Calculating Pressure Drop in Fuel Systems with Complex Geometry: A Case Study

In summary, the conversation revolved around calculating the pressure drop across a fuel system using the equation dp=(K*density*MeanVelocity^2)/(2*g). The individual sought help in understanding their calculations, specifically the conversion of units from inches to psi. After multiple attempts and discussions on unit conversions, they were able to successfully calculate a pressure loss of 1.9 psi for their fuel system.
  • #1
Hello. I have been asked to calculate the pressure drop across our fuel system. It is a large system with many fittings and bends. My numbers don't seem to make sense to me Please help...
Before I begin, I use equation dp=(K*density*MeanVelocity^2)/(2*g) to calculate pressure drop.
To calculate mean Velocity I am using V=(2.951e-5*W)/(d^2*rho)
where W is flow in lb/hr d=inner diameter (in) and rho=density (lb/in^3)

As far as I can tell this gives mean velocity in ft/s which I convert to in/hr. And I use g in terms of in/hr^2 which gives me final units of lb/in^2.

First: I was told to compare the drop as mass flow (lb/hr) changes from 0-5000 lb/hr. Also the applicable temperatures are -60-300 F. For ease here I will just pick a temp and a flow. These are what the system contains and the K values I assigned each feature-
4 gradual diameter contractions .23
2 gradual expansions .17
5 sharp 90 deg bends 1.1
4 gradual 90 bends .12
1 gradual 180 bend 2.17
10 "T" which I make the 90 bend 1.1
Total K=20.41
Total length=204.88 inches
I then try to use dp=(K*density*MeanVelocity^2)/(2*g)
where K= fL/d+loss from fittings

I got that the pressure drops 6e12 psi...What am I doing wrong?
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  • #2
What is your pipe inside diameter? What fluid velocity did you calculate?
  • #3
The pipe inside diameter is .715. For a mass flow of 2000 lb/hr I got a fluid velocity of 190909.94 in/hr. I think the problem is in how I am calculating my fluid velocity. How can I calculate the average velocity knowing only the flow, diameter, length, viscosity, and density?
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  • #4
I will go through my steps exactly so that I can hopefully get some help.
temp=100 F
viscosity=1.202 cts
mass flow=2000 lb/hr
density(rho)=.0288 lb/in^3
diameter=.715 in
length=204.88 in
g=5003700480 in/hr^2
total K=20.41

1. convert viscosity to US: 1.202*5.58=6.70716 in^2/hr
2. Calculate fluid velocity:

mass flow= rho* Q(volumetric flow)
mass flow= \rho Q(volumetric flow
Ignore equation directly above, for some reason if I try and remove it, it shifts all other equations down...
V=\frac{Q}{\frac{\pi d^2}{4}}

so 2000=.0288*Q---Q=69444.44 in^3/hr V=172955.96 in/hr
3. Calculate Reynolds number:
R_e=\frac{V d}{v}
4. Calculate friction factor:
\frac{1}{\sqrt(f)}=-2 \log(\frac{\frac{roughness}{d}}{3.7}+\frac{2.51}{R_e \sqrt(f)}
roughness=.00008 (from table)
5. Calculate hl:
h_l=(\frac{f l}{d} + K_l) \frac{V^2}{2 g}
6. Calculate pressure loss:

Does anyone see any mistakes?
  • #5
Hi kosig,
kosig said:
5. Calculate hl:
h_l=(\frac{f l}{d} + K_l) \frac{V^2}{2 g}
6. Calculate pressure loss:
You calculate a head loss of 66.319, but what units is that in? Generally we use feet but that looks like it should be in inches. If so, then the conversion to psi is where I'd suggest looking for a problem. I don't know what fluid you're using or I'd punch that into my program so I used water instead. It comes back with 39" of head loss or roughly 1.4 psi. Does that sound about right?

PS: I posted a paper on pipe flow that you might find useful here:
  • #6
Yes, that is in inches. I agree, that number seems reasonable. How should I convert that from inches to psi?
  • #7
You have the right equation. Just check units.
  • #8
Q_Goest said:
You have the right equation. Just check units.

Yeah, sigh...that's what I've been doing for two days straight.

After I multiply the head loss by density and gravity I get pressure loss in lb/(in*hr^2). Which seems eerily similar to Pascals. So I convert lb to kg, into m, and hr^2 to s^2 by multiplying by 1.49569X10^-6. Then I convert Pa to psi by multiplying by the same number? Why is that?
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  • #9
Change density to lbm/ft3, so 0.0288 lbm/in3 = 0.0288 lbm/in3 (123 in3/ft3) = 49.76 lbm/ft3

Now change head to feet so 66.316 in = 5.51 ft

So dp = rho*g*h but you also have to convert using 1/Gc and ft2/144in2
where Gc = (32.2 lbm ft/lbf s2)

dp = rho*g*h*Gc*(ft2/144in2)

dp = 49.76 lbm/ft3 * 32.2 ft/s2 * 5.51 ft * 1/(32.2 lbm ft/lbf s2)*ft2/144in2

You should get 1.90 psi
  • #10
That seems reasonable. Not entirely sure what you did...but it does end in psi! Why do you cancel out gravity? Also, my thanks to you are endless. I have been canceling units for two days now.
  • #11
Densiity is in units of pound mass (lbm) per cubic foot, not pound force (lbf) per cubic foot. So to convert the mass units to force units, you need a conversion factor. We're not cancelling out gravity, we're just converting mass to force. Gc is a conversion factor that equals 1 just as 12 inches/ 1 foot = 1.

Note that I did also check your input conditions using water so I'm pretty sure the output is going to be close to that (1.4 psi for water) so the 1.9 psi for your fuel sounds like you got the rest of the equation right.
  • #12
Of course...I really hate having to use the US system...Thanks again!

FAQ: Calculating Pressure Drop in Fuel Systems with Complex Geometry: A Case Study

What is a pressure drop calculation?

A pressure drop calculation is a mathematical calculation used to determine the difference in pressure between two points in a fluid system, typically caused by friction and resistance within the system.

Why is pressure drop calculation important?

Pressure drop calculation is important because it helps engineers and scientists understand how a fluid will flow through a system and identify potential problems or inefficiencies. It is also crucial in designing and optimizing systems for efficient operation.

What factors can affect pressure drop?

The factors that can affect pressure drop include fluid viscosity, flow rate, pipe diameter, pipe length, and the presence of any obstructions or changes in direction in the system.

How is pressure drop calculated?

The pressure drop is calculated using Bernoulli's equation, which takes into account the fluid properties, flow rate, and geometry of the system. It can also be calculated using empirical equations or through experimental testing.

What are some applications of pressure drop calculation?

Pressure drop calculation is used in a variety of fields, including chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and fluid dynamics. It is commonly used in the design and analysis of pipelines, heat exchangers, pumps, and other industrial and mechanical systems.

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