Calculating Net Force on Charged Particles in an Equilateral Triangle

In summary, if you want to find the net force on a particle, you need to find the forces coming from the other particles, calculate the components of each force, and add them up.
  • #1
Gold Member
I don't know how to approacg this problem.

Lets say that we have 3 positively charged particles, each having an equal charge of 11.0 uC (11*10^-6 C). These three particles are located at the (three) corners of an equilateral triangle with sides 0.15m. How can I calculate the magnitude and direction of the net force on each particle?

There is no need to do the math for me, just explain step-by-step how to approach it.

If anyone could help me out with this, I would appreciate it>>
What is the total charge of all electrons in 1.0kg of water.

--thank you
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  • #2
The total force on one of the particles is the sum of the forces coming from the other two particles. Set up a coordinate system with one of the particles at the center. Then just add up the i and j components from each of the other particles, calculated from coulomb's law, and you're done.
  • #3
ranger said:
What is the total charge of all electrons in 1.0kg of water.
What is the charge on one electron? How many electrons are in each water molecule? How many water molecules are in 1kg of water? Once you answer these questions, just multiply them together.
  • #4
The total force on one of the particles is the sum of the forces coming from the other two particles

How would I find that force? Is it by using the equation:

F = k*q1*q2/r^2

LEts say that want to find the force that is applied to q3. would finding it look something like this?
#calculate force from q1
F= k*q1*q3/r^2

#calculate force from q2
F = k*q2*q3/r^2

Then I add the two answers?

Set up a coordinate system with one of the particles at the center. Then just add up the i and j components from each of the other particles, calculated from coulomb's law, and you're done.

Could you please be a little more explanatory on that one.
  • #5
ranger said:
How would I find that force? Is it by using the equation:

F = k*q1*q2/r^2
Yes, use that equation.
Could you please be a little more explanatory on that one.
Ok, set up an x-y coordinate system. Put the charge your looking at in the origin. Each charge will exert a force with components along these two directions (Although it would be most convenient to make one of the components of one of the forces 0 by lining one of the charges along the x-axis so that it pushes in this direction only and the y-component is 0) Find the x- and y-components of the forces from each of the charges and add up the components seperately. Like I said before, it would be a good idea to have one of the charges sitting on the x-axis. The force from this charge is just the force you calculated from coulomb's law directed along the x-axis(whatch out for the sign: it should point away from the other charge since they repel). The other charge will be at an angle. The component of the force along the x-axis will be [itex]F\cos{\theta}[/itex] where F is the force from Coloumb's law and [itex]\theta[/itex] is the angle between the line joining the charge to the origin and the x-axis. The y-component will be [itex]F\sin{\theta}[/itex].
  • #6
Thanks for your help. Its seems my main problem is simple vector math. I did that in pervious physics course 1yr ago. I will have to do a review on that. Anyone recommend any goog online reading on the topic.

FAQ: Calculating Net Force on Charged Particles in an Equilateral Triangle

1. How does adding electric force help in scientific research?

Adding electric force can help in scientific research by allowing scientists to manipulate and control the movement of charged particles. This can help in studying the behavior of these particles and their interactions with other substances, leading to a better understanding of various phenomena.

2. Can adding electric force be used to generate energy?

Yes, adding electric force can be used to generate energy through processes such as electromagnetic induction, where a changing electric field creates a magnetic field, which in turn can be used to produce electricity.

3. What are some practical applications of adding electric force?

Adding electric force has many practical applications, such as in electronics, where it is used to power devices and transmit information. It is also used in medical equipment, particle accelerators, and many other technologies.

4. How does adding electric force affect the behavior of matter?

Adding electric force can affect the behavior of matter in different ways, depending on the type of matter and the strength of the force. For charged particles, it can cause attraction or repulsion, while for neutral particles, it can induce a charge or change their polarization.

5. Is adding electric force the same as adding electric charge?

No, adding electric force and adding electric charge are not the same. Electric force is the attraction or repulsion between two charged particles, while electric charge is a fundamental property of matter that determines how it will interact with electric and magnetic fields.
