Calculating Power Output of a Car Accelerating from 0 to 27 m/s in 60 seconds

In summary: I think, there was a thread on some physics forum, where the OP stated, that two horses can't run faster than one, because there is no mechanical advantage in having twice the power. I guess the idea is that if you have twice the power, you'll have twice the force, so you'll accelerate twice faster, and then, when the given time passes, you'll have twice the speed, so the average speed will be the same. But acceleration and speed are different things, and the misconception becomes obvious when you realize that the power output is not the force, but the force multiplied by the velocity (and if you are accelerating, you have to consider the derivative of this quantity, which is called
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 1200 kg car accelerates from 0 to 27 m/s in 60 seconds.
a) What is the power outage from the engine in watts?
b) What is the power outage from the engine in horsepower?

Homework Equations

1/2 mgy=v
1 horsepower=746 Watts

The Attempt at a Solution

My final answer was 2025 Watts, 2.71 horsepower. Either I am way off, or my physics teacher is testing my confidence with physics. I'm guessing the former.

a) v=1/2(1200kg)(4.5m/s)2=12150 Joules=2025 Watts.
2025 Watts/746=2.71 horsepower.

Where did I go so terribly wrong?? :smile:

Physics news on
  • #2
Is there not a slipped decimal?
Accelerating to 27m/sec in 60 seconds translates to .45m/sec acceleration.
You're showing that a car is not very efficient.

Separately, there may be some confusion. You should check your formulas.
What are the parameters V=1/2mgy? They do not clearly translate to v=1/2*1200kg*(4.5)**2
  • #3
Where did the 4.5 come from. It should be 27. So, in joules, what's the kinetic energy after 60 sec.?

  • #4
27 m/s is 60 mph or about 100 km/h. These days, cars typically go 0 - 60 mph in under ten seconds; the car in question takes 60 seconds. So just by that measure alone it packs very few ponies under its hood.

There was a car - a very popular one - Citroën 2CV, whose initial model only produced 9 hp. It needed over 40 seconds to get to 40 mph and more than eternity to reach 60 mph. Still, it was a practical car.

The very first car made by Karl Benz delivered less than 1 hp.
  • #5
The question is badly worded IMO. It should say the average power outage.

If the acceleration is constant, the power will vary over the 60 seconds, and if the power is constant, the acceleration will vary. Constant power is probably a better approximation to real life.

As Chestermiller said, the way to do this is using energy. I don't recognize your formula 1/2 mgy=v but I don't think it is relevant anyway.

The answer I got was small, but not as small as the OP's. The answer will be less than in real life because it ignores the work done to overcome air resistance.

There was a car - a very popular one - Citroën 2CV, whose initial model only produced 9 hp. It needed over 40 seconds to get to 40 mph and more than eternity to reach 60 mph. Still, it was a practical car.

And they were as much fun to drive at 30 mph as most modern cars are at 90 ...
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  • #6
AlephZero said:
The question is badly worded IMO. It should say the average power outage.

If the acceleration is constant, the power will vary over the 60 seconds, and if the power is constant, the acceleration will vary. Constant power is probably a better approximation to real life.

As Chestermiller said, the way to do this is using energy. I don't recognize your formula 1/2 mgy=v but I don't think it is relevant anyway.

The answer I got was small, but not as small as the OP's. The answer will be less than in real life because it ignores the work done to overcome air resistance.

And they were as much fun to drive at 30 mph as most modern cars are at 90 ...

Yoiks! That was obviously before anti-sway bars were invented... :smile:
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  • #7
etudiant said:
Is there not a slipped decimal?
Accelerating to 27m/sec in 60 seconds translates to .45m/sec acceleration.
You're showing that a car is not very efficient.

