Calculating Speaker Frequencies Using Speed of Sound at Best Buy | Homework Help

  • Thread starter adhoward24
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In summary, a student conducted an experiment at Best Buy where he placed a pair of speakers 4.0 m apart and connected them to a signal generator producing a constant tone. He then walked to a point 2.0 m from one speaker and 2.3 m from the other, noticing a quiet "spot". With the speed of sound in the room known to be 350 m/s, the possible frequencies being played by the speakers can be calculated. The path length difference between the speakers causes destructive interference at the point where the student stands, indicating a relationship between wavelength and frequency.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A student enters Best Buy prepared to buy a pair of speakers. Before he does so, he conducts an experiment with them. He places the speakers 4.0 m apart and connects a signal generator to both speakers that produces a single and consistent tone. (constant wavelength and frequency) He then walks to a point that is 2.0 m from one speaker and 2.3 m from the other. At that point he notices a quiet “spot”. If the speed of the sound in the room is known to be 350 m/s, calculate the possible frequencies being played by the speakers.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't even know where to begin. I don't even know how to go from speed to frequency. Thanks for any and all help
Physics news on
  • #2
The path length difference produces destructive interference at the point where he stands. What does that tell you about the wavelength (and frequency)?

FAQ: Calculating Speaker Frequencies Using Speed of Sound at Best Buy | Homework Help

What is the purpose of calculating speaker frequencies using speed of sound at Best Buy?

The purpose of calculating speaker frequencies using speed of sound at Best Buy is to ensure that the speakers being purchased are compatible with the room or space in which they will be used. This calculation helps to determine the ideal frequency response for the speakers, ensuring optimal sound quality.

How is the speed of sound used to calculate speaker frequencies at Best Buy?

The speed of sound is used in the calculation of speaker frequencies by determining the wavelength of the sound waves produced by the speakers. The wavelength is then used to determine the frequency of the sound, which is measured in hertz (Hz).

What factors can affect the speed of sound in a given space?

The speed of sound can be affected by several factors, including temperature, humidity, and air pressure. These factors can alter the density and speed of the air, ultimately impacting the speed of sound.

What is the ideal frequency response for speakers at Best Buy?

The ideal frequency response for speakers at Best Buy can vary depending on personal preference. However, a general guideline is to choose speakers with a frequency response range of 20Hz to 20kHz, as this encompasses the full range of human hearing.

Are there any other important considerations when calculating speaker frequencies at Best Buy?

In addition to the speed of sound, it is important to also consider the speaker's impedance, power handling, and sensitivity when calculating speaker frequencies at Best Buy. These factors can impact the overall performance and sound quality of the speakers.
