Calculating Plane Height from Radio Wave Interference

In summary, a question was raised about calculating the minimum height of a plane that caused radio reception to temporarily fade due to interference. Formulas for λ = dx/L and dsinθ = mλ were suggested. A forum user suggested that the reflection must have occurred halfway between the receiver and transmitter, and the distance traveled by the beam must exceed 10km by an odd number of half wavelengths. Drawing symbols was also mentioned.
  • #1
Hi, first time posting, nice forums :)

Recently in my preparation for my scholarship exams later this year, i was approached by a question which has me rather confused.

Im not neccesarily asking for the final definate answer, but it would be nice for some help on how to approach the problem.

Radio waves of frequency 600kHz are received at a location 10Km from the transmitter. The radio reception temporarily fades due to the interference between the direct beam and that reflected without phase change from a horizontal layer of charged particles formed in the atmosphere by a passing plane. Calculate the minimum height of the plane

formulas suggested were λ = dx/L

and dsinθ = mλ

p.s how do you draw the symbols ?
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  • #2
Welcome to the forum, Lektor.
Since the beam reaches the the receiver after the reflection, the reflection must have occurred somewhere above the spot halfway between the receiver & the transmitter (i.e., 5km away from either).(I reckon this is what you couldn't hit upon.)If the height of the plane is H, the distance traveled by the beam is ( because the reflection didn't change the phase) 2* sqrt( H^2 + 5^2). This distance must exceed 10km by an odd number of half wavelengths.
  • #3

Hi there, thank you for posting and welcome to the forums! This is a great question and a common one in physics and engineering exams. Let's break down the problem and see how we can approach it.

First, we need to understand the given information. We know that radio waves of frequency 600kHz are being received at a location 10km from the transmitter. We also know that the radio reception temporarily fades due to interference between the direct beam and a reflected beam from a horizontal layer of charged particles in the atmosphere. This interference is caused by a passing plane. We are asked to calculate the minimum height of the plane.

To solve this problem, we need to use the two formulas that were suggested: λ = dx/L and dsinθ = mλ. The first formula relates the wavelength (λ) of the radio wave to the distance between the transmitter and receiver (d) and the distance between the transmitter and the horizontal layer of charged particles (L). The second formula is the equation for constructive interference, where d is the distance between the two interfering waves, θ is the angle between them, and m is an integer representing the number of wavelengths in that distance.

To use these formulas, we need to find the wavelength of the radio wave. We can do this by using the formula c = fλ, where c is the speed of light (3x10^8 m/s) and f is the frequency of the wave (600kHz = 6x10^5 Hz). This gives us a wavelength of 500m. Now, we can use the first formula to find the distance between the transmitter and the horizontal layer of charged particles (L). Rearranging the formula, we get L = dx/λ = (10km x 500m)/500m = 10km.

Next, we need to find the angle (θ) between the direct beam and the reflected beam. This can be done by using basic trigonometry. We know that the distance between the transmitter and receiver is 10km, and we just found that the distance between the transmitter and the horizontal layer is also 10km. This forms a right angle triangle, where the angle opposite to the hypotenuse (θ) can be found using the formula sinθ = opposite/hypotenuse. Plugging in our values, we get sinθ = 10km/10km = 1. This means that θ = 90 degrees.


FAQ: Calculating Plane Height from Radio Wave Interference

1. How do radio waves help calculate the height of a plane?

Radio waves are electromagnetic waves that travel at a constant speed. When a plane flies through these waves, it creates a disturbance in their frequency, causing interference. By measuring the distance between the peaks and troughs of the interference pattern, scientists can calculate the height of the plane.

2. What factors affect the accuracy of height calculations from radio wave interference?

The accuracy of height calculations from radio wave interference can be affected by factors such as atmospheric conditions, the angle of the plane, and the strength of the radio waves being used. These factors can cause variations in the interference pattern, making it more challenging to accurately measure the height of the plane.

3. Can radio wave interference be used to calculate the height of any flying object?

Radio wave interference can be used to calculate the height of any flying object, as long as it is within the range of the radio waves being used. However, the accuracy of the calculations may vary depending on the size and shape of the object.

4. Are there any limitations to using radio wave interference for height calculations?

One limitation of using radio wave interference for height calculations is that it requires specialized equipment and trained personnel to accurately measure and interpret the interference pattern. Additionally, factors such as reflections and refractions of the waves can also affect the accuracy of the calculations.

5. How is the information obtained from radio wave interference used in real-life applications?

The height of planes calculated from radio wave interference can be used in various real-life applications, such as air traffic control, weather forecasting, and military surveillance. It can also be used to study and monitor the movement of migratory birds and insects.
