Calculating Radiant Flux from Luminosity: A Practical Question for Engineers

  • Thread starter Andy Kellett
  • Start date
In summary, calculating radiant flux from luminosity is a practical question for engineers. Radiant flux is the measure of the total amount of light energy emitted by a light source, while luminosity is the measure of the perceived brightness of the light. Engineers use this calculation to determine the amount of light that is needed for a specific application, such as in lighting design or optical systems. The formula for calculating radiant flux involves multiplying the luminosity by the surface area of the light source, and it is an important consideration in ensuring the appropriate amount of light is emitted for a given purpose.
  • #1
Andy Kellett
Hi. I have an Engineering Physics degree and have worked as a technical editor at an RF design magazine, as a radar engineer, product engineer, propulsion engineer and now I am working at a drone company doing remote sensing and being the "GNSS guy." I joined to ask a practical question for work, but I now recall how fun it was to read all these physics threads (I used to read them on USENET).

I really do need help backing out radiant flux from luminosity, so check out my thread on that topic!

Thanks and hi
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  • #2
Welcome to the PF, Andy! Great to have you here. Sounds like fun work! :smile: