Calculating RMS Speed of Molecules in a Compressed Gas

No, I don't. I just solved my own problem and in my head I'm like, "I know this question! Somewhere on the internet I saw this question. Somewhere on a forum." So I searched for it and found it here and ended up posting my own question on this thread. As I was reading the problem, I was like, "Oh, hey! It's that problem again!"
  • #1

Homework Statement

So this is the final section of a problem I had posted earlier, and I'm kinda stumped again.

The rms speed of the molecules in 1.2 g of hydrogen gas is 1800 m/s.
300 J of work are done to compress the gas while, in the same process, 1500 J of heat energy are transferred from the gas to the environment. Afterward, what is the rms speed of the molecules?

Homework Equations

E = N(1/2)mc^2

m = Mass of H molecule = 1.67 x 10^-27 kg
N = Total # of Molecules = 7.19 x 10^23 Molecules
c = RMS speed

E(total) = E1 (initial energy) + E2 (300J of work) + E3 (1500 J lost to environment)

The Attempt at a Solution

initial Energy = N x (1/2)mC2
Which equates to 1.9 KJ earlier in the assignment.

E = (1900J) + (300J - the work done on the gas) - (1500J subtracted because it is lost to the environment)
= 700 J

Now plug this back into solve for C^2

700J = N x (1/2)mc^2

700J = (7.19 x 10^23 Molecules)(1/2)(1.67 x 10^-27 kg)(C^2)

(c^2) = 1,166,083.6

c = 1,825 m/s

It is telling me I am wrong, so can someone shed some light on my mistake?

Thank you.
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  • #2
  • #3
WolfeSieben said:
(c^2) = 1,166,083.6

c = 1,825 m/s

It is telling me I am wrong, so can someone shed some light on my mistake?
I haven't gone through all the numbers. But for starters you might want to check the square root function on your calculator. :wink:
  • #4
Couple of other things.

I'm not sure where you got the mass of an H2 molecule. But as I remember, there are two hydrogen atoms in a single hydrogen molecule. (It seems to me that you might have assumed one H atom per molecule.)

Beyond that, you might want to make sure you use a sufficient number of significant digits in your calculations.
  • #5
Haha, oops.

Well, I tried this equation with both 1900J (total translational kinetic energy) and 3200J (thermal energy) for my E1. Using 3200 J ends up in 1,825 m/s and 1900 J ends with 1080 m/s. (both came back as incorrect)

Sorry for the confusion!
  • #6
Alright, So the calculation itself appears to you to be fine, just make sure my #'s are correct?
  • #7
So I plugged in the new value:

Hydrogen atom (diatomic) 3.34 x 10^-27 kg (used 1.007g/mol / avagraddo's)

and my overall answer came out as 1,288 m/s and the assignment is still saying it is wrong.
I am obviously missing something, but I don't see what. Any help/hints would be appreciated!

  • #8
WolfeSieben said:
So I plugged in the new value:

Hydrogen atom (diatomic) 3.34 x 10^-27 kg (used 1.007g/mol / avagraddo's)
Don't you mean 3.34 x 10-27 kg per diatomic molecule?

Anyway, you might want to combine your formulas before plugging any numbers into them. It ends up that a lot of things might cancel out, making the overall calculations easier. It turns out that you might not even need Avogadro's number, molar masses, or any of that.
and my overall answer came out as 1,288 m/s and the assignment is still saying it is wrong.
I am obviously missing something, but I don't see what. Any help/hints would be appreciated!
I ended up with a different answer.
  • #9
I just registered purely for this question here.
I'm also working on a similar problem but with different numbers.
Your work actually helped me since at first I ignored the initial thermal energy. So my calculation ended up being just the Ethermal from the work and heat given(ie the final). Which was wrong.

I managed to figure it out and I think I know what the problem is. Keep using the mass already given to you. 1.2g = 0.0012kg
And don't forget that Hydrogen is a diatomic gas with 3 translational 2 rotational degrees of freedom. I'm pretty sure I also saw you post the first two parts of this question. You had to use 5/3 in the first two parts. Same thing here.

E = (5/3) (1/2)mc^2

Hope that helps.
  • #10
Oh, yeah. The rotational part too. I forgot about that. :redface:

[Edit: However, I'm not sure if the OP is supposed to consider that or not. I think it depends on the model being used.]
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  • #11

I returned to this problem and got it correct. Thank you for all of your help.

Just out of curiosity, do you go to UofC?
It would be quite the coincidence if two institutions had the same question, during the same week haha.

Related to Calculating RMS Speed of Molecules in a Compressed Gas

1. What is RMS speed in thermodynamics?

RMS speed, also known as root-mean-square speed, is a measure of the average speed of particles in a gas. It takes into account the speeds of all particles in a gas and calculates the square root of the average of their squares.

2. How is RMS speed related to temperature?

In thermodynamics, RMS speed is directly proportional to the square root of absolute temperature. This means that as temperature increases, the RMS speed of particles in a gas also increases.

3. Can RMS speed be used to calculate the kinetic energy of particles?

Yes, the kinetic energy of particles in a gas can be calculated using the formula KE = (1/2)mv2, where m is the mass of the particle and v is the RMS speed.

4. Is there a difference between RMS speed and average speed?

Yes, there is a difference between RMS speed and average speed. Average speed takes into account the total distance traveled by particles, while RMS speed takes into account the average of their squared speeds.

5. How does the mass of particles affect their RMS speed?

The mass of particles does not have a direct effect on their RMS speed. However, heavier particles will have a lower RMS speed compared to lighter particles at the same temperature, due to their greater mass and slower movement.

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