Separately, there may be some confusion. You should check your formulas.
What are the parameters V=1/2mgy? They do not clearly translate to v=1/2*1200kg*(4.5)**2

etudiant, yes on the slipped decimal. Sorry about the confusion, I typed 60 seconds, but I missed a decimal! It is actually 6.0 seconds.
The formula: m=mass,g=gravity,y=distance.WHICH I think is nonexistent. I combined PE=1/2mgy and KE=1/2mv2. (Yay, I invented an equation! :smile: )

Chet, I was trying to find m/s. The problem gives m/6 s. Sorry about the confusion, I typed 60 seconds, but I missed a decimal! It is actually 6.0 seconds. Okay, maybe I'll just get it now that I found those errors:
KE=1/2(1200)(4.5m/s2 )
KE=12150 Joules
P=2025 Watts
1 hp=746 W
2025*1 hp/746 Watts=2.71 horsepower.

Anndd no. I used the right formula on my paper but I typed it wrong here. So where did I go wrong? I sorted out the problems with the slipped decimal and the wrong formula. Is there some basal step I'm missing?

Thanks again, everyone!
  • #8
You still calculated the kinetic energy incorrectly for the end of 6 seconds. It should be:

(0.5)(1200)(27)2 Joules. The average power (in watts) is this value divided by 6 seconds.

  • #9
Oh, I missed that it's asking for the TOTAL power output, even though it was implied in some of your guys' posts. I just overcomplicated it.

=437400 Joules.
=437400/6 Watts
=72900 Watts
=72900/746 horsepower
=97.72 horsepower.

Seems much more likely to me. Could someone please check it?
  • #10
Medgirl314 said:
Oh, I missed that it's asking for the TOTAL power output, even though it was implied in some of your guys' posts. I just overcomplicated it.

=437400 Joules.
=437400/6 Watts
=72900 Watts
=72900/746 horsepower
=97.72 horsepower.

Seems much more likely to me. Could someone please check it?
Looks good.

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  • #11
Thank you!
  • #12
Slightly off-topic, but the 2CV model name stood for deux chevaux vitesse, which is the speed of two horses, if my French translation is at all accurate. I never understood how two horses could be faster than one. Maybe it meant that if you wanted the car to go really fast, get two horses to pull it.
  • #13
Mark44 said:
Slightly off-topic, but the 2CV model name stood for deux chevaux vitesse, which is the speed of two horses, if my French translation is at all accurate.

That corresponds to "deux chevaux-vapeur", which literally means "two steam horses", but in fact means "two tax horsepowers", which is basically a taxation class based in the displacement of the engine, which was close to two real horsepowers in the beginning of the 20th century, but as time went on and the engine efficiencies increased, the discrepancy became very significant.

I never understood how two horses could be faster than one.

This, BTW, is widely held misconception. In just about any western, a horseback rider can easily catch up with and outrun a multi-horse carriage. While in reality it is not necessarily so.
  • #14
I suppose it would depend on the mass and design of the carriage,correct? As well as the exact energy of the horses?
  • #15
Medgirl314 said:
I suppose it would depend on the mass and design of the carriage,correct?

Yes. Its payload, too.

As well as the exact energy of the horses?

The power developed by the horses is the more accurate way of saying that.
  • #16
voko said:
The power developed by the horses is the more accurate way of saying that.

Thank you! I couldn't figure out how to put it.

FAQ: Calculating Power Output of a Car Accelerating from 0 to 27 m/s in 60 seconds

1. What does "2.71 Horsepower" mean?

"2.71 Horsepower" refers to the amount of power that a car's engine produces. It is a unit of measurement used to indicate the rate at which work is done.

2. Is 2.71 Horsepower enough for a car?

It depends on the size and weight of the car. 2.71 Horsepower may be sufficient for a small and lightweight car, but it may not be enough for a larger or heavier car.

3. How does 2.71 Horsepower compare to other cars?

2.71 Horsepower is relatively low compared to most modern cars. Most cars today have at least 100 horsepower, while high-performance cars can have over 500 horsepower.

4. Can a car with 2.71 Horsepower go fast?

It may not be able to reach high speeds, but it can still move and drive. The top speed of a car with 2.71 Horsepower will depend on its weight and other factors such as aerodynamics and road conditions.

5. How does 2.71 Horsepower affect a car's fuel efficiency?

Generally, a car with 2.71 Horsepower will have better fuel efficiency compared to a car with a higher horsepower. This is because the engine is not working as hard to move the car, resulting in less fuel consumption.
