Calculating reaction force for sliding plank

In summary, using different methods, the author attempted to solve the problem of a plank leaning against a wall and slipping downward without friction. They tried to find the angle at which the top of the plank would lose contact with the wall by balancing torques and using conservation of energy. However, they encountered issues with trigonometric functions and were unable to get the correct answer.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A plank of length 2L leans against a wall. It starts to slip downward without friction. Show that the top of the plank loses contact with the wall when it is at two-thirds of its initial height.
(from Kleppner&Kolenkow,An Introduction to Mechanics 1st ed., problem 6.41)

Homework Equations

Equation of motion for translation of center of mass:

The coordinates of the center of mass are

[tex] x = L \cos(\theta) [/tex]
[tex] y= L \sin(\theta) [/tex]

Differentiating twice with respect to time, the acceleration of CoM is

[tex] \ddot{x} = - L \ddot{\theta} \sin(\theta) - L \dot{\theta}^2 \cos(\theta) [/tex]
[tex] \ddot{y} = L \ddot{\theta} \cos(\theta) - L \dot{\theta}^2 \sin(\theta) [/tex]

So the equations of motion for the center of mass are

[tex] m \ddot{x} = - m L \ddot{\theta} \sin(\theta) - m L \dot{\theta}^2 \cos(\theta) = N_x [/tex]
[tex] m \ddot{y} = m L \ddot{\theta} \cos(\theta) - m L \dot{\theta}^2 \sin(\theta) = - m g +N_y[/tex]

Conservation of energy:
Since there is no friction, energy is conserved and so
[tex]m g y_0=\frac{1}{2} m v^2 + \frac{1}{2} I_0 \dot{\theta}^2 + m g y[/tex]

We can make the following substitutions
[tex] I_0 = \frac{1}{3} m L^2 [/tex]
[tex] v^2 = \dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2 = L^2 \dot{\theta}^2 [/tex]

So we get
[tex]m g y_0=\frac{1}{2} m L^2 \dot{\theta}^2 + \frac{1}{6} m L^2 \dot{\theta}^2 + m g L \sin(\theta)[/tex]

The final equation we need is the angular equation of motion, which we can get making use of the fact that energy is conserved. We can differentiate both sides of the conservation of energy equation and get

[tex] 0 = m L^2 \dot{\theta} \ddot{\theta} + \frac{1}{3} m L^2 \dot{\theta} \ddot{\theta} + m g L \dot{\theta} \cos(\theta) [/tex]

Which can be further simplified into
[tex] \ddot{\theta} = - \frac{3}{4} \frac{g}{L} \cos(\theta) [/tex]

One other way to get the angular equation of motion is to balance the torques around the axis of the center of mass
[tex] I_0 \ddot{\theta} = N_y L \sin(\theta) - N_x L cos(\theta) [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I've been able to solve this problem and show what was asked, but I'd like to show you my first atttempt at solving it and understand what I did wrong and why was wrong.

The plank loses contact with the wall when [tex] N_x = 0 [/tex] so from the equation of motion for the x coordinate of the center of mass we get

[tex] - m L \ddot{\theta} \sin(\theta) - m L \dot{\theta}^2 \cos(\theta) = 0 [/tex]

And substituting into it [tex] \ddot{\theta} = - \frac{3}{4} \frac{g}{L} \cos(\theta) [/tex] we get the following equation

[tex] \dot{\theta}^2 \cos(\theta) - \left( \frac{3}{4} \frac{g}{L} \cos(\theta) \right) \sin(\theta) = 0 [/tex]

which can be solved to

[tex] \dot{\theta}^2 = \frac{3 g}{4 L} \sin(\theta) [/tex]

Knowing [tex] \ddot{\theta} [/tex] and [tex] \dot{\theta}^2 [/tex] I can make use of the equation of motion for the y coordinate of the center of mass and find the force [tex] N_y [/tex] at the instant the plank loses contact with the wall, at which time [tex] N_x = 0 [/tex].

[tex] N_y = m g + m L \cos(\theta) \left(- \frac{3 g}{4 L} \cos(\theta) \right) - m L \sin(\theta) \left(\frac{3 g}{4 L} \sin(\theta) \right) [/tex]
[tex] N_y = \frac{1}{4} m g [/tex]

The torque balance equation then reads

[tex] I_0 \ddot{\theta} = N_y L \sin(\theta) = \frac{1}{4} m g L \sin(\theta) [/tex]
[tex]\frac{1}{3} m L^3 (-\frac{3g}{4L} \cos(\theta) ) = \frac{1}{4} m g L \sin(\theta) [/tex]

Which I then tried to solve to find [tex] \theta [/tex] but ended up with something weird,
[tex] - \cos(\theta) = \sin(\theta) [/tex]
from which I can tell something went wrong along the way, and I suspect it is from finding the [tex] N_y [/tex] force, hence the title of the post.

