Calculating Probability for Rematch in FIFA12 on Xbox Live

In summary, when calculating probability, it is important to carefully select the factors that will be included in the model. These factors should be relevant and have a significant impact on the outcome. It is also important to test the model against data and consider different methods, such as multivariate linear regression, for determining the significance of each factor. It is not recommended to use Bayesian models without a good understanding of Bayesian statistics. Starting with a simple model and testing it against data can be a good approach to predicting outcomes.
  • #1

I am having a hard time understanding which factors should be taken into account and which ones should not be taken into account when calculating probability.

I have the following situation:

Last night I played FIFA12 on xbox live against an unknown opponent. He challenged me to a rematch after the match was over.

I would like to calculate the chance I would have had of winning if I would have said "yes" to the rematch.
However, upon trying to calculate the chance (using Bayes' theory for example), I quickly gathered countless factors such as:

  • previous personal win/loss ratio
  • the fact he first scored a goal in the first 10 minutes of the first half
  • the fact I scored two goals the last 20 minutes of the second half
  • his predictability
  • my predictability
  • my fatigue at that hour; mentally as well as phyiscally
  • the knowledge the opponent has about my strategy after having played a match with me
  • how tired my opponent is
  • the opponent's fatigue; mentally as well as physically
  • if he is a night person or not

I keep thinking of factors such as these and I am not sure which ones would be valid factors for probability calculation. I am getting lost.

Does anyone have an idea on this?

Thank you
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  • #2
In the real world, we often have an extreme long list of variables that may effect an outcome. There are many methods on how to construct probability models and thus make a prediction on an outcome. The only way you are going to make a good model is if you test it repeatedly against the data you aggregate.

Once you make a model, how you constructed it, will often dictate how you can test if a variable contributed a significant amount of information or not. For example, if you choose to make a multivariate linear regression, you could use partial F test or additional sum of squares.

As a side note, I would definitely not recommend you make a Bayesian model using your current knowledge of Bayesian statistics. Bayesian models need a prior probability and finding such distribution for a parameter is will work for your model is non-trivial.

If you want to try something, you could go for a simple model and see how often you tend to win a rematch regardless of an opponent.

FAQ: Calculating Probability for Rematch in FIFA12 on Xbox Live

1. How do I calculate the probability for a rematch in FIFA12 on Xbox Live?

In order to calculate the probability for a rematch in FIFA12 on Xbox Live, you need to take into account several factors such as the players' skill level, the number of previous matches they have played, and the likelihood of them wanting a rematch based on their in-game performance and communication.

2. Can the probability for a rematch in FIFA12 on Xbox Live be accurately calculated?

While there are several factors that can influence the probability for a rematch in FIFA12 on Xbox Live, it is difficult to accurately calculate it as it also depends on the players' personal preferences and motivations.

3. Is there a specific formula or method for calculating the probability for a rematch in FIFA12 on Xbox Live?

There is no specific formula or method for calculating the probability for a rematch in FIFA12 on Xbox Live. It is more of an estimation based on the factors mentioned earlier.

4. Are there any strategies or tips for increasing the probability of a rematch in FIFA12 on Xbox Live?

One strategy could be to communicate with your opponent during the game and express your interest in a rematch. Another tip could be to play against opponents with a similar skill level to increase the likelihood of them wanting a rematch.

5. How can I use the calculated probability for a rematch in FIFA12 on Xbox Live to my advantage?

Knowing the probability for a rematch can help you strategize and prepare for the possibility of a rematch. For example, if the probability is low, you may want to make the most out of the current game and try to win, whereas if the probability is high, you can focus on playing well and potentially securing a rematch.

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