Calculating P(2013) of Polynomial P(x) of Degree 2012

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the value of P(2013) for a polynomial of degree 2012 given the values of P(k)=2^k for k=0,1,...,2012. To solve this, the conversation looks at simpler versions of polynomials with known values at certain points and uses them to find the coefficients. By examining the pattern, it can be shown that the given values are correct for all values of k.
  • #1
P(x) is polynomial of degree 2012, P(k)=2^k, k=0,1,...,2012. Find P(2013)
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  • #2
Start by looking at simpler versions:

Suppose P is polynomial of degree 2, P(0)= 1, P(1)= 2, P(2)= 4. Since P is of degree 2 we can write it as [itex]P(x)= ax^2+ bx+ c[/itex]. Use P(0)= 1, P(1)= 2, P(2)= 4 to find a, b, and c. What is P(3)?

Suppose P(x) is a polynomial of degree 3, P(0)= 1, P(1)= 2, P(2)= 4, P(3)= 8. Since P is of degree 3, [itex]P(x)= ax^3+ bx^3+ cx+ d[/itex] use the values at x= 0, 1, 2, and 3 to find a, b, c, and d. What is P(4)?

Do you see a pattern? Can you show that this pattern is correct?

FAQ: Calculating P(2013) of Polynomial P(x) of Degree 2012

What is the degree of P(x)?

The degree of a polynomial is the highest power of its variable. In this case, the degree of P(x) is 2012.

What is the coefficient of x^2013 in P(x)?

The coefficient of x^2013 in P(x) is the number multiplied to x^2013. This can be found by looking at the term in the polynomial that contains x^2013. If there is no term with x^2013, then the coefficient is 0.

How do you calculate P(2013)?

To calculate P(2013), simply plug in the value of 2013 for x in the polynomial P(x) and then simplify the resulting expression. This will give you the value of P(2013).

What is the leading coefficient of P(x)?

The leading coefficient of a polynomial is the coefficient of the term with the highest degree. In this case, the leading coefficient of P(x) is the coefficient of x^2012.

What is the significance of calculating P(2013) for a polynomial of degree 2012?

Calculating P(2013) allows us to find the value of the polynomial at a specific point, in this case, x = 2013. This can be useful in various applications, such as finding the roots or zeros of the polynomial or analyzing its behavior at that particular point.

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