Calculating Mass Percent of Aluminum in a Sample Using Ideal Gas Law

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the mass percent of Al in a sample by reacting it with HCl and measuring the amount of H2 produced. After some confusion and incorrect calculations, it is determined that the sample contained 4.16 g of Al, which corresponds to a mass percent of 82.4%.
  • #1
Please don't ignore the template.
Hello, sorry to bother again.

A sample containing Al reacts with an aqueous solution of 5.05 g HCl producing 5.70 L of H2 at 20°C and 742 mmHg.
Find the mass percent of Al in the sample assuming hydrogen behaves like an ideal gas.I can't again understand this exercise, because I've never done any like this before.
The only reaction I know involving aluminium and HCl is:
[tex]\mathrm{2Al+6HCl \to 2AlCl_3 + 3H_2}[/tex]
but it doesn't seem useful.

I calculated 0.139 mol of Al and 0.231 mol of H2 using the ideal gas law.

I can't see any clue about my sample though.
Physics news on
  • #2
Your number of moles of hydrogen is correct, yet you managed to miscalculate the amount of Al.

As worded question can't be solved, and it is self contradicting - you can't produce 0.231 moles of hydrogen using 5.05 grams of HCl. My bet is 5.05 g is a mass of the Al sample. Would it help?
  • #3
My bad, what a mess: I meant 0.139 mol of HCl. But let's forget about this because your bet is correct: I saw again the text of the exercise and I didn't noticed a comma, it was 5.05 g of the sample containing Al (not only it).

Nevertheless I'm not able to understand the exercise yet: HCl reacts with this sample producing H2. The reaction I wrote earlier doesn't seem useful here.
I don't know how much HCl reacts because I don't know the substances involved in the reaction and so the stoichiometric coefficients.

It will be wrong, but my interpretation of the problem is this:

[tex] \mathrm{HCl+X...Al_n \to Y+H_2} [/tex]Thank you for your answer.
  • #4
The reaction you wrote earlier is exactly the one needed to solve the problem.

Doesn't matter how much HCl reacted, only thing that matters is that all Al was dissolved. That means amount of hydrogen produced depends on the amount of Al present initially.
  • #5
From the stoichiometry and considering 0.231 mol of H2 are formed, the moles of Al reacted are 0.154, that is 4.16 g (82.4% of the sample).

Is it right?
  • #6
Yes, that's it.

FAQ: Calculating Mass Percent of Aluminum in a Sample Using Ideal Gas Law

1. What is the significance of determining the mass of aluminium in a sample?

The mass of aluminium in a sample is an important measurement in various scientific experiments and industrial processes. It can help determine the purity and composition of a sample, as well as its potential uses and properties.

2. How is the mass of aluminium in a sample measured?

The mass of aluminium in a sample can be measured using a balance or scale, which accurately measures the weight of the sample. The sample is first weighed without the aluminium, and then weighed again with the aluminium present. The difference in weight is the mass of aluminium in the sample.

3. What factors can affect the accuracy of measuring the mass of aluminium in a sample?

The accuracy of measuring the mass of aluminium in a sample can be affected by various factors such as the precision of the balance, the handling of the sample, and the presence of impurities or other substances in the sample that may affect the weight measurement.

4. How does the mass of aluminium in a sample affect its properties?

The mass of aluminium in a sample can greatly influence its physical and chemical properties. For example, a higher mass of aluminium in a sample may result in a stronger and more durable material, while a lower mass may result in a more malleable and lightweight material.

5. Are there any safety precautions to consider when handling a sample for determining its mass of aluminium?

Yes, it is important to take proper safety precautions when handling a sample for determining its mass of aluminium. This may include wearing protective gear, working in a well-ventilated area, and following proper handling and disposal procedures for the sample and any chemicals used in the process.
