudes. In the second topic, we are given equations for phase velocity and group velocity, as well as information on circular polarization and the Poynting vector. The conversation ends with a request for help and an invitation to share any attempted solutions.
  • #1
Hi can someone help me out with these questions? I would greatly appreciate it!

1) A source of unidirection plane waves operates within a medium with moderate conductivity sigma. Suppose we measure the complex electric field amplitudes at the source and at some distance z and find that E(z)/E(0)-0.3-j0.4.
(a) Calculate the loss tangent sigma/(omega*epsilon) of the medium. (Give a numerical value)

(b) What is the ratio of complex magnetic field amplitudes H(z)/H(0) for the same z?

2) A perfect planar mirror in the xy-plane has normally incident and reflected electromagnetic plane waves in the vacuum region z<0 in front of it, at frequency omega. The magnetic field at the mirror surface is circularly polarized:H=H(x + jy)
(x and y are the unit vectors along x and y).

(a) Find the complex electric field amplitude E(z) in the space z<0.
(b) Find the complex Poynting vector(give magnitude and direction) in the space z<0.

2. Homework Equations

equation for phase velocity: Vp=Vp(omega)=omega/k= c*omega/squarerootof(omega^2-omega^2) Note: The second omega^2 is the cuttoff frequency

equation for group velocity: Vg=Vg(omega)=c*squarerootof(omega^2-omega^2)/(omega)
Note: The second omega^2 is the cuttoff frequency.

c=the speed of light 3 X 10^8 m/s

Circular Polarization: E(0)=Eox=1/2Eo(x+jy) +1/2Eo=(x-jy)
Note: j=the imaginary complex number

Poynting Vector: The Vector E X H is the Poynting Vector. It gives the power per unit area that flows at a point;

Loss Tangent:Theta/(omega*epsilon)
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi unstoppable! :smile:

(have a theta: θ and an omega: ω and an epsilon: ε :smile:)

Show us what you've tried, and where you're stuck, and then we'll know how to help. :wink:

FAQ: Calculating Loss Tangent and Poynting Vector for Electromagnetic Waves

1. What is the difference between physics and engineering?

Physics is the study of the fundamental laws and principles that govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. Engineering, on the other hand, applies these laws and principles to design and create useful technologies and systems.

2. How do physics and engineering work together?

Physics provides the theoretical foundation for engineering, while engineering applies physics principles to solve real-world problems and create practical solutions. In other words, physics provides the "why" behind engineering, and engineering provides the "how" of physics.

3. What are some examples of physics in engineering?

Examples of physics in engineering include the use of Newton's laws of motion in designing bridges and buildings, the application of thermodynamics in creating efficient engines, and the use of electricity and magnetism in designing electronic devices.

4. How does engineering contribute to advancements in physics?

Engineering plays a crucial role in developing new technologies and tools that allow physicists to conduct experiments and gather data to expand our understanding of the universe. For example, engineering has contributed to the development of particle accelerators and telescopes that have greatly advanced our knowledge of particle physics and astrophysics.

5. How do physics and engineering impact our daily lives?

Physics and engineering impact our daily lives in numerous ways, from the technology we use (such as smartphones, cars, and computers) to the infrastructure we rely on (such as roads, bridges, and buildings). They also play a significant role in fields such as medicine, energy, and transportation, making our lives more convenient, efficient, and comfortable.