What did I do wrong? Why is it wrong?


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  • #2
sunquick said:
One other way to get the angular equation of motion is to balance the torques around the axis of the center of mass
[tex] I_0 \ddot{\theta} = N_y L \sin(\theta) - N_x L cos(\theta) [/tex]
i believe the signs are wrong. Ny causes an anticlockwise angular acceleration. The way you have defined theta, a positive change is a clockwise rotation.
  • #3
Thank you for your answer. I think you're right, the signs are indeed wrong. Reversing the signs I get
[tex] I_0 \theta = - N_y L \sin(\theta) + N_x L\cos(\theta) [/tex]

Going through till the end I get
[tex] \sin(\theta) = \cos(\theta) [/tex]
This equation has one solution between 0 and Pi/2, which is Pi/4, but I don't think that's the right answer.
  • #4
sunquick said:
One other way to get the angular equation of motion is to balance the torques around the axis of the center of mass
[tex] I_0 \ddot{\theta} = N_y L \sin(\theta) - N_x L cos(\theta) [/tex]
Check to see if you picked the correct trig functions here.
  • #5
TSny said:
Check to see if you picked the correct trig functions here.

Thank you for replying.
I don't know if the trig functions are correct, because I've tried to do this so many times over and I am really confused.
I'll try to explain my reasoning:

The definition of the x and y coordinates in terms of the angle theta look like polar coordinates, so I reasoned that the torques would come from the components of the forces perpendicular to the plank, and the perpendicular components would be the radial components.

So if we make our basis vectors be
[tex] \mathbf{\hat{r}} = \cos(\theta) \mathbf{\hat{i}} + \sin(\theta) \mathbf{\hat{j}} [/tex]
[tex] \mathbf{\hat{\theta}} = - \sin(\theta) \mathbf{\hat{i}} + \cos(\theta) \mathbf{\hat{j}} [/tex]

[tex] \mathbf{N_x} = N_x \cos(\theta) \mathbf{\hat{r}} - N_x \sin(\theta) \mathbf{\hat{\theta}} [/tex]
[tex] \mathbf{N_y} = N_y \sin(\theta) \mathbf{\hat{r}} + N_y \cos(\theta) \mathbf{\hat{\theta}} [/tex]
[tex] \mathbf{W} = -m g \sin(\theta) \mathbf{\hat{r}} - m g \cos(\theta) \mathbf{\hat{\theta}} [/tex]

I dot each of those forces with the r basis vector, and multiply by L and the sum should be the sum of the torques.

I then tried to do a different type of reasoning and drawed a diagram, which I uploaded. If the diagram is correct, the torque resulting from the N_y reaction force is [tex] N_y L \sin(\pi/2 - \theta) = N_y L \cos(\theta) [/tex] which seems to contradict what I tried before.


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  • #6
I don't follow your method using polar coordinates. But your diagram method looks good. It gives you the correct magnitude of the torque due to Ny. You'll need to consider the sign of this torque when setting up your torque equation.

FAQ: Calculating reaction force for sliding plank

1. How is the reaction force for a sliding plank calculated?

The reaction force for a sliding plank can be calculated using Newton's second law of motion, which states that force equals mass times acceleration. In this case, the mass would be the weight of the plank and the acceleration would be the rate at which the plank is sliding.

2. What factors affect the magnitude of the reaction force for a sliding plank?

The magnitude of the reaction force for a sliding plank is affected by the weight of the plank, the angle of the incline, and the coefficient of friction between the plank and the surface it is sliding on.

3. How does the angle of the incline affect the reaction force for a sliding plank?

The steeper the incline, the greater the reaction force will be. This is because the weight of the plank is distributed more vertically, resulting in a larger component of the weight acting against the surface, thus increasing the reaction force.

4. What is the role of coefficient of friction in calculating the reaction force for a sliding plank?

The coefficient of friction is a measure of the force required to overcome the friction between two surfaces. In the case of a sliding plank, a higher coefficient of friction would result in a larger reaction force needed to keep the plank from accelerating.

5. Can the reaction force for a sliding plank ever be greater than the weight of the plank?

No, the reaction force for a sliding plank can never be greater than the weight of the plank. This is because the plank's weight is the maximum force that can be exerted on the surface, and the reaction force can only be equal to or less than this amount.
