Calculating Power From Hydrogen/Oxygen Flow in Water Turbine

In summary, the conversation discusses using hydrogen bubbles generated through electrolysis in water to turn a turbine and calculate the power gained. The speakers consider the use of a water wheel instead of a turbine and the potential energy of the rising bubbles. They also discuss the efficiency of electrolysis at different pressures and its potential use in hydrogen-powered cars. There is also mention of perpetual motion and free energy, and the possibility of recovering energy from electrolysis through longer tubes filled with water and turbines. The speakers express uncertainty and lack of expertise in this area.
  • #1
Let's say I had a turbine in water, and I wanted to turn it based on hydrogen bubbling up from the water via electrolysis, how would I calculate the power gained from the flow of hydrogen/oxygen gases through it in a medium of water?

I can calculate the buoyancy of these gases in water fine, and thus the kinetic energy they would have, but I'm unsure how I would translate this to the amount of rotations this would generate in the turbine and thus the power gained. (Also is a turbine the right device to use here? Perhaps a water wheel would be better for gases in water?)
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  • #2
Why would you want to use electrolysis to generate gas to turn a turbine?
  • #3
Would you accept for fun?
  • #4
ANarwhal said:
Would you accept for fun?

Fine by me. Wish I could help you though. I just don't know much about turbines and such. Though I am unsure whether this would really work at all. Can you turn a turbine or something similar using bubbles?
  • #5
ANarwhal said:
I can calculate the buoyancy of these gases in water fine, and thus the kinetic energy they would have, but I'm unsure how I would translate this to the amount of rotations this would generate in the turbine and thus the power gained. (Also is a turbine the right device to use here? Perhaps a water wheel would be better for gases in water?)
Such a turbine would not be converting kinetic energy, but rather potential energy. If you can calculate the buoyancy (remembering that it increases as the bubbles rise) and multiply by the distance they rise, that's potential energy. Max energy gained is equal to energy available due to conservation of energy.
  • #6
Drakkith said:
Can you turn a turbine or something similar using bubbles?
Consider an inverted, submerged water wheel...
  • #7
Remember that if you want to calculate the work available at the turbine, you are asking to use hydrogen, which is compressible, and will botch up your calculations.

Water works very well in hydro-dams because water is incompressible and aside from head-losses, friction, and generator-load on the turbine, the work you can get from the T-G set is dependent on the head in the impoundment vs the drop to the outfall. Best of all, the Sun provides the energy to get that water into the river in the first place. No additional energy-input required.
  • #8
russ_watters said:
Consider an inverted, submerged water wheel...

Yeah, but I have this vague feeling that I've seen something like this before on a site for perpetual motion and free energy...that's why I was unsure. Maybe I'm thinking of something else.
  • #9
I think OP is probably looking into the hydrogen car problem. While hydrogen powered cars are very nice to have, the amount of energy needed to perform electrolysis on H2O is more than what you get from burning the hydrogen. If you could take some of the potential energy from the rising hydrogen bubbles and use that energy to power the electrolysis you could make the process more efficient.
  • #10
I am trying to see how much energy I can recover from the electrolysis of water and its subsequent combustion.

One thing I don't understand though, electrolysis at greater pressures seems to indicate the process is more efficient, it seems to me like it should be less efficient in order to not break thermodynamics as the hydrogen runs up the tube. If it's more efficient then the longer you make the tube filled with water and turbines the more energy you should be able to get back (until it either reaches the amount you spent or higher).
  • #11
ANarwhal said:
. If it's more efficient then the longer you make the tube filled with water and turbines the more energy you should be able to get back (until it either reaches the amount you spent or higher).

That's what I was thinking, but that can't be right, I just don't know why.

FAQ: Calculating Power From Hydrogen/Oxygen Flow in Water Turbine

1. How do you calculate the power generated from a water turbine using hydrogen and oxygen flow?

To calculate the power generated from a water turbine using hydrogen and oxygen flow, you will need to know the flow rate of the gases in liters per minute (LPM) and the efficiency of the turbine. The formula for calculating power is: Power (W) = (Flow rate of gas (LPM) x Efficiency (%) x 2 x 0.001) / 60. This formula takes into account the fact that water is made up of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, and assumes a conversion of 2 liters of water per minute to 1 watt of power.

2. What is the efficiency of a water turbine using hydrogen and oxygen flow?

The efficiency of a water turbine using hydrogen and oxygen flow can vary depending on several factors, such as the design of the turbine, the quality of the gases being used, and the operating conditions. In general, a well-designed and maintained water turbine using hydrogen and oxygen flow can have an efficiency of around 70-80%, meaning that 70-80% of the energy from the gases is converted into usable power.

3. How does the flow rate of the gases affect the power generated from a water turbine?

The flow rate of the gases is a crucial factor in determining the power generated from a water turbine. The higher the flow rate, the more gas molecules are available to react with each other and produce energy. This means that a higher flow rate will result in a higher power output from the turbine, as long as the efficiency remains constant.

4. Can the power output of a water turbine using hydrogen and oxygen flow be increased?

Yes, the power output of a water turbine using hydrogen and oxygen flow can be increased by increasing the flow rate of the gases or by improving the efficiency of the turbine. However, it is important to note that there may be practical limitations to how much the power output can be increased, as it is ultimately dependent on the availability and quality of the gases being used.

5. What are some real-world applications of using hydrogen and oxygen flow in a water turbine?

There are several potential applications for using hydrogen and oxygen flow in a water turbine, such as in renewable energy systems, water treatment plants, and industrial processes. For example, hydrogen and oxygen flow can be used to power small-scale turbines in remote areas without access to traditional power sources, or to generate electricity in places where traditional power plants are not feasible. Additionally, the production of electricity through this method is clean and environmentally friendly, making it a promising option for sustainable energy production.

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