Calculating partial derivatives in different coordinate systems

In general it is easier to keep track of relations by working with the original relation between the variables (x and y in this case) and the defining relation between the variables (x and y in this case).In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of partial derivatives of a given function with respect to one variable while holding another variable constant. It explores the use of the chain rule and the importance of keeping track of the relations between variables in order to accurately calculate these derivatives. The total derivative under the condition that one variable is constant can be calculated using the multi variable chain rule and the original relation between the variables.
  • #1
let f = x2 + 2y2 and [tex] x = rcos(\theta), y = rsin(\theta) [/tex].

i have [tex] \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} [/tex] (while holding x constant) [tex] = 4y [/tex]. and [tex] \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} [/tex] (while holding r constant) [tex] = 2y [/tex].

i found these partial derivatives by expressing f in terms of only x and y, and then in terms of only r and y. But i am sure there are times where it can be very difficult to solve for one variable or to express some function in terms of specific variables.

Is there a way to relate the 2 partial derivatives with respect to y (one holding x constant and one holding r constant) using the chain rule or something?
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  • #2
oblixps said:
let f = x2 + 2y2 and [tex] x = r \cos(\theta), y = r \sin(\theta) [/tex].

i have [tex] \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} [/tex] (while holding x constant) [tex] = 4y [/tex]. and [tex] \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} [/tex] (while holding r constant) [tex] = 2y [/tex].

This is a very confusing procedure. I would agree with your first result. That's a straight-forward application of the definition of partial derivative. However, for your second result, you seem to be defining the function $f=f(r,y)$. I'm not sure I would consider that to be a very good definition, because $y=y(r,\theta)$, so the variables you are putting forth as "independent" are not actually independent. Typically, you would write $f=f(r,\theta)=r^{2}(1+\sin^{2}(\theta))$, and then compute either $\partial f/ \partial r$ or $\partial f/ \partial \theta$.

i found these partial derivatives by expressing f in terms of only x and y, and then in terms of only r and y. But i am sure there are times where it can be very difficult to solve for one variable or to express some function in terms of specific variables.

Is there a way to relate the 2 partial derivatives with respect to y (one holding x constant and one holding r constant) using the chain rule or something?
  • #3
Hi oblixps! :)

Apparently you want to calculate the total derivative under the condition that r is constant.

This is typically written as something like:
$({df \over dy})_{r \text{ constant}}$

It can be calculated with repeated application of the multi variable chain rule as follows:
[1] $({df \over dy})_{r \text{ constant}} = ({d \over dy}f(x(r,y),y))_{r \text{ constant}}
= ({\partial f \over dx}({\partial x \over \partial r}{dr \over dy} + {\partial x \over \partial y}{dy \over dy}) + {\partial f \over \partial y}{dy \over dy})_{r \text{ constant}}
= {\partial f \over \partial x}{\partial \over \partial y}x(r,y) + {\partial f \over \partial y}$

To calculate ${\partial \over \partial y}x(r,y)$, we can use that:
$x^2 + y^2 = r^2$
Therefore $2x dx + 2y dy = 2r dr$
Meaning $dx = \frac r x dr - \frac y x dy$
It follows that
[2] ${\partial \over \partial y}x(r,y) = - \frac y x$

Substituting [2] in [1] and using that $f(x,y)=x^2+2y^2$ gives:
$({df \over dy})_{r \text{ constant}}= {\partial f \over \partial x}{\partial \over \partial y}x(r,y) + {\partial f \over \partial y}
= 2x \cdot - \frac y x + 4y = 2y$

As you can see this is the same result you already derived by making the relation explicit in r and y.
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FAQ: Calculating partial derivatives in different coordinate systems

1. What is a partial derivative?

A partial derivative is a mathematical concept used to measure the rate of change of a function with respect to a specific variable, while holding all other variables constant. It is essentially the slope of a function in a specific direction.

2. How do you calculate partial derivatives?

The process for calculating partial derivatives is similar to that of calculating regular derivatives. To find the partial derivative of a function with respect to a specific variable, you simply hold all other variables constant and differentiate the function with respect to that variable.

3. What are the different coordinate systems used for calculating partial derivatives?

The two main coordinate systems used for calculating partial derivatives are Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates. Cartesian coordinates use x and y coordinates to represent points on a graph, while polar coordinates use radius and angle measurements.

4. How do you calculate partial derivatives in polar coordinates?

In polar coordinates, the partial derivative is calculated using the chain rule. You first find the partial derivative with respect to the radius (r) and then multiply it by the partial derivative with respect to the angle (θ).

5. Why is it important to be able to calculate partial derivatives in different coordinate systems?

Being able to calculate partial derivatives in different coordinate systems allows us to analyze functions from different perspectives and understand their behavior in different directions. It also helps in solving real-world problems where variables may be represented in different coordinate systems.

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