Calculating Peak Current in Inductive Reactance of 0.1H @340V, 50Hz

  • Thread starter Roomie
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In summary: Thanks for asking.The peak current when the voltage is applied across a pure inductance of value 0.1H is 340V. The power supply is rated at 240V rms. The Attempt at a Solution states that w = 2pi*f, so XL = jwL. This yields j*100pi*0.1 = 10pi*j, which is correct.
  • #1

Homework Statement

What is the peak current when the voltage is applied across a pure inductance of value 0.1H?

We're told that the Peak Voltage is 340V, that the power supply is rated at 240V rms.

Homework Equations

XL = jwL


The Attempt at a Solution

w=2pi*50 = 100pi

XL = jwL = j*100pi*0.1 = 10pi*j

I've never done this before so I have no idea if this is correct or a stupid answer?
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  • #2
It's correct so far, and it's not a stupid answer. However, you haven't finished solving the problem. The problem asks for the peak *current.*

In general, current equals voltage over impedance, right? I = V/Z.

For the case of an ideal inductor, the impedance consists entirely of reactance, right? There is no resistance. So:

Z = XL

When you carry out the division V/XL, you get the amplitude and phase of the sinusoidal current being driven across the inductor.
  • #3
cepheid said:
It's correct so far, and it's not a stupid answer. However, you haven't finished solving the problem. The problem asks for the peak *current.*

In general, current equals voltage over impedance, right? I = V/Z.

For the case of an ideal inductor, the impedance consists entirely of reactance, right? There is no resistance. So:

Z = XL

When you carry out the division V/XL, you get the amplitude and phase of the sinusoidal current being driven across the inductor.
Thanks for your help, it's much appreciated!

So I get a final answer of 34/jpi ?
So it's an imaginary answer right? I'm relatively new to imaginary numbers too, so would this be the right way to write it? Thanks!
  • #4
Right, the full phasor current (which contains information about the amplitude and the phase of this AC current) is:

[tex] \tilde{I} = \frac{34}{j\pi} = -j\frac{34}{\pi} [/tex]

I've just used the I with a tilde (squiggle) over it to represent the complex "phasor" current. However, the question is just asking you for the peak value of the current (in other words, its amplitude). So you don't need the -j part (which represents a phase shift of [itex] -\frac{\pi}{2} [/itex] relative to the AC voltage). The trick to seeing why this is true is to rewrite this complex number in a form that makes it clearer what is its amplitude and what is its phase. Basically, -j can be rewritten as a complex exponential:

[tex] -j = e^{-j\frac{\pi}{2}} [/tex]

If you don't understand why this is true, don't worry about it. You will learn it in due course. In any case, the current then becomes:

[tex] \tilde{I} = \frac{34}{\pi}e^{-j\frac{\pi}{2}} [/tex]

So, the magnitude of this complex number (the factor in front of the exponential) represents the amplitude of the signal. The phase of the complex number (which is the argument of the exponential -- i.e. the thing multiplying the j in the exponent), represents the phase of the signal. At the end of the day, the complex number is just two real numbers: the amplitude and the phase, which is what makes it such a convenient and compact way to describe a sinusoid. Engineers like to write the above in "phasor notation" as:

[tex] \tilde{I} = \frac{34}{\pi} \angle -\frac{\pi}{2} [/tex]

I hope this helps.
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  • #5

I can confirm that your solution is correct. The peak current in an inductive circuit can be calculated using the formula I = V/XL, where V is the peak voltage and XL is the inductive reactance. In this case, XL is equal to 10pi*j, so the peak current would be 340 / 10pi*j = 34*j amps. This means that the peak current is complex, with a magnitude of 34 amps and a phase angle of 90 degrees. This is because inductors have a lagging current in relation to the voltage applied to them.

FAQ: Calculating Peak Current in Inductive Reactance of 0.1H @340V, 50Hz

What is inductive reactance and how is it calculated?

Inductive reactance is the opposition that an inductor presents to the flow of alternating current (AC). It is calculated using the formula XL = 2πfL, where XL is the inductive reactance in ohms, f is the frequency in hertz, and L is the inductance in henrys.

What is the significance of 0.1H in the given parameters?

0.1H refers to the inductance of the inductor in henrys. It is a measure of the inductor's ability to store energy in the form of a magnetic field. In this case, it indicates that the inductor has a relatively high inductance and can store a significant amount of energy.

What does a peak current in inductive reactance represent?

The peak current in inductive reactance represents the maximum value of the alternating current that flows through the inductor. It occurs when the voltage across the inductor is at its maximum and the inductive reactance is at its minimum.

How do you calculate the peak current in inductive reactance?

The peak current in inductive reactance can be calculated using the formula Ip = V/XL, where Ip is the peak current in amperes, V is the peak voltage in volts, and XL is the inductive reactance in ohms.

Why is the frequency of 50Hz important in this calculation?

The frequency of 50Hz is important because it affects the value of the inductive reactance. As the frequency increases, the inductive reactance also increases, resulting in a decrease in the peak current. This is due to the fact that at higher frequencies, the inductor has less time to build up a magnetic field, resulting in a higher opposition to the flow of current.

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