Calculating Snowfall Start Time with Constant Snowplow Rate | Homework Problem

  • Thread starter playboy
  • Start date
In summary, a snowplow began removing snow from a road at a constant rate, while snow fell steadily from morning into afternoon. Using calculus, the problem can be solved by setting up two integrals for distance traveled by the plow, with the help of the constant removal rate and the variable velocity. Solving for the time at which the snow began to fall can then be done by manipulating the equations and eliminating unknowns.
  • #36
And this can be broken down even further

Let d = distance

[tex]\int_{12:00}^{13:00} \frac{\d}}}{(t-t_0))} dt = 6\text{\, km}[/tex]

[tex]\int_{13:00}^{14:00} \frac{\d}}}{(t-t_0))} dt = 6\text{\, km}[/tex]
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  • #37
So evaluate the integrals. They should be easy, since [itex]\dot V_{\text{plow}}[/itex], [itex]w[/itex], [itex]\dot h[/itex], and [itex]t_0[/itex] are all constants.
  • #38
^ Stupid latex... it's supposed to be
^ int(12,13) Distance\(t-to) dt = 6
^ int(13,14 Distance\(t-to) dt = 3
  • #39
D H said:
So evaluate the integrals. They should be easy, since [itex]\dot V_{\text{plow}}[/itex], [itex]w[/itex], [itex]\dot h[/itex], and [itex]t_0[/itex] are all constants.

Yea...that's what I was trying to write out
  • #40
Let all those constants = D

int(12,13) D\(t-to) dt = 6
=D*(ln(12-to) - ln(13-to)) = 6
=(ln(12-t0) - ln(12-to)) = 6\D
= and doing a whole bunch of math...

to = [e^(6\D)*13 - 12] \ [e^(6/D) - 1]


int(13,14) D\(t-to) dt = 3
= D*(ln(13-to) - ln(14-to)) = 3

Solving for to I get,

to = [e^(3\D)*14 - 12] \ [e^(3/D) - 1]
  • #41
This gets VERY messy...

Would it be the same as letting the limits of the intergral be (0,1) and (1,2) instead of (12, 13) and (13, 14) ?
  • #42

You have a sign error here,
int(12,13) D\(t-to) dt = D*(ln(12-to) - ln(13-to))
and similarly here,
int(13,14) D\(t-to) dt = D*(ln(13-to) - ln(14-to))

You have two equations in two unknowns, D and t0. You don't care about D. How can you eliminate that nasty "D" with one simple algebraic manipulation?
  • #43
Subtract the two equations!
  • #44
Mistake, Divide the two equations!
  • #45
Excellent. What is the result? Can you get rid of the logarithms?
  • #46
[D*(ln(12-to) - ln(13-to))] \ [D*(ln(13-to) - ln(14-to))] 6\3

= [(ln(12-to) - ln(13-to))] \ [(ln(13-to) - ln(14-to))] = 2

--> ln(12-to) - ln(13-to) = 2ln(13-to) - 2ln(14-to)

-->ln(12-to) -3ln(13-to) + 2ln(14-to) = 0

= ln[ (12-to)*(14-to)^2 / (13-to)^3 ] = 0

take e of both sides...

[ (12-to)*(14-to)^2 / (13-to)^3 ] = 1

(12-to)*(14-to)^2 = (13-to)^3

  • #47
You have it right and you are indeed almost there. You should easily be able to finish this off. I have to go again. Good luck.
  • #48
Thank you so much for your help D_H..I really reall really appreciate it...
  • #49
I got 3.43

I was hopping it would come out to a really really nice number..

therefore, it strated snowing at 12-3.43 = 9:43am
  • #50
That is not what I got.

The final task is to solve for zero,

[tex](12-t_0)(14-t_0)^2 - (13-t_0)^3 = 0[/tex]

[tex]155 - 25\;t_0 + t_0^2 = 0[/tex]

Which has solutions
[tex]t_0 = \frac {25 \pm \sqrt 5}2[/tex]

Choosing a positive radical means it started snow after noon; i.e., not a true solution. Thus
[tex]t_0 = \frac {25 - \sqrt 5}2 = 11 + \frac {3 - \sqrt 5}2 = 11.38 \approx 11\text{:}23 [/tex]
  • #51
I made a silly mistake and had

155 -25to +to^2 + 2 to^3 = 0 when it should have been 155 -25to +to^2 + 2

I made a mistake on my arithmetic

Why do you have 11:38 ~ 11:23? why 11:23?

D H, you really helped me thorugh this problem and I really really appreciate it...

Thank you so much for your time and patients :)

I have to admit, this was a very tough question for me...

You must be smart and have really good problem solving skills.
  • #52
Thanks for the complement. BTW, 11.38 is the answer in hours. Our normal time-measuring system is not metric. We use days, hours, minutes, seconds,... 11.38 hours is about 11 hours and 23 minutes, or 11:23.
  • #53
D H said:
Thanks for the complement. BTW, 11.38 is the answer in hours. Our normal time-measuring system is not metric. We use days, hours, minutes, seconds,... 11.38 hours is about 11 hours and 23 minutes, or 11:23.

Oh I see, I should have known that,

Thank you once again for your help,

Problems like these are very very complicated (for me...and as you can see, it took me 2 days to figure it out with your help)

I really appreciate your help :smile:

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