Calculating Resultant Velocity for Long Distance Swimmers

In summary, resultant velocity is the combined effect of multiple velocities acting on an object. It can be calculated by adding together all the individual velocities using vector addition. The direction of the resultant velocity is affected by the direction of the individual velocities. Resultant velocity differs from average velocity, as it is a measure of overall speed and direction rather than overall motion. Resultant velocity can also be negative, depending on the direction of the individual velocities.
  • #1
A long distance swimmers starts out swimming a steady 2mph at 30 degrees south of west. A 5mph current is flowing at 10 degrees north of east.

What is the swimmers resultant velocity?
Physics news on
  • #2
Just break this into vectorial components, add like components, then recombine.

v r-hat = v cos @ x-hat + v sin @ y-hat

FAQ: Calculating Resultant Velocity for Long Distance Swimmers

1. What is meant by resultant velocity?

Resultant velocity is the combined effect of multiple velocities acting on an object. It is the overall velocity or speed and direction of an object, taking into account all the individual velocities that are acting on it.

2. How do you calculate resultant velocity?

To calculate resultant velocity, you need to add together all the individual velocities using vector addition. This involves breaking down each velocity into its horizontal and vertical components, adding them separately, and then using the Pythagorean theorem to find the resultant velocity magnitude. The direction of the resultant velocity can be found using trigonometric functions.

3. What is the difference between resultant velocity and average velocity?

Resultant velocity is the overall velocity of an object, taking into account all the individual velocities acting on it. Average velocity, on the other hand, is the total displacement of an object divided by the total time taken. It is a measure of the object's overall motion, while resultant velocity is a measure of the object's overall speed and direction.

4. How does the direction of individual velocities affect the resultant velocity?

The direction of individual velocities greatly affects the resultant velocity. If all the individual velocities are acting in the same direction, the resultant velocity will be larger than any of the individual velocities. If the individual velocities are acting in opposite directions, the resultant velocity will be smaller or even zero, depending on their magnitudes.

5. Can resultant velocity be negative?

Yes, resultant velocity can be negative. This occurs when the individual velocities are acting in opposite directions, causing the resultant velocity to have a negative direction or be in the opposite direction of the larger individual velocity. It is important to take into account the direction when calculating resultant velocity, as it can affect the overall motion of an object.
